The Brush Telegraph

Week 7 – Term 4, 2022

Message From The Principal

Dear Parents and Carers


The 2 weeks of intensive swimming for the Year 2 students was successfully completed with all the students enjoying the daily swim and lessons. Thank you to Mr Boucher and Mr McWhirter and SLSO staff for organising and attending every day.


We look forward to seeing parents and family at our Presentation Day on Wednesday 14 December from 9:30am in the school hall.  This is a day to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements and success of our students.


Our P&C have purchased five marquees for our school. There are three in the sport house colours and two navy for use when attending sporting events while representing our school. Our old ones were looking very tattered and we are very thankful for their gift to the school. 

“When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in.” Kristin Armstrong


Kylie Seaman


School Values

Focus:    Respect

Right place, right time, right attitude

Diary Dates

Tuesday 29Year 6 Orientation - Wingham High School 
Wednesday 30Fathering Project Bond & Build Session 5.30pm
Thursday 1Book Club Issue 8 due date
Friday 2Camp Quality Puppets visit
Tuesday 6Annual School Concert  6pm and Rehearsal day
Friday 9Year 6 Fun Day
Wednesday 14Presentation Day
Thursday 15Year 6 Farewell
Friday 16Last Day of Term 4 for students

Remembrance Day

Award Winners

Community News

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