St Mary's Bulletin

Term 1 - Week 3 (21 January, 2020)

From the Principal

Dear St Mary's School Community

Ash Wednesday

The Ash Wednesday Mass will begin at 9.00am in the church and be led by the Year 5/6 class.  All are welcome to attend.  Ash Wednesday signals the start of Lent.  Lent is a time of fasting, prayer and works of mercy for others.  In the Early Church, people preparing for baptism spent 40 days fasting and praying as an act of repentance.  It grew into a time for the whole church to repent and renew their baptismal promises.  Jesus himself spent 40 days praying in the desert.  Lent finishes on Easter Sunday.

Morning Fitness

As part of the Health and Phys-Ed program at St Mary’s School classroom teachers (Year One to Six) do morning fitness.  This can be either a game, tabloid sports, exercise drills or running.  For some classes, this takes place on days when the students are wearing their school uniform.  On those days, the students can bring their sports shoes to change into and then change back into their school shoes.  All classes (Year One to Year SIx) has morning fitness on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (Thursday is sports uniform).

On Entry Assessment PP-2

During Term One,  children in Pre-primary to Year Two will be participating in the Department of Education’s state-wide On-entry Assessment Program

The purpose of the program is to provide teachers with an opportunity, early in the year, to collect information on the essential literacy and numeracy skills and understandings of each child in their class.  This will assist them to develop informed and intentional play-based teaching programs, designed to reflect individual needs and foster each child’s learning.        

Some assessment tasks can be included in the daily teaching program and some will be carried out one-to-one, in a quiet area.  This will provide the children and teachers with valuable time together, as well as give the teacher the opportunity to observe the behaviours and processes children use in responding to questions.

If you would like any further information, or to discuss your child’s participation, please contact your child’s teacher.


Further information can also be found on the On-entry Assessment Program website at the following address.

School Fees

The Annual School Fees invoices were sent home on Thursday.  Fees can be paid either per term, in regular instalments or in full. Health Care Card and Pensioner Concession Card holders can claim a substantial discount by filling in a form at the front office. This needs to be done in Term One and the current card needs to be sighted and copied. 

School fees are compulsory and a necessary part of what makes our school run as it does.  They help to provide exceptional teachers, resources and opportunities for your children.  If families are having difficulties meeting their fee requirements then they are urged to make a time with me to discuss this confidentially and to make alternative arrangements. 

Absence from School

Mrs Riethmuller and I will be attending the CEWA Leaders Forum on Monday, 24 February.  Mrs Grant and Miss Walsh will be responsible for the school in our absence.  I will be staying on in Perth for Tuesday, 25 February to attend a Workshop at CEWA with Dr Michael Fullan who is recognised as a worldwide authority on educational reform and leadership.  On Friday, 28 February I will be at CEWA with Mrs Ryan and Ms Holmes to attend an initial information session on the Administration of Schools System (AoS) which St Mary’s School is moving to in May.  Mrs Riethmuller will be responsible for the school on the 25th and 28th February.

School Bus

As per the Parent Handbook:  If your child is not catching the bus home it is essential that you notify your child’s teacher in writing, otherwise it will be assumed that your child is on the bus. Please phone the school if an unexpected situation arises throughout the day and your child is not catching the bus at late notice.  Whilst emails are quick and convenient, there is the potential for them to get ‘lost’ in the hustle and bustle of a school day.  If you need to contact the school to change your child’s bussing arrangements please phone the school.  Your assistance and cooperation with this is much appreciated.

Change of Date

The date for the Learning Journey has been changed from Tuesday, 7 April to Thursday, 2 April.  Please adjust your calendars accordingly.  Information about the Learning Journey will be shared closer to the date.

Reading Workshop

Schools Classic Tennis

I wish the St Mary’s students participating in the Schools Classic Tennis competition all the very best of luck for Wednesday.  The competition will be held in Beverley.  The following students will be representing St Mary’s School:  Charlie Atkinson, Ellie Atkinson, Jacob Barnett, Ava Downsborough, Archie Gethin and Charlie Growden.  They will also be joined by two students from Merredin College – Bonnie and Chloe Wahlsten.  Thank you to Meg Gethin for coordinating this opportunity for our students.

God Bless and have a lovely weekend with your families, 

Ms Adriana Coniglio


Let us Pray

Dear God,

During Lent help us to keep our eyes on Jesus.

Help us to spend more time talking and listening to you.

Help us to share what we have with others and be sorry for times we have done wrong.


St Mary's School Merredin

P&F Uniform Shop

Open Tuesdays

8:30 am - 9:10 am

2:50 pm - 3:15 pm