Welcome back to what will be an action packed term of exciting events and activities to support the educational and wellbeing outcomes for our students. I hope all of our Dudley families had a restful and relaxing holiday break and are recharged ready for Term 2.
We are looking forward to tomorrow when our annual cross country event will be held. This K-6 whole school event is a great opportunity for community connection and will surely showcase the strong sense of belonging that we have here at Dudley. Following this, students who perform well will be invited to represent the school at Zone Cross Country next Friday. This event will be a significant one as our representatives will be sporting our brand new Zone Rep singlets. These tops have been proudly purchased by the P&C, organised by Dave, our P&C Uniform Shop Coordinator and designed and supplied by Zimple Designs (a Dudley PS family run business). Many thanks to everyone who has worked to get these wonderful tops for our students to wear on representative occasions