Parents & Friends Thank You Morning Tea
It was wonderful today to say thank you to all our parents and volunteers who have helped out in so many ways across the school this year. We are so very lucky to have the support of the community through the P&C and through the many diverse roles undertaken by volunteers. Thank you for your dedicated service and faithful commitment to the school throughout the year.
Colour Fun Run
I would like to sincerely thank our P&C and all of our volunteers particularly Ashley Ibarburu, Angela Farrel and Duncan Watson for organising the Colour Fun Run last Friday. Under sunny skies, it was wonderful to see the school community coming together in this way with the students having a great time completing the circuit and being coloured along the way! Please see the photographs in this week's newsletter.
Presentation Day Assemblies
Our Stage 2 and Stage 3 Presentation Day assemblies will take place next week in the school hall and every parent is very welcome to join us. Even so, in keeping with current COVID restrictions for schools, our preference is that only two adults from each family attend. Parents of children who are receiving an award have been invited to attend in person.
Presentation Day awards
To ensure that students value Presentation Day awards each year, there is just one award for each group of 5 students in a class ie a ratio of 1 award to 5 students.
Each award recognises effort, achievement, or citizenship ie for a class of 20 students there is one award for Excellence, one for Effort, and one for Citizenship and one award that is at the discretion of the teacher from any aspect of school life.
Principal Award Winners
On Tuesday afternoon next week, students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 will receive the last Principal awards for this year and parents are invited to join us. As part of this assembly, students from the Community Languages program will perform items for us.
Year 6 Farewell
On Friday evening next week, we will celebrate the graduation of our Year 6 students with a dinner dance at Canada Bay Club. This is a special occasion for the students and a significant milestone for families as we thank our senior students for their leadership and service of the school and wish them every success in high school.
Parent Volunteer Medallions
We would like to thank the many parents who have supported the school and their children by volunteering over their years at DPS.
If you have volunteered over the years and are leaving the school this year, please let us know.