Dernancourt School R-7 Newsletter

6th February 2020


Dear Families

Welcome to the new school year and decade!  We are looking forward to a rewarding and productive year from all of our DSR-7 learners. We hope that each learner journeys through the year feeling challenged and supported as they develop their skills and knowledge, that they embrace their learning within a safe and supportive environment. We look forward to working with families and ask you to share your ideas, encouragement or concerns with us so that we can provide the best learning environment possible for every child.

This term is already shaping up to be busy with various activities scheduled for our learners. Please note that there is a Pupil Free Day on Monday 17th February 2020. Staff will participate in professional learning with staff from other schools in the Modbury Partnership.

Enclosed in this newsletter is a term planner which shows our 2020 important dates, we ask you make notes of these dates and if possible join in these events.

School times  Just a reminder that our school duties start at 8:30am each morning and unless involved in OSHC students should not be onsite without a parent/caregiver.

8:30am     Office open, staff members on duty in yard     

8:50-11.00am   School begins, lessons commence

11:00-11:20am   RECESS               

11:20-12:50pm Lessons

12:50-1:00pm Eating in own classroom

1:00-1:30pm LUNCH PLAY TIME

1:30-3:00pm Lessons


3:20 yard Duties finishes

STUDENT WELLBEING - Following some concerns raised by our Year 6/7 students about recent social media & news reports we have been working with the Department of Education to provide strategies to support their wellbeing. 

If you or your child have further concerns, please contact the leadership team.



Hi my name is Zoey Bonney. I have just been appointed at Dernancourt School R-7 as the Aboriginal Education Worker. I am looking forward to working with the families here. I also work at Marryatville school.

Hello, my name is Andrew Lafferty. I have been teaching for 8 years working in both special schools and special classes in various schools. I am currently working with a one on one student here and will be helping other students around the school as well.

Hi - my name is Susan Rice. I am a mother of 2 children. Last year I worked at Settlers Farm Campus R-7. This year I will be working in rooms J3, J4, J7 and P10.

I look forward to my year at Dernancourt School R-7.

Hi my name is Rachael. I am an SSO that works in the Junior Special Class - J7. I worked as an SSO at Moonta Area School for the past 10 years and have just moved back to the city.

I have two children, Seth 18 and Corben 13. I enjoy travelling , going to the beach music festivals and spending time with family and friends.

Hi my name is Jayde Roberts. I am looking forward to working with the students and their families at Dernancourt School R-7.

Hello - my name is Elaine Lambos. I have been teaching for over 12 years in various schools including in Adelaide and London. I am passionate about making a difference and helping each child succeed in their learning.

Welcome to our new students



Governing Council Meeting

The next Governing Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 11th February 2020 at 7:00pm in the Staffroom. This meeting will be held at the conclusion of Acquaintance Night.

Governing Council AGM

The Governing Council AGM will be held on Tuesday 18th February, 2020. More details will follow in next weeks newsletter.

Nomination forms will be sent out via the Skoolbag app or a hard copy can be collected from the front office.

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is open on Mondays from 2:30pm until 4:30pm  and on Friday from 8:30am until 9:30am.  Online orders can be placed via    AfterPay available online only.


Look out for these exciting things in Term 1

ACQUAINTANCE NIGHT - The Fundraising Committee will be selling drinks at Acquaintance Night next Tuesday 11th February

KYTON'S BAKERY (EASTER GOODIES) - Information about the Kyton's Easter Fundraiser will be available next week. Updates will be via Skoolbag and there will be posters displayed around the school. There will be an option to order via the QKR! App. Delivery will be Wednesday 1st April

SPORT TEAMS - We will have a range of Sports Day merchandise available later in the term. 

Watch this space!


News from Jane - PCW