Last term we invited staff, parents and students to complete an online survey (Tell Them From Me) to provide our leadership team with feedback on how we could bring about positive and practical change to our school.
The TTFM (Tell Them From Me) survey measures have been developed by Dr. Doug Willms, in consultation with international subject matter experts and leading research. Amongst other things, the survey measures student engagement, well-being, classroom climate, and other factors known to affect learning outcomes. Information is captured from students, parents and teachers to inform school policy and practice. The results from the survey are now available to share with our community.
Student survey results:
Strengths: High level of social engagement through participation in sport; Institutional engagement is good judging by the lower than average truancy rates; Students feel safe at school; Less than average number of bullying incidents; advocacy and expectations for success.
Areas for development: Positive homework behaviours