
27 February 2019

What's On - Events/Excursions


Australian Government Student Residential Address Collection

As required under the Australian Education Regulation 2013, The Australian Government Department of Education and Training will be collecting student residential addresses from Tuesday 19 February to Monday 18 March 2019.

Please find attached the notice from the Australian Government and some  frequently asked questions.

In readiness for the collection, we request that all families ensure that their residential address is correct on Edumate and update where necessary by Monday 11 March.

Please refer to pages 3-6 of the Edumate Instructions which are available on the Parent Portal -

Mr James Walmsley,
Deputy Principal

Australian Government Notice and Frequently asked Questions


Our Carnival Book Fair is Coming!

When:           Monday 18 March to Friday 28 March.

Locations:    The Great Hall (Years K-6)
                        ECC Foyer (for ECC students)

Carnival Books will be bringing to our school a wonderful selection of fun, engaging, and educational books that kids love to read. All years from Kindy through to Year 6 will preview the books as part of their library program.

As in previous years there will be a wide range of books available to suit all tastes and reading abilities.  This is a great opportunity for students to choose from over 200 books from leading authors.  

Students can attend the fair before school from 8am (parent volunteers needed) during lunchtimes and after school until 4pm each day.

Every purchase helps to raise money for the school library, which goes towards updating our library books for the Premier’s Reading Challenge.

Book donations to the school library are also welcomed.

If you have any questions or wish to volunteer, please contact Ms White at

PHPA Updates

Canteen Volunteer Roster

Each week is allocated to different year groups however you can still volunteer for any shift during the year regardless of which year your children are in.

To volunteer for a slot, please visit and put your name next to the time/date that suits you best.

Please click on image below to view days where a volunteer may still be required.

Canteen Manager is Amanda Corbett - Phone 9972 5718 after 8.00am

Thank you for your support!

Canteen Menu

For our current Menu and Weekly Specials visit the Canteen folder on the Skoolbag app.

Clothing Pool Opening Hours

Tuesdays from 8am-9.15am and Thursday from 2pm-3.15pm

Located next to the School Uniform shop the Clothing Pool is run by volunteer parents.

Please note: Purchaes cannot be charged to your School Account.

The Clothing Pool has a 7 day Return/Refund Policy.

School Uniform Shop

Click here for Information

To Notify the School of Student Absences

Please download and use the Skoolbag app or Log in to the Edumate Portal or email

Term Dates


Edumate and Skoolbag Basic Training Sessions

If you are interested in some basic training in Edumate and Skoolbag please call School Admin on 9981 4400 or email to book a half hour appointment between 7.30am and 3pm.