Dear Families,
We have a really busy term ahead with sports carnivals, Book Fair, camps and graduation. Teachers will also be writing end of year summative reports. As well we have started working on the R-6 class configuration for next year. We will have eleven classes next year to cater for two straight reception classes, given we are now expecting 41 new Receptions. Staffing is now in progress for next year with teachers nominating their preferences for year levels, and contracts being appointed. We hope to have classes and staffing finalised before the end of term so that students can visit with their new teacher and class before the end of term, and parents notified in writing of their child’s placement for 2023.
COVID update
There are no isolation quarantine rules now but the Department for Education does strongly recommend staff and students who test positive for COVID isolate for 5 days. Last week we had three students test positive and one teacher, with some testing positive for a second time this year.
Despite the recent media hype about poor NAPLAN results Angaston has exceeded the NMS in all components of NAPLAN. As well we have achieved our target increasing the number of students in Yr 3 and 5 higher bands in Reading, Writing and Numeracy.
Transition – Preschool to School
We recently held our Preschool to school parent meetings in preparation for the children starting their formal classroom visits in week 5. The preschool children will spend time in the classroom once a week for four weeks with visits progressing to nearly a full day. This will give the children and their families time to get to know Angaston Primary School and hopefully support a smooth start to Reception in 2023.
Transition - Year 6
All year 6 students will have a full day transition at Nuriootpa High School on Friday 11th November. This day will hopefully give our students a bit of an understanding about year 7 in high school and support them to make connections with the school and staff.
Teaching and Learning
This term we are focusing on a Reading and Maths area of improvement based on recent PAT data (term 3). Teachers have identified an area in Reading and Maths based on their classes results, and will use a modified Teaching and Learning Cycle approach to implement new/revised learning.
Pupil Free Day
The Pupil Free Day on Friday will focus on analysing data gathered across the state in relation to our site improvement priorities in writing and maths. Staff will work collaboratively to review and evaluate our goals/targets, and next steps (actions for 2023).
Swimming Lessons – Our makeup swimming lesson will be on Tuesday 15th November.
Sports Day will now be held on Thursday 15th December.
World Teachers Day
World Teachers' Day is an international day held annually on 5 October to celebrate the work of teachers.
World Teachers' Day was celebrated across Australia on Friday 28 October. It's a chance to recognise and thank teachers who work in our public schools. At Angaston Primary we said thank you, and acknowledged the efforts and dedication of our teachers by having our students present each teacher with a small gift and thank you card. Teachers also enjoyed a lovely morning tea. We would also like to thank Ashton Hurn who dropped by to say thank you to our teaching staff with a lovely box of chocolate.