BIDWILL Public School Newsletter

Term 3, Week 3


Congratluations to all students, staff, parents/caregivers on our wonderful NAIDOC and Education Week celebrations.  Last week we celebrated NAIDOC and this week it was Education Week.

As a proud Principal, I was a member of the audience at Westfield Mt Druitt to watch our Choir, Master Class Hip Hop Dancers and our Pacific Islander Dance groups perform.  I would like to thank the teachers and Hernan that led the troops.

P&C Meeting - Thursday 8th August

Treasurer Election P&C meeting will be held this Thursday 2pm in the Community Room to elect our new Treasurer.  I look forward to seeing some new faces.

Rugby League

I had the pleasure of watching the Girls Rugby League State Knock Out.  They played so well but were defeated in the last few seconds of the game.

On Wednesday I travelled to St Marys to watch the boys Rugby League team,  unfortunately they were defeated 12-6 in the Semi Final against Wamberal PS. They finished 3rd overall in NSW. We are incredibly proud of their efforts!

I would personally like to thank Ms Marlow for supervising the boys and girls teams for helping the reach this level of competition.

Yours in Education

Janine Macky




9th      Mt Druitt - Minchinbury Public Education Concert (PI Dance Group)

12th - 16th       Science Week (Destination Moon: more missions, more science)

14th     Chase your Dreams Y6

              Leadership Program Yr 5 

21st      Chase your Dreams Y6

              Leadership Program Yr 5 

23rd     Winter PSSA Grand Final

26th - 6th Sept      Life Education  (Healthy Harold)

28th - 30th    Stage 3 Camp - Milson Island Sports & Rec Centre

29th - 30th    Stage 2 Camp - YMCA Yarramundi


4th       Chase your Dreams Y6

              Leadership Program Yr 5 

11th     Chase your Dreams Y6

              Leadership Program Yr 5 

14th     Bidwill Festival 10-3pm

18th     Chase your Dreams Y6

              Leadership Program Yr 5 

24th - 27th     Book Week (Reading is our Super Power)

24th    Multicultural Concert @ Dunhaven (PI Dance Group)

25th    Chase your Dreams Y6

26th    Book Parade

             Author Visit - Monsters in my Wardrobe

             Grandparents Day

             Big Bidwill Book Bonanza

27th     Last day of term 3 (Friday)


5th      PAC Festival (PI Dance Group)


Swim School 2019

Bidwill PS students may spend a lot of our time in and around the water especially as the weather warms up. Therefore, it is important that our students learn water safety and survival skills.

We encourage students to participate in the Swim School program. This year there were 44 students in years 2-4 who attended the 2 week Swim School program. At the beginning of week 1 we had 37 students who could only swim 4m or less. After 9 consecutive lessons, every student made improvements in their swimming skills. 15 students can now swim between 10 – 25m and 12 students can swim 25m or more. Students were safe, respectful and learners and were a credit to Bidwill.

PS. Take a look at what some of our students thought of Swim School.      

Kindgergarten News

Kindergarten students have had a busy start to Term 3. Some of us have experienced our first NAIDOC Ceremony and activities such as art and a Traditional Smoking Ceremony, Aboriginal spots/games. We also have had a great time participating in Education Week for 2019. As part of this years Education week to celebrate this year’s theme Every Student, Every Voice, students created digital art works using a web-based program. Students had an amazing time creating these artworks and as you can see in the photos below, they did an amazing job!

Information for Stage 3 Campers

If your child is attending the Sport and Recreation school camp at Milson Island Sport and Recreation Centre in Term 3 organised through Bidwill Public School. The camp is booked for Wednesday, 28th August to Friday 30th August 2019. Prior to the camp, all students must complete a Medical and Consent Form. This is required online by NSW Sport and Recreation Centre.

The information that Sport and Recreation needs about your child includes:

- medical conditions

- food related allergies

- special diets

- medication

- emergency contact details.

Sport and Recreation needs you to complete this form on behalf of your child. The form is available online. Once you submit the form it is sent directly to the Centre so the staff can prepare for your child's visit.

It is vital that you enter the following details to complete the online form: Students will NOT be able to attend without the correct documentation.

Booking Number 556358

Booking Start Date 28/08/2019

Booking Venue Milson Island Sport and Recreation Centre

Please complete the Medical and Consent Form at:


It is vital that you enter the following details to complete the online form by Friday, 9 August, 2019 

If you need to use the school internet or require help completing this form please see your child’s teacher.

Stage 3 Camp Packing List

 Please label all items with your child’s name and please ensure all medication is labelled clearly with correct dosage and the time required to administer the medication then passed onto your class teacher.

Luggage should be limited to one bag equivalent in size to airline ‘carry on’ luggage with maximum weight of 10kg and a separate sleeping bag, plus a small backpack per child. Remember, your child will be required to carry their luggage so it is essential to make sure it is not too big or heavy.  Limiting luggage size and weight is especially important when visiting Milson Island Sport and Recreation Centre as luggage will be handled multiple times throughout the journey.

ð     Shorts and t-shirts (no singlets, sleeveless or midriff tops)

ð     Jeans

ð     Jumpers and tracksuit pants

ð     Socks and underwear

ð     Raincoat

ð     Pyjamas

ð     Swimming costume and rashie shirt

ð     Thongs (for showering only)

ð     Sunscreen, sun hat and sunglasses

ð     Two pairs of running shoes (one old pair to wear in the water)

ð     Toiletries, soap, lip balm and insect repellent (no aerosols)

ð     Two towels

ð     Pillow, sleeping bag or doona and two single flat sheets (Sydney Academy provide pillows) 

ð     Day backpack

ð     Paper, pens or pencils

ð     Plastic bags for dirty or wet clothes

ð     Medication (if required)

ð     Handkerchief or tissues

ð     Water bottle

Items that are not permitted:

·       Technology – phones, iPads, tablets etc

·       Chewing gum

·       Any junk food, e.g. lollies and chips.

·       Make up, nail polish etc

Education Week

This week we celebrated Education Week which showcases the skills and talents of our students and the value of public education.

The theme for 2019 Education Week is Every student, every voice. It is a celebration of student empowerment and how the NSW public education system gives students the skills they need in order to have and express a voice during their own educational journey and as engaged global citizens.

Thank you to families and community for joining us at our assembly, open classrooms and public performances. Well done to all our wonderful students too!

View our gallery for more pictures here.

National Tree Day

Bidwill Public School participated in Planet Ark's National Tree Day for Schools in the last week of July. Our students were certainly up for the challenge, planting over 80 trees, shrubs and plants. The SRC Environment Action group is looking forward to expanding on these gardens shortly.

National Tree Day is a call to action for all Australians to put their hands in the earth and give back to their community.

View our gallery for more pictures here.

Radical Recyclers

This week students Stage 2 and 3 participated in the Radical Recyclers incursion organised by the SRC Environment Action group. Students interacted in an engaging and informative performance about the importance of Recycling. "We learnt what to put into the recycling bin, and what not to"

Sealtielle K-6G.            


This week classes K-6 have participated in the EnviroMentors incursion. 

EnviroMentors teaches students about local sustainability issues and motivates them to participate in simple and practical initiatives to improve their local environment.            

Library News

Starting this week, all students who borrow a book from the library will get a raffle ticket to go into our borrowing raffle. On our Monday morning assembly, 2 students names will be drawn out from the raffle box and the winners will receive a prize. This is to promote and increase an interest for reading in our students.

In order to borrow a book from the library, the students must have a library bag and return their books from the previous week. If students do not have a library bag they may purchase one from Mrs Blaxland in the library for $2.00. Below are the library days for each class in our school.

Monday: KV, KA, 1C, 1/2H, 2M, 2/3P, 3/4Z, K-6N, K-6D 

Tuesday: K-6M, 3/4M, 5/6M, K-6G 

Wednesday: 4/5S, 3/4B, 5/6K, KC 

Thursday: 5/6P, 1B

Please help us get our students borrowing books by ensuring your child’s library bag is in their school bag on their library day.

Mrs Blaxland

Teacher Librarian

Book Club Orders (Catalogue 5 / August 2019)

Scholastic Book Club Catalogue #5 orders - catalogues were sent home recently and orders will be due into the office or ordered online through Loop by end of Week 5 (Friday 23rd August, 2019).

For decades, Scholastic has been proudly bringing adventure and the unrivaled enjoyment of reading to multiple generations of Australian families via Book Club. Each Issue contains specially curated, age-appropriate titles that have been carefully selected by a team of booklovers.

Browse issue #5 here

Life Education

Students from Preschool to Year 6 will have the opportunity to engage in the Life Education Program with Healthy Harold in week 6 and 7 this term. By taking part in a health education module children are encouraged to develop relationship skills, positive communication, problem solving and decision making skills.

Permission notes were sent home recently. Please fill out the slip and return it to the school by Friday 23rd August 2019 (Week 5, Term 3).

Term 3 Week 6
Monday 26/08/19
Tuesday 27/08/19
Thursday 29/08/19
Friday 30/08/19








Group 1 - 11:30

Group 2 - 12:45


Group 1 - 11:30

Group 2 - 12:45





Term 3 Week 7
Monday 02/09/19
Tuesday 03/09/19
Thursday 05/09/19
Friday 06/09/19










2019 Premiers Challenge

NSW Premier's Reading Challenge 2019

Students in K-6 can participate in the 2019 Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) which is presented by the Department of Education. The challenge commenced on 4 March and aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature.

The PRC runs until 30 August 2019.

Adopt a Park - Blacktown City Council

Blacktown City Council is calling for volunteers to participate in a community volunteer program called Adopt a Park operating in the reserve behind your school- Bidwill Reserve! Adults and supervised children welcome.

The program aims to reduce the amount of litter in our local environment and therefore increase park attractiveness and use by the community. We will be holding 2 sessions per term around afternoon pickup time from school. We are hoping for a free coffee and hot chocolate cart to be there too. 

Term 3 - Monday 12 August, 2.30pm-4.30pm

                Monday 9 September, 2.30pm-4.30pm

Term 4 - Monday 4 November, 2.30pm-4.30pm

                Monday 2 December, 2.30pm-4.30pm 

Meeting at the playground/ basketball court behind Bidwill Public School, through from Bidwill Square. 

Information contact Claire Gauci on 9839 6814.