Newsletter Number 1 • Wednesday 15th February 2023

From the Principal

I would like to welcome students, parents and staff to the 2023 school year. I particularly welcome the new students and families and look forward to their involvement and input into our school.

In 2023 we begin to emerge out of the COVID pandemic and begin to learn to live in a world where COVID is part of our way of life.  COVID is an infectious disease that we need to be mindful of and just like any other infectious disease, we need to put in place mitigating measures to reduce risk of infections within our school and community.

We are excited about opening our school back up and returning to some sort of ‘normality’ with the return of some much-loved events and functions that in the past three years we have had to forego.

Please save the date for the following events:

  • the twilight Festival of Arts which will be held at Yultiwirra on Wednesday 29th March
  • The Wairoa Twilight Market on Friday 31st March
  • Sharing assemblies held in the Yultiwirra hall 

Friday 10th March at 10.00amCycle 1 Preschool , Cycle 1 Primary and Cycle 3 students will share their work and learning.

Monday 27th March at 2.30pmCycle 2 and Cycle 4 students will share their work and learning.

  • Community Breakfast at Yultiwirra - Thursday 6th April

    We were pleased to hold a professional development (PD) session on Restorative Justice for teaching and assistant staff on the Monday pupil free day at the beginning of this term.  Last year we had to cancel this session due to Covid.

    The principles of Restorative Justice are very in line with the Montessori Philosophy and values and it is the approach that we use when dealing with student disagreements, struggles and conflict.  Participating in the PD session reaffirmed our practices and helped us as a staff reflect and refine our ways. It was also a positive and beneficial learning experience for our new staff.

    Restorative Practices focus on relationships and give people a voice providing an opportunity for young people to develop empathy and work collaboratively. Using this approach develops a more positive school culture and significantly reduces behavioural problems. Restorative Practices proactively develop a sense of community and seek to increase the social capital between people across the school.  Restorative Practices are based on treating all people with respect and dignity.  Through this approach, we seek to create safe, supportive spaces in our school where we can bravely engage in and learn from, crucial, honest and sometimes difficult conversations.

    I wish for a positive, fulfilling, safe and healthy year for everyone, and particularly for our students, a year full of rich and diverse learning experiences and opportunities.

    Cathy France


    Staff attending Restorative Justice PD session

    2023 Theme - 'Unity'

    Each year, as a school, we have a key focus for our school and community. This year we have decided the theme will be 'Unity'. 

    Unity  is the state of being united or joined as a whole.

    Unity creates the experience of cooperation, increases enthusiasm for the task and makes the atmosphere empowering. Unity creates a sense of belonging and increases well-being for all.

    ‘Unity is strength’  is a famous saying that has been around for centuries. The idea behind the phrase is that when people work together, they are more effective than when they work alone.

    Unity is strength means staying united in all situations. It has great value in all walks of life. When we are united then we can surmount any challenges and accomplish any goal. The development of our society depends on this spirit.

    Unity and harmony is vital for a team or group’s overall success. To grow unity and harmony, the heart and spirit in individuals needs to be aligned with trusting relationships, and individuals must be empowered positively to believe in themselves and each other.

    As we emerge out of the pandemic, it is imperative that we come together again, work as one and unite, enjoying the support and strength that being unified provides. Unity has always been the strength of our community and in particular the success of our staff team. 

    Cathy France


    "Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."        Mattie Stepanek

    Staffing News

    We welcome the following new staff members to our school: 

    • Maddy Ryan - Cycle 2 Teacher
    • Doris Stangl Round - Cycle 4 Teacher
    • Christina Hondros - Cycle 1 Primary Assistant
    • Tiffany Schroeder - Cycle 1 Primary Assistant
    • Nikki Bishop - Cycle 3 Assistant
    • Stacy Dong - Cycle 3 Assistant
    • Lauren Hinton - Cycle 3 Assistant 
    • Alice Bradley - Student Wellbeing worker

      We welcome the following staff members to new roles within our school:

      • Christine Perry – Cycle 3 Teacher and ICT teacher
      • Rom Evangelista – Cycle 4 Teacher and Cycle 4 Assistant
      • Olivia Moore – Learning Support Assistant – Cycles 1, 2 & 3
      • Eleanor Kain - Individual Learning Support Assistant – Cycle 3 
      • Tara McHenry - Cycle 3 Assistant
      • Monica Bello – Cycle 4 Assistant and Kitchen Specialist

      Lyndal Chittleborough is on leave for Term 1 and Maddy Ryan is teaching Indonesian to Cycles 3 and 4 students during Lyndal's absence.

      Welcome to our new staff

      Welcome New Students

      We welcome the following new students and their families to our school as well as some new Infant & Transition Program families.

      Cycle 1 Preschool – Aurora, Elara, Otto, Harry, Abigail, Amelia, Poet, Hawk, Ava, Hunter, Edward

      Cycle 1 Primary – Madeleine, Finnley, Miranda, Bodhi, Mahlia

      Cycle 3 – Parker, (Welcome back Arthur!)

      Cycle 4 – Layla, James, Kimberley, Phoebe, Oliver

      Cycle News

      Infant Program

      Welcome to 2023 Infant Program families! It’s been a wonderful start to the year with our children and families bringing great positivity and enthusiasm to our mornings! This year we will be exploring shades, colours and developing and engaging our senses. We have started with a study of ‘Black and White’ and in preparation for the Festival of Arts we have been looking to Bruno Munari’s Montessori mobile (for 0-8 week old babies) for inspiration for our class canvas. Exciting creative times ahead! 

      Cycle 1 Preschool

      It has been a lovely start to the beginning of the year in the preschool. We have had many warm moments of students reconnecting with friends, making new friends, and engaging with a range of shelf activities. Students have particularly enjoyed learning about the human body, colour and their sense of sight and touch. Students have begun drawing and painting self-portraits which will be displayed at the ‘Festival of Arts’ in Week 9. Through this work children have practised their fine motor skills, art techniques and the skill of observation, using mirrors and portrait photos of themselves. It has also provided a wonderful spring-board to discuss external facial features, such as the parts of the eye, including the iris, pupil, eyeball, eyelashes and eyelid. 

      Self-Portrait quotes 

      “Can I do another one?!” Aiden 

      “I have ‘juicy white’ here. It’s like pinky. I’m making it nice. Do you see? I mixed blue to make blue.” Harper 

      “I like doing this. I like the painting part.” - Elsie

      Cycle 1 Primary

      In Cycle 1, we have kicked off our term with a Geography exploration. Students discovered that in a series of images of our earth, there were often three main parts - water, land and air. We talked about land forms which come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and account for  different parts of the world being so unique and interesting to observe. We looked at how the shape of our land has VERY slowly changed over millions of years into the shapes we see today which are the seven continents. The children came up with the idea to put their ears to the ground and quietly listen to the earth. They wanted to see if they could hear it moving. 

      Alice: “If we are super quiet maybe we can hear the earth rumble.”

      Corey: “The earth is mostly made of water.”

      Piper: “The Arctic is in the frigid zone, the water is frozen”

      Cycle 2

      It has been a wonderful start to Term 2. We have welcomed a number of students to the Cycle and it has been lovely to see the older Cycle 2 students mentoring the younger students within minutes of them entering the room. Both Cycle 2 classes have begun connecting in different ways, which you will hear about in future newsletter articles. We have enjoyed helping students navigate new friendships as well as familiarising them in working as a small community. For example allocating new classroom jobs to each child, every week. New students have been introduced to activities and some different materials that differ slightly from Cycle 1. Students have embraced the learning and we are truly looking forward to an exciting and fun-filled 2023.

      Cycle 3

      2023 has begun with the wheels spinning as Cycle 3 commenced the Bike Education program this week, Way2Go, run by the South Australian Government. Students take part in prior lessons lead by classroom teachers. This involves a safety check of the bikes and helmets, as well as a theory based lesson in road safety. The Way2Go guides then take students through a range of skills from basic how-to-ride techniques, through to more experienced road riding skills. Students of all ability levels are included in a two day course, which culminates in road riding for those who are ready and comfortable to ride on the side-streets around the school. Way2Go promotes safer, greener and more active travel for primary school students and their communities by encouraging children to safely walk, ride bikes or scooters, and use public transport for personal travel. Students have had a wonderful time supporting each other, demonstrating their skills, and preparing to safely ride on the road.

      Cycle 4

      Cycle 4 students have started the year participating in a myriad of activities to get themselves accustomed to the local community, and the school site and enjoyed, and endured four seasons of weather along the way. 

      The yearly Big Day Out Goosechase challenge was held on Thursday of week 1. We spent the day divided into advisory groups in and around Stirling and Aldgate completing varying challenges, with the main goals of getting to know each other, get creative, learn about our surrounding community; and hopefully accruing the most points to win the day! The weather was pretty dodgy and very rainy, but this didn't dampen our spirits, as each group saw the day out with a fantastic sense of fun, camaraderie, and adventure. On Thursday of week 2, we had a day at the Mountain Pool in Mt Barker. The weather was perfect for this trip and there was a fantastic sense of happiness, and gratitude that we were fortunate enough to spend a day in such lovely surroundings. Thank you to Attila for his organisation of the activities.

      PE with Attila

      Students in Cycles 1, 2 & 3 have been developing teamwork skills. We have learnt about the importance of trust, cooperation, encouragement, and communication. Each week the students are given several challenges to explore the dynamics of working in teams. Later this term we’ll have a coach from Softball SA running a few sessions.

      On Tuesday 28th February (Week 5) students will participate in an AusKick clinic. Students will be shown footy skills and encouraged to participate in local AusKick programs around the Hills.

      Cycle 4 students have participated in volleyball and tennis. Students have developed specific skills for each sport and participated in group games. We have had a coach from Volleyball SA teaching students the basic skills of dig, set, spike, as well as playing volleyball games. 

      Snippets with Susan

      In 2023 we welcome back 'Snippets with Susan' short sessions designed to give bite sized opportunities to explore aspects of Montessori Education, our pedagogy and our school.  In Term 1, Snippets will be held on Wednesday afternoons- the 22nd February,  22nd March and the 5th April.  (Note that in Term 2,  Snippets will be held on Tuesday mornings at 9.15am, just after drop off.)

      Coming up next week,  our Snippets session will be held on Wednesday 22nd February at 2.45pm in the Yultiwirra Common Room, with a focus on the Montessori concept of the 'Prepared Environment'.  Come along and learn about the whys and wherefores of the way we create and maintain our Montessori environments.  We hope to pop in and explore one of our classrooms as part of our brief session.  Please register your intention to attend at the school office or complete the online RSVP through Skoolbag.


      Primary students who will be travelling regularly on a bus service from school or walking or riding their bike home must fill in a Travel Arrangements Form with parents giving consent and details of the arrangements made for their child. We have sent forms home to students who catch the bus or walk home; however if you have not received one of these forms please contact the office.


      The school's bushfire procedures are being sent out on Skoolbag to inform families in the case of a bushfire. Please read the procedures carefully so you are well informed. It is vital that everyone reviews their own bush fire survival plan.

      Note: The school is closed on a day with a Fire Danger Rating of Catastrophic for the Mt Lofty Ranges. The school also reserves the right to close on a High or Extreme Fire Danger day if deemed necessary. Parents will be notified of this decision and be given as much notice as is practicable.

      It is the responsibility of parents to check the Bureau of Meteorology website ( for the forecast and Fire Danger rating issued after 4pm daily.


      If your child has moved cycles/classes in 2023 you will need to make slight changes to your Skoolbag preferences and re-select the new class in 'Groups' on the Skoolbag app. The Skoolbag app is our main form of communication with parents. Most consent and permission forms will not be sent home as paper notes. You will need to access these and all other school communication via the Skoolbag app.

      COVID Update

      Parents on Site

      For three years now we have asked periodically that parents to do not come on to the school site.  This year we are welcoming parents back on site.  In saying this we ask that parents are respectful of the children’s space in their classrooms and that their concentration and environment is protected and respected at all times.  It is still not ideal to try and meet with a teacher 5 or 10 minutes before school is starting, as teachers are busy at this time, preparing for the day and welcoming their students.  We encourage parents to pre-arrange a time to meet with staff when they can truly focus and be present and prepared.

      There are some positives that have come from the pandemic, and one of them is the independence that, particularly our Cycle 1 Preschool and Primary students have shown.  The Cycle 1 students over the past three years have ‘risen to the occasion’ demonstrating increased independence with beginning and end of the day organisation.  School adults would like to see this maintained in line with our Montessori principles, encouraging parents and adults to step back and allow the child to do things for themselves.  Cycle 1 Primary students will continue to be taken to the gate at 3.20pm for pick up.

      Keeping our community healthy

      Please remember the following:

      ·           keep your child/ren home and notify the school if:

      Ø  they are unwell or experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms (even if symptoms are mild)

      Ø  your child tests positive to COVID-19

      Mask wearing remains voluntary for those who choose to wear them, and this is totally respected and supported.

      We still want to minimise the risk of spreading infection amongst our community and in particular our staff, as it is always challenging to cover staff absences.  We continue to ask visitors, volunteers and parents not to attend the school site if they are unwell.  Staff will continue to explicitly teach and be good role models regarding hygiene and cleanliness.

      Thanks to parents and families for their unwavering support over the past three years and for being flexible and understanding in every instance as we have navigated our way through challenges and events experienced like never before.  Sincere thanks to everyone as we have worked together, our community has stayed strong and shown resilience.

      A letter was emailed to all families on 1st February outlining this information regarding Covid.

      Footwear & Sun Hat Protection

      Please ensure that your child wears appropriate footwear & clothing to school particularly on the days they participate in PE or fitness activities. Check with your child’s teacher as to which days these sessions occur. Thongs are not appropriate footwear for school as they provide little protection for children whilst they are playing in the bush.

      Please remember that we are a Sun Smart School and all students are required to wear a broad brimmed hat and appropriate clothing to protect the skin when going outside for any activity. Sun block is provided by the school and students are taught by the school adults to apply it before leaving the classroom. Please ensure that your child has a named sunhat that can be kept in his/her bag or on the hat stand in the classroom.

      School sunhats with the school logo are available for sale from the school office for $15 each.


      Join us!

      Are you an ideas person who doesn't mind rolling up their sleeves? Are you busting to join the 'funnest' committtee going around? You might be perfect for the Fundraising Committee! If you'd like to find out more, enquire at the office. 

      People's Choice Community Lottery

      Each year as part of our fundraising drive, our school takes part in the People’s Choice Community Lottery which assists us in reaching our fundraising goal. Tickets are $2 each, and our school keeps 100% of the money raised. This year we’re hoping to raise $1500 from the lottery, with funds going towards outdoor spaces at both the Yultiwirra campus and the Wairoa campus. 

      Buying tickets is easy, plus you go into the draw to win one of 40 prizes worth over $300,000!

      For more information, or to purchase tickets: Community Lottery ticktets

      Maria's Market 🍋🍓🥕🌽

      Save The Date(s)

      Parent Education - Thursday 2 March

      An Education and Information Session is being presented for parents, particularly new parents, who are interested in learning more about the Montessori Philosophy.

      “The Montessori Philosophy - An Introductory Talk” will be held on Thursday, 2nd March, 6.00 – 8.00pm at Yultiwirra Campus.

      This session will highlight key aspects of the Philosophy & Methodology and how the Montessori approach to learning differs from mainstream schooling.  Participants will have the opportunity to learn more about how the Montessori Philosophy is applied at our school.  Knowledge gained may assist you to further support the Montessori Philosophy at home.  By knowing the values and basis of the Montessori Philosophy you will be able to further capitalise on opportunities for consistency of approaches presented to your child between home and school. 

      We urge all new families to attend this informative session and any existing families who have not attended one of these sessions. 

      A crèche will be available for any child/ren over 3 years of age – prior bookings are essential and can be made at the office.

      We hope that you are able to join us for this important session.

      An invitation will be sent to all families - please notify the office or RSVP via the eForm on Skoolbag if you would like to attend.

      Wairoa Cafe - Friday 17 March

      The Wairoa Café run by our middle school students in our Adolescent Program, will be serving all things caffeine and homemade baked goods on Friday 17 March. The café runs from 9am-11am at our middle school campus, 142 Mt Barker Rd, Stirling. More information to follow via Skoolbag. 

      Festival of Arts - Wed 29 March

      Our Festival of Arts evening is Wednesday 29 March.  This is a fantastic school  event that brings together students, staff and parents from across our  community. Artwork will be on display, arts and crafts actitvities will be on offer, performances and entertainment from busking students, as well as pre-ordered meals, desserts and bar facilities. There will be more information to follow shortly via Skoolbag.

      Follow us on Facebook!

      Have you visited our Facebook page? Facebook is another way we communicate with parents.  'Like' us on Facebook to keep up to date with school community news, events and activities.  You might also like to let grandparents and friends know so they can also enjoy the news, photos and updates!

      Diary Dates

      Term 1 2023

      Tuesday 21 February

      Executive Meeting 6.00pm 

      Board meeting 7.00pm 

      Wednesday 22 February

      Snippets with Susan - 2.45pm Yultiwirra Common Room

      Cultural Understanding committee meeting 4.00pm 

      Student Wellbeing committee meeting 4.00pm 

      WHS committee meeting - 4.00pm

      Policy meeting 4.00pm 

      Thursday 23 February

      Year 6 Leadership excursion

      Class parent rep meeting 2.30pm 

      Friday 24 February

      Cycle 4 Occupations Day

      Thursday 2 March

      Parent Education 6.00pm - Introduction to Montessori Philosophy

      Friday 3 March

      Parent Discussion group with Alice - 9.15am Yultiwirra

      Monday 6 March - Wednesday 8 March

      Wairoa Roundtables

      Tuesday 7 March

      Marketing committee meeting 4.00pm

      Wednesday 8 March

      Policy committee meeting 4.00pm

      Thursday 9 March

      Foundation Board meeting 6.00pm

      Friday 10 March

      Fundraising committee meeting 9.00am

      Sharing Assembly - Cycle 1 & Cycle 3 - 10.00am

      “Our care for the children should be governed

      not by the desire to ‘make them learn things’,

      but by the endeavour always to keep burning within them the light

      which is called intelligence.”

      Maria Montessori