St John Paul II Catholic College Newsletter

Term 2 - 2019


Dear Parents/Caregivers and students,

As we come towards the end of Term 2, we should take the time to reflect upon several events that have occurred at St John Paul II Catholic College. Just some of the events include the Principal/Parent Chat Groups, Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN Tests, Feast of the Ascension Mass, Nirimba Education Precinct’s ATSI Reconciliation Day, Father Galea Concerts, Ignite Food Drive, Year 8 Wellbeing Day, Inter-school Debating, MCS and MCCS winter sport and our 2019 Athletics Carnival.

The Year 7, 2020 Enrolment Interviews for the students from the non-feeder primary schools were also completed during this term. We have many applications for Year 7 next year and enrolment acceptances have been posted to the families. If you know of any family wishing to enrol for 2020 please ask them to contact Mrs. Fay Lovett on 92087205 to avoid the disappointment of missing out on a place next year. There are also some vacancies in Years 7-11.

Currently I am reading the Semester 1 Student Learning Reports and would like to congratulate the many students who achieved ‘personal bests’, and/or their own learning goals. Year 11 and 12 Semester 1 reports were issued earlier this term and Year 7 – 10 Reports will be issued before the end of this term. Students will be receiving their Parent/Caregiver/Student/Teacher Online interview information booking sheet for the interviews in the next week.

The Year 7-12 Parent/Caregiver/Teacher/Student Interviews are scheduled for the Schofields Campus on Thursday 25 July from 3.30pm to 7pm and Friday 26 July from 8.00am to 2.15pm in the library and the Co-operative Learning Space (CLS). All families are encouraged to take this opportunity to meet their son/daughter’s teachers and to discuss their learning progress.

Thank you to the students and parents/caregivers who completed the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) survey about our school effectiveness. The survey provided us with valuable feedback on what our students and parents/caregivers think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. Information from the survey will be shared with the students and parents/caregivers at different meetings in Terms 3 and 4 this year.

We have continued the focus on improving school attendance this year. In recent years across all school sectors attendance has been an issue and we will be maintaining our focus on attendance this year and in the future. We know that students who attend school regularly find it easier to keep up with work and they also find it easier to form strong friendships with others. Unless there are significant reasons for your child not to be at school on any given day (they may be ill etc.), then we urge parents and caregivers to continue to ensure their children attend regularly. Regular attendance at school not only helps students understand and complete their classwork it also provides valuable social and cultural experiences.

I welcome the following staff to St John Paul II during this term: Mr David Wick replacing Mr Kevin Corke, Mrs Natacha Warnant replacing Mrs Dannielle Hamilton. Mr Mariano Papa replacing Mr Robert Staerk and Mr Branden Sarafov replacing Mrs Rebecca Gibson from the start of Term 3. Support staff– Administration Ms Karen Garth and Ms Krystal Harrison - Support staff– Administration.  Learning Support – Teacher’s Aides Ms Stephanie Fitzpatrick and Ms Rosemary de Santa Brigida - Learning Support – Teacher’s Aides

I will be taking some long service leave from 22 July to 13 August. During this time Mr Peter Regan will be Acting Principal and Mrs Raquel Sheehy will be Acting Assistant Principal – Stage 5.

Finally, a reminder that Term 3 commences for all students on Monday 22 July – Week A Timetable. There will be no Staff Development-Pupil Free Day in Term 3.

Prayer and Reflection

Refugee Week:

This year Refugee Week was held from Sunday, 16 June to Saturday, 22 June. The week is Australia's peak annual activity to raise awareness about the issues affecting refugees and celebrate the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society. Originally celebrated in 1986, Refugee Week coincides with World Refugee Day on 20 June.


Prayer of Invocation

God of hospitality and refuge,

come to us here in this place of security and safety. Remind us that you are the God Almighty;

large enough for all people,

all nations, all tongues.

Help us, with the presence of your Holy Spirit,

to be able to create space

for those who seek asylum and refuge.

In the name of Jesus, your Son. Amen.

Year 8 celebrates the Feast of Ascension Mass

All Year 8 students participated in a eucharistic celebration commemorating the Ascension of Our Lord at the Mary Immaculate Church, Quakers Hill. Mass was celebrated by Fr Regie Lavila, former Assistant Parish Priest of Mary Immaculate Church and currently the Parish Moderator of Mary Queen of the Family parish at Blacktown. Joining the celebration also were Year 5 students from Mary Immaculate and St Joseph’s Primary, Schofields.

 In his Homily Fr Regie shared his missionary experience in Calcutta which resonated well with our students connecting it with our college mission of Solidarity. Fr Regie also stressed on the importance of Faith and said that Jesus was very much with everyone.

 The liturgy was planned and facilitated by Year 8 SRC and students who served at the Altar, lead the Music Ministry and did various Readings, along with Year 10 students as Eucharistic Ministers.



Talent and luck might happen to you by chance, but learning is a skill and practice that anyone can accomplish with diligence.

Over the past 2 ½ years our focus has been on the 4 Rs - Relationship, Relevance, Rigour and Results. This year we added a 5th R - Resilience. These 5 concepts are intrinsically interconnected. Through the development of interpersonal relationships with our students we aim to build a classroom environment that is both supportive and challenging. This supportive and challenging learning environment provides a safe place for students to build resilience, attend to their learning with rigour, seek the relevance in what they do and achieve results commensurate with their ability and effort.


For your Information:

RoSH (Risk of Significant Harm) Reporting

The CEDP and it’s schools are deeply committed to safeguarding young people against harm. The RoSH Reporting process ensures that practices across the Dioceses are consistent.

NSW child protection legislation Children and Young Person (Care and Protection) Act 1998)  requires any person, with direct responsibility to provide child related services, to make a report in relation to a child at ‘risk of significant harm' (RoSH) to Family and Community Services (FaCS). A child or young person is at risk of significant harm if the circumstances that are causing concern for the safety, welfare or wellbeing of the child or young person are present to a significant extent. In CEDP schools mandatory reporting of students with Risk of Significant Harm (RoSH) report is centralised through the school principal. The Principal may delegate the task of making the ROSH report to the Student Wellbeing System Counsellor. All employees, including clergy and religious working in CEDP schools, are required to report to the Principal any concerns they have that a child or young person is at risk of harm.

At St John Paul II we work to ensure that all students in our care are safe, treated with dignity and supported at all times, and particularly when vulnerable.


Reporting & Student/Teacher/Parent/Caregiver/ Interviews

By the end of this term all students will have received their Semester One report. The school report reflects a students knowledge and skill as demonstrated in formal and informal assessment. When reading your Year 7 - 10 child’s report it is important to be familiar with the Grade Descriptors which describe an average students learning at each grade level. Any concerns or questions regarding your child’s learning and report should be addressed with the classroom teacher, in the first instance. Alternative, you are encouraged to attend the Semester One Student/Teacher/Parent/Caregiver/ Interviews, Thursday 25 and Friday 26 July. Research indicates that students’ whose parents are involved in their education have a higher learning success rate. Details on how to book will be available before the end of this term.

Year 12 Holiday StuVac

Year 12 are fast approaching their final months of secondary education. During Weeks 3 and 4 next term they will sit the HSC Trials. To support students in their learning a StuVac period will run Wednesday to Friday in Week 2 of the upcoming holidays. On these days, a collaborative study space will be available, as well as opportunities for students to attend workshops, tutorials and one-on-one feedback sessions with available  teachers. Students are encouraged to attend on these days. This is an awesome opportunity for them to work away from the distractions that home may present, collaborate with friends, peers and teachers to build knowledge and confidence, and to gain additional valuable feedback on how to improve prior to the examination period. Further information will be provided to students prior to the end of this term.

Elevate Education Workshops for Stage 6

During Learning Enrichment on Thursday 13 June, Elevate presented their second workshop to Year 11 and 12.

The Year 11 workshop, Student Elevation covered:

Belief: students analysed the role of belief as a means to propel them to their personal best in their final years of school and confronted their conditioned beliefs and self-limitations.

Goal Setting: Students were lead through a 4 step goal setting process, designed to help them identify their unique and compelling reasons to drive through the final years of school.

Short Term Planning: Once students had identified their compelling reasons, they were lead through a short-term planning process, which helped them break their goals into a series of achievable, short term benchmarks.

The Year 12 workshop, Time Management covered:

Study Routine: How to develop a study routine that also for socialising, sport and extra-curricular activities, but still ensure academic productivity

Working Smart: How to identify the work that is going to get the most marks and how to ensure it gets done.

Study Groups: Students were shown how to leverage their time by using study groups.

Procrastination: Students were introduced to the most common reasons for procrastination and how to get around it.

In Week 10, Year 12 will have a final workshop, Finishing Line. Skills covered in this workshop are: revisiting short term goals; maintaining work rate; making the most of the holidays and final weeks of school; stress management, mindfulness and wellness strategies; final tips to cross the finish line.

As a part of the Elevate package, students have access to online resources to support them throughout the rest of the HSC journey.

Guest Presenter Matt Caruana returns

Year 11 were moved and inspired by Matt Caruana’s presentation. Matt is a young man who has survived addiction, mental health related disorders and attempted suicide that has left him paralysed. Matt shared openly shared his story and life-lessons with the students, encouraging them to seek help if feeling depressed or anxious and to build positive connections with their family and peers.

Matt’s presentation is a part of our wellbeing program which focuses on providing our students with the tools and support they need to develop into resilient, positive adults.

Year 10 Senior Learning Experience & Year 11 2020 Subject Information Evening

In preparation for the transition to Stage 6 and the Nirimba Campus, Year 10 students have been involved in a 6 week senior learning experience during Learning Enrichment. They participated in lessons of a small selection of subjects that are offered in Stage 6. In week 10 the following events will take place:

  • Monday July 1:  All Year 10 students will attend St John Paul II Nirimba campus where they will receive information on key subjects English, Mathematics and Religion, as well as a range of subjects of interest. Students will be able to make 4 choices from 8 subject bundles across 6 key learning areas. Year 10 are to make their own way to our Nirimba campus where they will spend the day and then make their own way home. Daily buses transport students to and from both campuses. Information for these can be found on the busways website. Full winter uniform is to be worn on the day.

  • Tuesday July 2: A mandatory Stage 6 information evening for all Year 10 students and their parents / caregivers. This is an opportunity to hear information about the requirements of the HSC and the variety HSC pathways available to St John Paul II students, as well as speak with teachers regarding specific subjects. This information will greatly assist when making subject preferences in Term 3.  Further information regarding this evening will be provided in the coming weeks.

Year 10 Minimum Standards

The Year 10 students have been undertaking the Minimum Standard Testing process for the last 5 weeks of Term 2. All students completing the HSC from 2021 onwards need to meet these standards. The standard is set at level 3 of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), which means students will have the basic reading, writing and maths skills needed for everyday tasks and future learning after school. It includes skills for tasks such as:

  • following safety instructions in equipment manuals

  • understanding a mobile phone plan

  • writing a job application

  • creating a personal weekly budget.

Together with the NSW Literacy and Numeracy Strategy, the HSC minimum standard is part of an effort to improve the literacy and numeracy outcomes for students.

The students will complete Practice tests under exam conditions during Term 2: The Practice tests consist of the following:

  • 15 minute Numeracy Test: 15 questions

  • 15 minute reading / literacy Test: 15 questions

  • 45 minute writing Test: 500 word response to a piece of stimulus.

The Minimum Standard Tests that the students will sit in Term 3 and 4 consist of the following:

  • 45 minute Numeracy Test: 45 questions

  • 45 minute reading / literacy Test: 45 questions

  • 45 minute writing Test: 500 word response to a piece of stimulus.

Your son/daughter will get two opportunities to complete these tests and pass them at this level 3 standard this year.


The Year 10 students have been completing in the Youth Engagement Strategy (YES Program) at TAFE in Terms 1 and 2 this year. Under the Guidance of TAFE NSW at Nirimba they have had the opportunity to complete the following courses. It is a rewarding experience for them and more of the trade courses will be offered in Semester 2. If you are interested please make contact with Mrs Fitzsimons

  • Music and Entertainment (Sound, lighting, entertainment)

  • Early Childhood

  • Gaming

  • Information Technology

  • Building and Architecture

Year 12 Entertainment Movie Night for Stage 4

On Tuesday 13 June, the Year 12 Entertainment students hosted a Movie night for Year 7 and 8 students. The planning, bump-in, hosting and bump-out of an event is a mandatory component of the Entertainment extension unit. The completion of this unit will elevates the completion level to Certificate IV. It is always wonderful when our students can learn while serving our community. A great night was had by all who attended.

Assessments & Learning (Years 7 - 10)

As Term 2 unfolds all students at the school have deeply engaged in the Semester One assessment cycle. Students in Years 7 - 10 would have completed numerous assessments that were published in the Student Success Handbooks. The assessment and reporting cycle then continues and culminates in the Student / Parent / Teacher interviews that follow for Years 7 - 10 in Week 1 of next term.

Students in Stage 4 & 5 are reminded that an assessment must be submitted to meet the course outcomes. If a student is absent/late a misadventure application and/or medical certificate must be supplied to the College. Please consult the student Assessment Handbook for each Stage requirement.

As we approach the midpoint in the year our students should have been well and truly in the routine of learning and preparing for their assessments with an obligation to work hard. It is our hope that all students reflect on their endeavours and are open to learning from their experiences.

In appraising results in a mid-year context it can be worthwhile to reflect on this with your sons and daughters using ‘verbal prods’ like:

What grade did you expect?

What grade did you get?

Why the difference? [whether it be a positive or a negative], and crucially,

What are you going to do about it?

These questions that parents/caregivers can ask to assist in creating a positive learning environment both at school and home.

All students must remember that the HSC begins with serious study in Year 7!


Mobile phones

Mobile phones are increasingly becoming a fundamental component of everyday life. It is at the stage where many people could not imagine even a single day without their phone.

Problematic Mobile Phone Use (PMPU) has increased as phones have transitioned from being a device to communicate between two people, to smartphones which provide a range of online activities via access to the internet.

PMPU is sometimes called “mobile phone addiction” or “smartphone addiction”.

It has the potential to become one of the biggest behavioural addiction challenges of the modern era.

The impact upon a user’s mental health is similar to other substance addictions. Adverse symptoms from overuse include: sleep disturbances, withdrawal, decreased real life social interactions, aggression, lower academic performance and a negative impact on relationships.

Here are some interesting statistics around Australians and their mobile phone habits:  

91% of 14 -17 year olds, own a mobile phone  

85% of adolescents exceed two hours screen use per day  

45% say they cannot live without their mobile phones  

42% of online time is via a mobile phone  

42% report using the phone whilst driving (aged 18 and over)

On average Australians access their phone 30 times per day, which equates to 2.5 hours per day.


At St John Paul II, smartphones may be used to listen to music outside of class time or for learning tools as instructed by teachers. However, no device is to be used for photographing or sound or visual recording at school without teacher permission.

Speakers are not allowed to be used at school.

Students may use their phone during recess and lunch for essential communication. For example, contacting parents, work or confirming medical appointments. As a matter of courtesy, students are to ask a teacher prior to using their phone.

Recess and lunch is an opportunity for students to build friendships and relationships with peers and teachers, a time to eat, and for some to take part in physical activities. It is not time to spend on the phone.

Phones are not be used for communicating on snapchat or other social media sites during school hours. Students are not to use or have earphones protruding from their clothing during school hours, nor should AirPods be worn whilst walking around the school.

Thank you to all parents, carers and students, for your support and cooperation.


OPAL CARDS - Student Travel on buses

OPAL Cards are sent directly to home addresses if applications have been approved for school usage. Students who did not meet the requirements for a free pass, must purchase a student Opal Card and have sufficient balance to pay for travel. All students travelling on a school bus must TAP ON and TAP OFF, or services may be restricted. Transport NSW can cut services if numbers of students are low. Please make sure your child uses the correct entry and exit process to a bus.

College Rules

Could I remind parents and students to check the College diary in regard to our published rules and regulations. Over the last few weeks we have had a need to remind students regarding hair, jewellery and uniform expectations, and our procedures in regard to Maintaining a Safe School Environment. It would be timely to remind students to check pages 21a to 23a in the Student Diary.

School shoes

To meet WHS requirements students are reminded that the correct shoe on a normal school day is a black leather traditional lace up shoe with a solid heel. It should be polishable and contain no straps or buckles. These must be worn in all workshops/kitchens to meet WHS requirements.

Hoodies, sports jackets and sloppy joes are not a part of the college uniform and are not to be worn to school. Students who choose to break this rule risk the confiscation of these additional items of clothing. If the school jumper and blazer are not sufficiently warm, students may wear a plain undershirt, such as a singlet, thermal top or the like. These items are not to be visible.

Earphones / Headphones

There has been a growing trend of using earphones/earpods. These items are not part of our uniform policy and should not be worn under the uniform. The College staff will direct students in the classroom when and if they are allowed to use earphones/earpods for educational reasons. For safety considerations students should not be using them whilst travelling to and from school.

Diary Checking

We ask that parents of students in Years 7-10 check their child’s diary on a weekly basis. Establishing good habits are essential for life long learners. It is the expectation of the College that all homework is written into the student diary.

Year 7 STEM Day - It’s a marbleous day for a ride at the Zoo

On 4 June, 210 Year 7 students were involved in a STEM Day that had them solving a problem for an up and coming theme park. The design brief was:

To design and construct a prototype of a marbleous theme park ride for the new Western Sydney Zoo, that has the slowest average speed.

There were many successful designs, and students had an outstanding opportunity working in teams in the CLS.

We would like to thank all the STJPII staff involved (including CEDP and University of Sydney staff) for creating such an outstanding learning opportunity for the students.

Mr Hulme, Mr Regan and Ms Roach


Year 7 STEM Day

Earlier this month our Year 7 students collaborated, communicated, critically and creatively thought to design and construct a prototype of a marbleous theme park ride for the new Western Sydney Zoo, that has the slowest average speed.

Read more from one of our students.......

Stage 4 Sustainability - Grow, Make & Create PBL Project

This semester half of Year 7 engaged in the new Agriculture and Food Technology sustainability project - Grow, Make & Create. 

As students were introduced to the shocking statistics of the amount of waste we produce on a daily basis, they began to research and discuss ways that we could reduce it. 

As part of our Project Based Learning in this course, they were given this challenge: "Every day students bring lunch boxes full of food and packaging that hugely impacts on the environment. How can we, as global citizens, sustainably produce vegetables to make a nutritious lunch box item that reduces your carbon footprint".

Students worked together in project groups to solve this problem. They designed a garden, grew their vegetables, designed their own healthy lunch box item and created a sustainable lunch box packaging.

Year 7 exceeded our expectations and the projects that were created were excellent. Students were able to demonstrate and achieve these skills inside and out of the classroom, using the agriculture plot and the kitchens.

We are so proud of their achievements and hope this has sparked an interest in sustainability, gardening and healthy cooking/eating for the future. We look forward to doing this all again with the other half of Year 7 next semester. 

Year 12 Modern History prep for the HSC!

On Thursday, 6 June, Year 12 Modern History students attended the History HSC study day at Sydney University, run by the History Teachers Association.

Students engaged in a series of lectures that focussed on their studied topics including Nazism in Power, Russia, Indochina, Dictators vs Internationalism, Extension History and the HSC exam.

Many other schools around the state joined StJPII in the lecturers, which assisted them in revising and preparing for the trial and HSC exams.

Students found the experience valuable and motivating as they work towards achieving their goals.

Maths Assistance

It often puzzles us when students come to class and tell us that they couldn’t complete their Maths homework because they couldn’t understand the work that was required of them. Students often allow themselves to be in that ‘zone of confusion’ and won’t necessarily allow themselves to firstly slow down and re-read the instructions of the question and secondly, comprehend what the question is actually asking of them. Click here to learn more! 

Maths Assistance Club

Term 2: Week 10
Term 3: Week 2, Week 4, Week 6, Week 8, Week 10
Venue: St John Paul II, Schofields Campus Library Duration: 2.15pm – 3.30pm (Students are to make their own way home from the Schofields Campus)

Anzac Day Ceremonies

Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders "who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations" and "the contribution and suffering of all those who have served". On Thursday 2 May, we commemorated Anzac Day with a ceremony at both our Nirimba and Schofields campuses. During the ceremonies we had the privilege of the attendance of guest speakers from the Nirimba Naval Sub Section who spoke about the importance of commemorating the ANZACs. Our Schofields audience also saw the Cadets Youth Association representatives; Jayden Leal, Jerzden Leal, Joshua Findlay, Cameron Brooks and Bradley Dobson with a presentation on the defence, customs, values and traditions.


During term two SRC offered up their time in various college events. Early on our senior representatives introduced The Recycle Project at Nirimba which was inspired by The NSW State Gov. launch of the Return and Earn Container Deposit Scheme (CDS, 2017). SRC's aim was to not only work together to make a sustainable difference but all funds raised would be donated to St Vincent De Paul. Each Friday, SRC have continually led this great cause by collecting/ emptying recycle bins placed in hotspots around Nirimba. 

Of note, Week 5 was particularly busy for our SRC students beginning with the Athletics Carnival which saw our senior students engage in their last farewell race. Isabella Williams (School Captain) summed up her experience "though it was our last athletics carnival, I'm glad it was because it was definitely a memorable one." 

In the same week, all student representatives attended the Reconciliation Ceremony hosted by Nirimba Precinct. The theme of the ceremony was 'grounded in truth, walk together with courage' which very much supports our 2019 college mission of 'solidarity.' Jayden Ramia (SRC, yr eight) highlighted the authenticity of the day by expressing "the cultural indigenous dance represented by Quakers Hill High was definitely a moving experience." 

Wednesday and Thursday of Week 5 saw the launch of Spill The Tea Cafe and STJPIICC Instagram Page. Both Events were hosted back to back in collaboration with the Breakfast Club. Students gathered from 7:15am participating in a photo booth experience whilst served a warm breakfast in their very own teacup/ travel mug. It was a fantastic turn out, with students from both Schofields and Nirimba supporting two new initiatives hosted by the college.

So what are you waiting for? Please follow us and stay connected on instagram @STJPIICC 


Term 2 is our busiest Term for sport with 18 teams out each Thursday competing in their respective sports.

As we head towards the end of the Term our semi final series is taking place. Our Hockey girls and Netball girls have all sealed places in the semi finals, while our boys Soccer and Rugby League competitions have 1 more week before semi finals commence. Good luck to all our teams throughout the semi finals!

As Term 2 concludes we start tryouts for Term 3 Rep Sport. Next Term will be boys AFL and Touch Football, and girls Soccer and Basketball.

Tuesday 28 May was our annual St John Paul II Catholic College Athletics Carnival. We were blessed with outstanding weather and some outstanding participation and competition from our students throughout the day!

The day featured our traditional Year 12 farewell race and our House Cup decided over the last couple of races! The final tally below.

Brady House - 414

Locke House - 401

Cross House - 374

Therry House - 371

As always if anyone has any or hears of any outstanding sporting achievements please contact

Mr Horder

A Big Day on the Sporting Fields

CONGRATULATIONS to all students and staff involved on such great achievements!! Read more


Term 2 has seen some wonderful developments in regard to our 2019 Spectacular! Rehearsals and projects have begun for art, music, dance and drama students with themes that project an  ‘On Screen’ experience from tv shows, advertisements, movies, soundtracks and celebrities. With around 150 of our students participating in this production, it is set to once again be a night to remember. Spectacular 'On Screen' 2019, will debut on Thursday November 14th 7pm, pencil it in and save the date! Click here for more CAPA News!



Term 2 Fees were due and Payable by 5 June 2019.

A reminder to those Parents/Caregivers who have not paid Term 2 fees and may require an extension of time, or wish to discuss their fees further, please contact Jean Webb on 9208-7239 or Kel Haynes on 9208-7238 to make arrangements and therefore prevent receiving further reminder letters in the mail.

Thank you to those Parents/Caregivers who have paid or who have made arrangements with us to pay off their Term 2 school fees.

Qkr! (PRONOUNCED QUICKER) APP - our new online payment app is available!

We are pleased to announce that we have introduced the Qkr! (pronounced – Quicker) app to order and pay for school items and activities.

The Qkr! App lets you use your smartphone to make payments without having to give your child cash to carry to school and will be the preferred payment method for school payments (excluding School Fees).

The app will automatically email you a receipt for each payment and receipts can also be accessed through the app at any time.

Although the app is a Mastercard initiative, it accepts payment from any Visa or Mastercard debit, credit or pre-paid card with safe and secure Mastercard technology.

Qkr! Is a free app, available in the App Store for iPhones and iPads or Google Play for Android Phones. See the website/In-the-loop/School-Notes/Administration for further instructions on this app!


Stay up to date with the latest events at STJPIICC
Please click here for future important dates


Are you a visual learner? Many teachers and others believe there are real differences in the way students learn along these or similar lines, and that students learn better when they can use their preferred style. Click here to learn more. 



AFTRS Teens Workshops for high school students is the perfect way to develop your skills and meet other aspiring creatives. Campus Tours at Western Sydney University and more, click here to stay informed! 


The Youth Engagement Strategy (YES) @ TAFE allows students to explore skills for future employment and allows students to identify the required level of education required. Each week students will experience a different taste of what TAFE can offer.

Click here to read from two of our students who took part in the Program!

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Work Experience

Yr 10 students, were given the opportunity to apply to do work experience at Sydney University. Click here to learn more! 

The SkoolBag app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.