MVPS Update

Term 4, Week 9, 2022

End of Term

It is hard to believe that we have come to the end of the 2022 school year!  What a wonderful year we have had with so many highlights and achievements for our students.  Our staff team feel so privileged to work in such a great school filled with kind and hard working students, supportive colleagues and wonderful families.  It is a lucky thing when you get to work in a place like this, so a big thank you to all of our families for working in partnership with us to support your child(ren).  We are very proud of every one of our students who have shown incredible resilience this year in circumstances that have been out of our control with COVID, proving time and time again how competent and capable they are.

Thank you to everyone for coming along to our End of Year twilight concert and sharing such a special experience with us, we all had a wonderful night and were so proud of all of our students.  A huge thank you and congratulations to Anna Theodosi for putting it all together.

Thank you to those parents and caregivers who donned their sneakers and joined us for our last whole school morning fitness this morning, it was fun!  We hope to do more of this next year!  Please see some photos below.

With sadness we are farewelling our amazing Year 6 graduates, as well as some students who are leaving to go to other schools.  We genuinely wish all of these students and their families all the best with their learning journey and hope that MVPS has supported them in some way to be the incredible people that they are today.

This morning we had our new class visits and welcomed many new students into our classes.  Our current students immediately displaying their kindness and support to make some anxious new children feel at ease and welcome,  All of the teachers were very excited about meeting their new classes and felt that the visits went smoothly.  Many children were excited to reconnect with old friends or to extend their friendship group with new ones.  Exciting times await these children in 2023 and please be assured that all of the children will be supported with their learning and wellbeing regardless of which class they are in and which friends surround them.  A significant amount of time and consideration went into the class placement exercise considering the educational and wellbeing needs of all students, so we are confident that 2023 will be a great year for all students.

We hope that you can join us tomorrow morning for our whole school assembly on the oval at 9am.

Thank you again to everyone for a wonderful year.  

Stay safe and take care, Leanne, Matt & Cate on behalf of the wonderful MVPS staff team

Whole school assembly

Tomorrow on the last day of school we are holding a whole school assembly on the oval so that all of our families can attend. (Keep your fingers crossed for lovely weather!)  At this assembly we will be farewelling some wonderful people including the Year 6 students, other students who are leaving to go to other schools, and staff that are leaving.  The winners of McLaren Vale's Got Talent will also be sharing parts of their performances.  We hope that you can join us.

Last day early dismissal 2.05pm and casual clothes day

Don't forget that it is casual clothes day (please be sunsmart) and early dismissal at 2.05pm tomorrow.  No need to send along a gold coin donation, instead we are asking students to "pay" an act of kindness.  This could be a compliment, a good deed or even just being a good friend.

Year 6 Graduation

What a wonderful night we had on Monday celebrating the graduation of our Year 6 students. It was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the successes, memories and highlights of the Primary School journey of our graduates with their families, friends and teachers and SSOs. The students had a great night with lots of laughs, food and dancing. Every year we present a number of awards recognising the hard work and talents of our graduates.  It was a tough choice this year as so many of our Year 6 students were deserving of awards, but below are the 2022 recipient:

2022 Award recipients:

Academic Excellence Award:  Harper Matthews-Moore and Koby Taylor

The Arts Award: Shyla Wallace and Hudson Rayner

Sporting Excellence Award: Eva Petrucci and Kyan Kemp-Laundy

School Values Award: Emily Hodge and Saul Van den Broeke

Mayo Community Award: Nicholas Munzberg

Congratulations to all our award winners on their fantastic efforts and achievements and we look forward to seeing you continue succeding into your futures, along with the rest of the Year 6 graduates.

A big thank you to Mark at Lloyd Brothers Winery for putting together a fantastic setting to celebrate in style and to the Senior teachers Dave Cleggett, Trudi Naughton and Cheree Gordon for the hard work throughout the year with the Year 6's.

We have truly enjoyed sharing the school journey of these students and wish them well for their next adventures.  We will always remember them and will miss having them around.

Year 6 Award Winners and Graduation Ceremony

Student Action Teams Update

This year our Student Action Teams have worked hard to improve different areas of the school incorporating student voice from their own classes and buddy classes. On Tuesday afternoon they all came together to share some highlights of what they felt they had achieved this year. Some of the many achievements of these groups include:

Grounds Action Team: Getting feedback and planning for new swings and the Gaga Ball pit on the oval. Next year they hope to get more outdoor fitness equipment and more handball courts.

Environmental Action Team: Reducing the amount of glitter used around the school, bin audits on the types of rubbish put into landfill and collecting the recycling and 10c bins. Next year they hope to promote Nude Food and promote more recycling around the school.

Events and Leadership Action Team: Organising assemblies, providing feedback to improve Colour Run, planning and running our discos. Next year they hope to plan more events such as Sports Day and promote events more around the school.

Wellbeing Action Team: Attending the Peace Pole ceremony for the Lion's Club, providing peer support, judging McLaren Vale's Got Talent and helping at the friendship bench. Next year they hope to create a wellbeing garden, create a kindness word wall, create some kindness books and start up some clubs around the school.

Lunchtime Activities Action Team: Organised, sought feedback, ordered equipment and taught classes about borrowing sports equipment for lunchtimes. Next year they hope to have outdoor music playing at lunchtime and create more clubs for kids to attend.

The action teams have done a fantastic job in leading these areas of our school and making change with the power of authentic student voice.

This year the Student Action teams have involved Years 3-6 students who have sought feedback from their buddy classes to incorporate R-2 student voice.  Next year the Student Action teams will expand to include R-6 students.

Our Student Action Team representatives

Environmental news from Layla and Duke

At the very beginning of the year a member of the community contacted the school to say that she had noticed on most mornings that two students on their way to school, stop and pick up rubbish, including wheelie bins that have tipped over on a windy morning.  On investigation we found out that these two environmental warriors were Duke and Layla Frears.  Here is some advice for them and their friends about looking after our environment in a clip they put together called "Litter, no way!"

ATSI videos

As you would already be aware of, each week our ATSI team (Burda, Bec and Cultural Leaders) share some thought provoking and educational videos with classes.  Here are some that have been shared this term.

Week 1 - " The Sami people" link

Week 2 - "Breanna Lee, a young Aboriginal contestant on Australia's Got Talent" link

Week 3 - "Yarawu man Stephen Pigram emphasises the importance of story-telling to Aboriginal people " link

Week 4 - This group has won lots of awards recently - the members are a mixture of non-Aboriginal musicians and Yolngu musicians. Yolngu mob have had so many amazing performers including Baker Boy, Tjukuṟ pa Marla ( Chooky Dancers), Yothu Yindi and Gurrumul to name just a few. link

Week 5 - Kids from Yalata Aṉangu School visiting the whales at the Great Australian Bight. link

Week 6 - Indigenous Hip Hop Project from Maningrida. link

Week 7 - MVPS Year 2 student Oriyah. She wrote about racism and why she says, ‘No way to racism!’   link

Week 8 - "How does Aboriginal art create meaning?" - link

Hutt Street Centre special assembly

This morning we were fortunate to have Bec from the Hutt Street Centre come to a very special assembly to celebrate our amazing fundraising efforts this year to support the Hutt Street Centre to support people experiencing homelessness.  Bec shared with us a video of a virtual tour of the Hutt Street Centre so we could see what their Centre offers in the way of supports for people experiencing homelessness.  We shared the video of our award winning Wakikirri performance about our work with the Hutt Street Centre and raising awareness of the homelessness issue, as well as Rachel and Indy sharing their poems written about homelessness for their Poetry Slam experience earlier this term.

We are so incredibly proud of our students, staff and community, not just for the amount of money that we have raised, but for the empathy shown for others and the passion in trying to make a difference for those in need.  We look forward to continuing this work in 2023 with existing students and families, as well as new ones joining us next year.

A HUGE thank you again to you, our amazing MVPS community, you are the BEST!

2022 Fundraising achievements

What an amazing year of fundraising we have had!  We have raised a whopping $20,374.86 for our school grounds and play areas!  A massive thank you to everyone for their support, we are so grateful and very excited to use these funds to further improve our outdoor play spaces and facilities with student voice and direction. The students have a very long list of things they would like to see developed in our spaces so this money will be put to good use!  Here is a breakdown of our fundraising events this year:

  • Term 1:  Digital entertainment books ($209), Donation from Southern Pest Control ($1000) Easter raffle and school disco cancelled
  • Term 2: Mother's Day raffle ($1872), Quiz night ($2610), School disco ($1696)
  • Term 3: School disco ($1366), Father's Day raffle ($1857), Deb Elton Family Portraits ($150)
  • Term 4: Sports Day ($1052), Colour Run ($5785), End of Year Concert ($1173), Port Power guernsey ($160), End of year raffle ($1443)
  • Congratulations to our end of year raffle winners: !st - Tassie family, 2nd - Piening family, 3rd -Amery family  A huge thankyou to everyone for their support with buying and selling tickets.

We also raised $36,648 for the Hutt Street Centre: market stalls ($5509), walk a mile morning event ($1827) and long walkers ($29312)

Also a very big thank you to all of our wonderful sponsors who have supported our fundraising events with donations - please see attached flyer and where possible, please support the amazing businesses that support your children.

Our wonderful 2023 fundraising sponsors

Class parent reps 2023

Connecting parents and children together - class parent reps:

As part of the “Re-imagining MVPS” feedback from families, it was evident that many parents are really missing that social connection with other families so I am asking for expressions of interest from parents to be their 'class rep' for other parents to contact. 

This person will be supported to start up a Whatsapp group with their class families who want to participate.  They will be responsible for trying to initiate get togethers outside of school hours / holidays for the children and families to connect.   Each school parent will be asked for permission for their phone number to be shared before being distributed.

The class parent rep will be on a Whatsapp group with myself and the 19 parent class reps so they can connect with each other and correspond directly with me if needed.

At this stage the main aim will be for this person to be the social contact for other families, but we could possibly use this rep next year to support any organisation for the class teacher - rallying volunteers, etc. 

Please email if you are interested in this role for the 2023 year. In some cases we may have class parents sharing this role in some classes to share the load.  I will communicate the list of class parent reps early in the new year.

Kind regards, Leanne

2023 Staffing

Sadly, it has come to the end of the year and there are some staff that we are saying goodbye to as they are taking hold of new opportunities and some of these people we might see back next year as relief teachers.  We want to thank each of these wonderful staff members for their contributions to our school this year and wish them all the best:  Sarah Dannatt, Kathy Carvell, Ali Williams, Patty van den Hoogen, Victoria Brown and Maddy Morgan.  We wish Wendy Lithgow all the best on her retirement and thank her for her extensive years of service with the Department for Education and the contribution that she has made to children's lives over her career.
The following is our confirmed list of teacher staffing for the 2023 year:
  • Reception (Room 6):  Amanda Deakin & Alex Gabb (Wednesdays)
  • Reception (Room 7):  Gabby Morgan & Alex Gabb (Tuesdays)
  • Reception (Room 8):  Kym Kleinig
  • Year 1 (Room 10):  Angela Pedisic & Emily Hutchinson-Turner (Fridays)
  • Year 1 (Room 11):  Chantelle Willis
  • Year 1 (Room 12):  Anna Bellomarino & Emily Hutchinson-Turner (Thursdays)
  • Year 2 (Room 1):  Sue Higgins
  • Year 2 (Room 2):  Sally Murray & Brianna Maddock (T1) / Sophie Hunt (T2-4) (Thursdays)
  • Year 2 (Room 3):   Katina Hawkes & Brianna Maddock (T1) / Sophie Hunt (T2-4) (Fridays)
  • Year 3 (Room 26):  Kylie Van Laarhoven
  • Year 3 (Room 27):  Kahlie Burtt
  • Year 3/4 (Room 15):  Sheri Lapsley (welcoming new from Elliston)
  • Year 4 (Room 18):  Trudi Naughton
  • Year 4 (Room 14):  Lauren Allan & Emma Sheridan (Fridays)
  • Year 4/5 (Room 19):  Alana Henderson
  • Year 5 (Room 16):  Taniesha Ormsby
  • Year 5/6 (Room 17):  David Cleggett
  • Year 5/6 (Room 21):  Paula Hodgens
  • Year 6 (Room 20):  Cheree Gordon
  • Specialist Science:  Michelle Moore, Emma Sheridan, Susie Walker & Julie Howard
  • Specialist Performing Arts:  Anna Theodosi
  • Specialist Japanese:  April Watt
  • Specialist Physical Education:  Emily Hutchinson-Turner & Simon Lovett (Thursdays)
  • Wellbeing Lead Teacher:  Simon Lovett 
  • Autism Lead Teacher:  Gabby Morgan (Tuesdays)
  • Aboriginal Education Teacher:  Burda Sanders

We are excited about our 2023 staff team next year including our wonderful classroom and administrative support team.

Safety on Caffrey Street

Unfortunately even after posting this in our newsletter earlier in the term, we are still seeing an increasing amount of instances daily on Caffrey Street with unsafe practices with driving and parking, as well as pedestrian concerns.  Our children's safety is vital so we need our parent/caregiver community to step up and act safely to care for our children.  Please see below as reminders for acting safely:


  • Doing u-turns, 3 point turns and reversing onto Caffrey Street from driveways anywhere near our school is an unsafe practice and we have witnessed many near misses with students that the driver has been oblivious to.  Take an extra minute to drive further up the road to do this or take an alternative route.  Our children's lives mean more than a couple of extra minutes in your daily route.
  • Use the 'kiss and drop' zone properly.  DO NOT get out of your vehicle, if you have time to do this or need to do this, go and park somewhere else.  Drive up to the front of the line - DO NOT wait and leave gaps, this at times has caused near-misses as frustrated drivers have needed to drive on the other side of the road to go around cars to get into the zone ahead. 
  • The Caffrey Street school car park is reserved for staff, contractors and parent/caregiver disabled access.  It does not have capacity for any other cars and is not a place to drop off students.  DO NOT drop your child(ren) off in the driveway and then reverse back onto Caffrey Street. The amount of near-misses we have seen this term alone from parents/caregivers doing this is very alarming.  

PARKING ON CAFFREY STREET:  Please obey road rules when parking on Caffrey Street.  Every day we witness many vehicles parked illegally and this has potential to cause an accident.  Some issues include:

  • Cars parked on yellow lines especially to the north of the spare paddock. This blocks the view of cars trying to exit the paddock.
  • Cars parked right out of the front of the JP entrance gates, cars parked to the south where it is a clear solid line and no standing.


The school has been campaigning to the Department for Education for some time about the poor and unsafe design of the Caffrey Street carpark which is a risk to student's safety every day, especially at drop off and pick up times.  Staff monitor this and work hard to keep students safe and educate them about being a safe pedestrian, but we need parent/caregivers help to do this.  Every day there are near misses, many of these are avoidable and need parents/caregivers to put safe practices in place to support us.  

  • DO NOT walk your child through the Caffrey Street staff carpark - use the gates and walkways.  Every day we see parents/caregivers take shortcuts through the carpark with their child(ren) often not even realising that they are walking past a car about to reverse.  Parents/caregivers you are role-models to your child(ren) so they will continue unsafe practices when you are not around unless you teach them.
  • DO NOT wait for your child on the driveway entrance/exit or close to it.  Find a safer space that you can meet and let them know where it is if it is not visible.  Every day, staff on Caffrey Street duty have to remind parents/caregivers to move off of the driveway.  This is hard for us to understand sometimes.  
  • We love our parents/caregivers to connect with each other but please find safe spaces to do this so that children are safe or monitored closely while your focus is not solely on them.  We have seen daily instances where children are playing in the carpark, near the carpark or on the street kerb while parents are deep in conversation.

We will continue to report to SAPOL and Onkaparinga Council rangers to come out and support us to keep children safe, and give fines to those people who are not acting in the correct way to support our student's safety.  We will continue to report instances to the Department for Education to campaign for a redesign of our carpark and drop off zone to make our children safer.

We hope that you understand the need for this post and can support us to keep our lovely MVPS children, families and staff safe at our school.

If you have any feedback, concerns or questions please do not hesitate to email

Decorate Main Road project

As you may already have heard from your child, each class has teamed with some McLaren Vale Business & Tourism Association businesses along the Main Road to decorate their storefronts and windows to make Main Road look special for December.  Each class has been collaborating with the business owners to decide on the finer details of their project and then excitedly creating products ready to decorate with. A flyer came home to you with a map showing you all the classes and businesses involved so you can get out and about with your child/family to see all of the projects.  We are very excited about collaborating and connecting to our local community.  Check out our Facebook page to see the photos that families have posted of children visiting their projects in the community.

Main Road project brochure

McLaren Vale Main Road Xmas Parade

This year we joined in on the McLaren Vale Business Association Xmas Parade with any interested school children.  The children spread messages of kindness into our community with banners, signs and sharing lollipops with kindness messages attached.  All of the children looked wonderful in their brightly coloured clothes or kindness messaged clothing.  Even Juno joined in on the fun enjoying her new found popularity being called out to by all of the school children and families in the audience as she paraded down the road with the children.  Thank you to everyone for your support with this wonderful community event and getting involved.

Take care everyone, Simon Lovett

Some photos from the Parade

2023 Instrumental Music Program


We are excited to announce that we were successful in our application to join the Department for Education Instrumental Music Program.  Starting next year McLaren Vale Primary School will be offering FREE Instrumental Music lessons to year 5 and 6 students.  There are 8 places available for both Brass and Woodwind.

We will offer Trumpet, Trombone, Clarinet, Saxophone and Flute. Lessons are at no cost (only hire of instrument see below). 

Please note that Instrumental Music lessons are during class lesson times. Students must make up for lost classroom learning in their own time.

To learn an instrument, you must:

  • Commit to a year of lessons. Pay a hire fee for an instrument if needed at approximately $180 for the year.
  • Practice 5 – 7 days a week for around 10 minutes
  • Join in band or orchestra if requested by the teacher.

Instrument choice will be finalised between instrumental teacher and student.

Lessons begin in week 2, term 1, 2023.

Please email if you have a 2023 Year 5 or 6 student interested in these lessons with the following information:

  • Child's name
  • 2023 year level
  • The instrument that your child is interested in learning
  • Your understanding of the payment for instrument hire
  • Your commitment to supporting your child with practice and helping them remember to bring their instrument and music on the day of their lessons.

 Please email asap as spots will fill very quickly.


We still intend to engage a private external provider to come in and give guitar and keyboard lessons in 2023 but will not know the details of this until we finalise the above program as we will need to work around that with days etc.  If you are interested in your child doing guitar or keyboard lessons in 2023 can you please email to register your interest to support the planning of it.  In Term 1 next year we will send home some finalised information about guitar and keyboard lessons.

The Resilience Project - 2023

As you know we have signed up our school to become part of The Resilience Project's School Partnership Program.

The Resilience Project is a program by teachers for teachers, the School Partnership Program aims to INSPIRE and ENGAGE the whole school community – students, staff, parents & caregivers – through the evidence-based GEM (Gratitude, Empathy & Mindfulness) principles. We embed GEM through a combination of accessible resources, engaging lesson plans and inspiring digital presentations.  The program builds Emotional Literacy which is the ability to label our emotions, which helps us to soften negative emotions and find positive emotions. 

This is a $13000 commitment for our school which we have considered very carefully, and believe it is a vital investment in our student's wellbeing.  More information will come home about this program early next year but we would encourage families to begin to explore The Resilience Project at home website over the school holiday period:

Simon Lovett and Matt Millar

Lost property

We have a large amount of unnamed jumpers and tops and other items in our Lost Property box just outside of our atrium. Please come and have a look if anything belongs to your child/children.  Anything left when school is finished for the year will be donated to our second hand uniform rack or to an op shop.

Important dates for 2023

We will endeavour to get you all of the 2023 important dates very early in 2023 so that everyone can be organised but for now the most important date of the 2023 year is the one that all of the students come back to school on.

The first school day of the 2023 year is Monday January 30th.

McLaren Vale Primary School Annual General Meeting is Wednesday Week 3 - February 15th, 2023.

ICT Update

Each year since the start of 2021 our Year 3 students have the opportunity to purchase a subsidised Chromebook through the school which they can use at home and school. Notes went out last term for  2023 1 to 1 Chromebooks and families will have begun receiving invoices for payment along with a 'Student and Family Agreement'. Chromebooks are due to arrive in mid-January for setup. In order to collect your device you must have paid or arranged a payment plan and return the signed 'Student and Family Agreement'. If you wish to organise a payment plan you can do so with our Finance Office Amanda Marcel. If you have any questions in regards to this please contact Matt Millar.

Juno our MVPS Wellbeing dog in training

Juno is now 6.5 months old and is progressing very well with her training.  She is proving to absolutely LOVE coming to school and be calm and obedient around the children, staff and visitors.  We have been so impressed with the children in their diligence of ignoring Juno when needed to support her training.  Juno has been spending lots of time in the library with Mrs Groen and has spent time with numerous classes while having library time and sits quietly but attentively.  Lee has been doing lots of walking with Juno to make sure that she uses her manners and listens to commands outside and in classrooms.  

Juno has been a great help over the last couple of weeks with very tired staff who have been busy with everything that Term 4 brings, she has been provided comfort with pats and cuddles giving staff some much needed TLC.

Juno is looking forward to her holidays and will be spending some time with her mate Iggy the cat (she will be avoiding Kobe the cat because she knows that Kobe is the boss!) and her humans.  We will be interested to see how excited she will be when she returns after school holidays to see the children again, we think her tail might come off with how excitedly she will be wagging it!

Juno will still continue her training over the school holidays with lots of homework that she has been given by Nicola the dog trainer.  Juno will continue to work with Nicola next year and will have her assessment around November when she is 18 months old.  

Thank you to all of the families for your support in helping us to train Juno by acting as requested when you see her.

The Fathering Project

Our Fathering Project Dad's group has had such a positive first year and we look forward to working with more dads and father figures in our community. All father figures welcome! We have had dads, step-dads and granddads attend this year.

The group is a great way to connect with other dads in our school community, participate in dads and kids fun nights and get further involved in our school community. We aim to do 1 dads only and 1 dads and kids night each term. We are lucky enough to have Richard Welch from the Next Step Australia, a men's mental health organisation who we look forward to working with more in 2023.

If you would like any further information or would like to be included in a mailing list. Please contact Matt Millar with any questions.

Physical Education & Sport in Term 4

Sport and P.E was busy for McLaren Vale Primary in Term 4!  In the students’ P.E lessons, the term started with all year levels preparing for Sports Day. The students were practising the events ready for the big day! We then moved onto learning about and playing traditional Indigenous games. This allowed the students to gain an understanding and appreciation for Indigenous culture. The senior students also took part in a Touch Football clinic where over 4 weeks, they built up their skills and then played a round robin tournament of Touch Football.  

We had many senior students represent McLaren Vale Primary in various School Sport SA competitions including Basketball, Cricket, Volleyball and Tennis.  

P.E Week was celebrated this term. This involved students participating in various activities to celebrate and promote healthy minds and bodies. This included the students taking part in mindfulness activities, playing games from different countries, walking to school, a Staff vs Student Soccer game and the Colour Run!  

The Staff vs Student Soccer match kicked off the beginning of a weekly lunch time tournament, between the senior students and staff. It started off with the Soccer, followed by two rounds of Netball and then two weeks of Basketball. The students put up a tough competition!  

What an amazing term we have had!  Simon and I are looking forward to teaching your children in PE next year and all the best to the Year 6's with their sporting careers in high school.  Kind regards, Emily

2023 School Fees

Governing Council has approved an increase to the prescribed sum of $355.00 for McLaren Vale Primary School Material & Services charges for 2023.  The recent poll conducted has resulted in the community voting in favour of this sum becoming legally recoverable in the event of non-payment.  School fees will be invoiced early in the new school year when school card applications will also be available.  If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact our Finance Manager, Amanda Marcel.

Missing books and Lego!

Overdue books:  Overdue notes have been sent home with students. Can families please have a good look around home for these lost books over these upcoming holidays before invoices are sent out in the New Year.  Donations of Lego or Duplex for Library please: Does anyone have any Lego or Duplex donations to add to our activity boxes in the library please?  If you do, please drop off to the Library.  Kind regards, Marie Groen

2023 Twilight Family Picnic / BBQ night - save the date

The 2022 Governing Council Committee are wanting to find ways to get families more involved and connected to the school and each other and have decided to host a twilight family picnic/bbq on the school oval early in Term 1.  The date is set for Friday Week 2 - February 10th.  More information will come out early next year, we hope you can make it.

Please note that the MVPS Annual General Meeting date has been set for Wednesday February 15th - we hope you can make it.

The Governing Council Committee now have an email address so you can contact us directly:

We are always happy to hear from our families with any feedback or support needed.  Please see below photo to see who we are.

OSHC news!

On Friday 2/12/2022 MVPS OSHC hosted 44 OSHC leaders from across the state as part of OSHCsa’s annual Mystery Bus Tour. OSHC leaders spent an hour checking out our service and facilities and were able to ask questions about what we do, how we do it, and our plans for ongoing quality improvement. 

Natalie spoke about the process of budgeting and planning for a new building with the school and DfE,  Jordan was recording podcast conversations with children and was able to elaborate on how we incorporate the use of technology, cyber safety, and healthy lifestyles at OSHC, and Jamie spoke about elements of our OSHC garden beds and our OCAT  (OSHC Cuisine Action Team) process. 

Jules, Lexie and Tom were on hand to chat about the different sports and games we play and our sustainability practices. Aaron presented details of our BeYou educator wellbeing process and a risk/benefit analysis of using a fire pit. 

We felt quite nervous before the event, but it all worked out great! It was a fantastic networking opportunity, and we received lots of positive feedback. Two OSHC directors indicated that they would like to visit our service again with their teams to collaborate with us some more. 

Speaking of collaboration, we would like your feedback too! If your family plans on using OSHC in 2023, please share your thoughts for next year via our 2023 Family Survey. You can access it here:

We've had a fantastic year despite a few coughs and sniffles and are looking forward to kicking goals in 2023! We feel very supported by you all and have formed valued relationships both within and outside of our community. 

A final note from this author- look after yourselves, people! We can all do a better job of looking after our children when we are looking after ourselves. Make time for yourself and each other and reach out to a friend.

Have a great summer break!

The OSHC team