Dudley Public School Newsletter

2023 Term 2 Week 1

Principal’s Message

Welcome back to what will be an action packed term of exciting events and activities to support the educational and wellbeing outcomes for our students. I hope all of our Dudley families had a restful and relaxing holiday break and are recharged ready for Term 2.

Staff Professional Learning

Monday saw our staff engage in quality professional learning on Aboriginal Education in partnership with other schools in the Whitebridge Community. The focus on Aboriginal Education was set as a NSW state priority by the Department of Education. Our staff learnt about NSW departmental policy, recognising individual needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and actively participated in cultural activities centred on ochre painting and Aboriginal contemporary dance. The day was very informative and provided staff with culturally respectful ways of incorporating Aboriginal perspective sin learning for all students.

ANZAC Commemorations

It was wonderful to march with 65 students yesterday in the Dudley ANZAC commemorations. Our students represented our school with pride and showed great respect during the early service. A special mention of our student leadership team for their superb delivery of the official speeches and the raising of the flags as part of the official program. Our school Anzac service will be held on Friday here at school where all students and staff will participate in the proceedings.


On the last day of Term 1 all parents and carers were provided with a report on their child’s attendance during the first term of 2023. These reports aim to provide families with information on their child’s attendance along with research and evidence on the impact that attendance has on academic and wellbeing outcomes for each individual student. We will maintain our focus on improving attendance throughout 2023 and wish to thank families for your ongoing support in assisting our school to reach this improvement target in our school plan

Cross Country

We are looking forward to tomorrow when our annual cross country event will be held. This K-6 whole school event is a great opportunity for community connection and will surely showcase the strong sense of belonging that we have here at Dudley. Following this, students who perform well will be invited to represent the school at Zone Cross Country next Friday. This event will be a significant one as our representatives will be sporting our brand new Zone Rep singlets. These tops have been proudly purchased by the P&C, organised by Dave, our P&C Uniform Shop Coordinator and designed and supplied by Zimple Designs (a Dudley PS family run business). Many thanks to everyone who has worked to get these wonderful tops for our students to wear on representative occasions

Assets and Infrastructure Update

Throughout the holidays we have had some extensive works happening in the school in preparation for upcoming improvement projects. The playground remediation project continues with some nice new turf being laid on our sloped playground area near 4/5M’s classroom. Scaffolding has been installed around the 5/6H classroom as we prepare for the roof tiles to be replaced by colourbond sheeting within the next few weeks. Following this roof replacement we will see the scaffolding move to the K-2 classroom block as that older roof will be replaced with new sheeting also. Temporary fencing has been installed around the school for everyone’s safety and the teachers have taken time to discuss this with students.

Here's to a wonderful term ahead.

Kind Regards,

Chad Tsakissiris


Term 1, Week 10 Class Award Recipients

Congratulations to our class award recipients for Week 10! These students were recognised for their achievements relating to our six learning dispositions of self-motivation, perseverance, creativity, curiosity, collaboration, and reflection. 

From The Office

Athletics Carnival

Date and Time

From Tuesday, June. 27th, 8:50 am


120 Smith St, Newcastle West NSW 2302, AustraliaGet Directions


Whole School Athletics Carnival will be on Tuesday 27 June.

Permission notes will go home at the beginning of next week.

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Thursday 27 AprilCross Country Carnival
Friday 28 AprilANZAC Day Assembly 10:30am - 3/4W presenting
Wednesday 3 MayDebating Workshop
Thursday 4 May

Selective High Schools Test Year 7 2024

Paul Kelly Cup

Musica Viva K-6

Friday 5 May

Zone Cross Country

Whole School Assembly (1/2S item)

Monday 8 MayP & C Meeting 7pm
Wednesday 10 May

Special Mothers Day Assembly 2.15pm

(Kindergarten performing an item)

Thursday 11 MayHealthy Harold  K-6
Friday 12 May 

Healthy Harold K-6

Mother's Day Stall


Aboriginal Dance Group

Congratulations to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who represented Dudley Public School so beautifully on Monday morning.

These students participated in an Aboriginal Dance workshop at the end of last term  with students from Whitebridge High and  other primary schools in our community of schools.

They showcased their learning on Monday at the Staff Development Day. 

Thank you to the students and their parents for getting up early on the last day of the holidays to participate in this beautiful celebration of Aboriginal culture. 

Tell Them From Me Student Survey

Today, students have been given an information and consent form for the Tell Them From Me student survey.

The Tell Them From Me student survey is completed by all students in Year 3-6 each year and gives Dudley Public School leadership and the Department of Education valuable insights into student wellbeing, engagement, and effective teaching practices for ongoing school improvement. It allows our students to have a voice to help shape future directions for our school whilst remaining completely anonymous.

This an opt out consent form so please only return the form on the back if you DO NOT consent to your child completing the survey. Students have until Friday 5 May to opt out. 

Mother’s Day Assembly

Mother’s Day assembly will be held on Wednesday 10th May at 2.15pm in the Fairleigh Hall. This is a whole school assembly run by our very own Kindergarten!

Thank you to those families who have forwarded a photo of their Kinder child with their mum. If you haven’t already done so, could you please send one in ASAP, preferably by this Friday, 28th April.

Many thanks,

ES1 Teachers.

Parent Helpers K-2

This term, we are asking for parents and/or grandparents to help out on Tuesday afternoons, from 2.20pm – 3pm by listening to students read either individually or in groups.

If you are free during this time, and would like to help out with reading, please contact your child’s teacher directly via the school email, stating your availability. For example, weekly, fortnightly or maybe you are available for just certain Tuesdays?

If you are volunteering your time, please can you make sure to visit our office beforehand, as there is an ‘in-school’ volunteers declaration form that will need to be filled out prior to your first session. If you have already filled one of these forms out in previous years, you do not have to do it again. This form lasts for the duration of your child’s time at school. If you are unsure as to whether you have filled one of these forms in already, please contact our ladies in the office and they will check our files.

Many thanks in advance!

K-2 Teachers

P&C News

Fundraising Newsletter

DPS COMEDY NIGHT – June 3 – Tickets on Sale NOW!

We are very excited to have Comedy For A Cause coming to Dudley PS On Saturday 3rd June to put on a fantastic show for our school community (adults only). Showcasing some of the best comedians from the Sydney and Melbourne International Comedy Festival, this is sure to be a great night of entertainment. Book your babysitter and grab your friends for a fun night out with our fabulous Dudley community and help us to raise some much need funds for our school.

Tickets: $30 / Show: 7.30pm / Runtime: 2 hours (approx.) Location: The Fairleigh Hall (aka new hall).

Buy your tickets here: comedyforacause.net/DPS

More information coming soon, including options for a pre-show dinner at The Royal Crown Hotel.

We are also seeking donations of wine, beer, spirits, chocolates, gift vouchers, and any ‘novelty’ gift items you might have at home to be used for games and prizes on the night. Non-alcoholic items can be dropped off to the school office.

All alcoholic items can be dropped off at Paperboy Espresso. Thank you!


This year we gave away fifty wonderful prizes, thanks to your generous donations.

Congratulations to all the lucky winners and thank you to everyone who helped us raise $2,317 in the raffle.

STUCK ON YOU - Personalised Labels and Stationery

You can help raise funds and prevent lost property by purchasing personalised labels, stationary, drink bottles and more at Stuck On You. We will receive 20% from each purchase!

With shipping Australia-wide, anyone can shop online and support our fundraiser via our unique link or code below.


Or, use the code DUDLEYPS in the ‘Have a Crew/Fundraising code?’ section at the checkout (make sure that it says ‘Your purchase supports Dudley Public School P&C’ before finalising your purchase).

This fundraiser is ongoing so you can order as-needed

Community Notice Board

Acknowledgement of Country

Dudley Public School respectfully acknowledges the Awabakal as the traditional custodians of the land on which we work, play and live. We also pay respect to Elders both past and present and emerging.

Always was and always will be Aboriginal land.