Parkhill Primary School Newsletter

Issue 17, Friday 11 June 2021

Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,

It is so lovely to have students back onsite today! Great to see everyone on the yard catching up from missing the past two weeks. Thanks to those of you who came onsite to say hi and honoured the restrictions outlined in yesterday's communication - I will list them again below:

  • Face masks to be worn at all times on school grounds

  • Physical distancing of 1.5m honoured

  • Good hand hygiene practices

  • No whole school assembly

  • No choir practice this week - will resume next week Friday 18th June

  • Parent helpers in class can continue honouring the above restrictions

  • Music instrumental lessons and visiting specialists will continue as normal as well as the upcoming soiree

  • Sick children must stay home, or will be sent home

I would like to take this chance to share some lovely news with you - Lucy Magura (Y2/3 Team leader and classroom teacher) is having a baby. She will be with us until the beginning of term 4 before she heads off to embrace motherhood!  I am sure you will join me in congratulating Lucy on this wonderful news. 

The final week of remote learning again saw high engagement across the school - I am so proud of the efforts made by all families and children this round of remote learning. The ease of restrictions comes at the perfect time for us to relax over the long weekend and get back to school for the remaining two weeks of term. 


For many years, since my time as a teacher at Parkhill and even before that, we have had a school chaplain. Suzanne Carmody has been a member of the Parkhill team since 2012. She works closely with some of our families and students in a support role, organises our Bring it Breaky’s and connects with outside community groups who offer support for camps and excursions and a multitude of other support and care arrangements.  

We are able to have Suzanne as part of our team due to department funding - sadly this funding ceased at the end of 2020. We were working with the agency who employs Suzanne to fund her for the remainder of 2021, however late last week we received word that they were no longer able to support this funding. Very sadly we will say goodbye to Suzanne at the end of term. 

We will host a morning tea, providing restrictions allow, on Thursday 24th June to say goodbye.  More information will follow. 


Our annual swimming program will be running in term 3 through weeks 3, 4, 5 and 6. Details will come home soon around payment, etc. – please do keep your eyes open for the orange letter! Please do complete and return the slip as soon as possible – even if you do not intend on participating. The swimming element of the curriculum is very important and the school’s swimming program run through Huntingtower is excellent.  It is important to note that a school swimming program is just that. It is not club swimming. The program is intended to cater for the majority of students at their ability. Huntingtower has wonderful facilities that suit the needs of Parkhill. 


  • Monday is a public holiday - no school

  • In term 3 we will hold our whole school assemblies on a Monday afternoon. Assembly will start at 3pm as usual. We intend to move afternoon tea break back by 10 minutes to allow us more time in the assembly space. 

Best wishes,

Elaine Brady


Calendar of Curriculum Events

Monday 14 June - Queen's Birthday Public Holiday

Thursday 24 June - Afternoon Soiree - see information below

Friday 25 June - Term 2 ends at 2:30pm

Money Raised for Wear It Yellow Day

(Artwork by Darcy T, F/1C)

I would like to share yet another huge thank you to the Parkhill community for getting behind our Wear It Yellow Day that was held last Friday. Through your gold coin donations, the school has raised well over $217, with our donations still being added up.

This has assisted Children’s Ground who through Reconciliation Week saw 188 schools, groups and individuals hold a Wear it Yellow Day, leading change through education.

Overall, Children’s Ground has raised $17,000 and counting, which will go towards community-led Early Years learning, health and cultural wellbeing.  

It is still not too late to donate. A gold coin donation goes a long way:

Thanking you again for helping to take action this Reconciliation Week!

Bella Crowe

Koorie Ambassador

Y6 Adaptation Inquiry

As part of our ‘milestones’ inquiry, Y6 have been looking at adaptations. An adaptation is a long-term process that an organism undergoes to become better able to live in its habitat or habitats. We’ve looked at all manner of change, from an animal’s camouflage giving it an edge, to a plant’s response to bush fire. In a social context, an adaptation can be any reasonable change that can be made to accommodate and include people with disability or impairment. This past week, we started by looking at the Invictus games, and then looked at how sports, activities, and built environments can be adapted to encourage inclusivity.  

A social model perspective does not deny the reality of impairment or the impact on the individual and instead seeks to change physical, attitudinal communication and social environments to accommodate people living with impairment. It does not seek to change persons with impairment to accommodate society.  

A young person with disability has a right to be a fully participating student. There are some schools that are better funded and structured to support disability and impairment, but here are some changes or adaptations that Y6 have identified that could be made to a school environment:

  • Braille on doors and important places 
  • Ramps to assist those with mobility challenges 
  • Curriculum and project-based learning 
  • Text-to-speech 
  • L.O.T.E – Auslan for hearing impaired 
  • Tactile tiles in front of doors for sight impaired 
  • Rattles and bells in balls for play and PE activities 
  • Posters and visible learning  
  • More computers 
  • Special play equipment.  

Chris Logan

Y6 Teacher

Science Week

Next week is Science Week. We will be exploring Space Sciences across the school. Students will investigate concepts such as:

  • Observable changes occur in the sky and landscape;

  • Earth’s rotation on its axis causes changes, including day and night;

  • Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the Sun).

Get ready to explore the skies and learn more about our planet and solar system!

Attitudes to School Survey - Y4-6

Due to the lockdown, the Attitudes to School survey was postponed until the end of the term. We are planning for students in Y4-6 to now sit the survey from Tuesday 15 June to Friday 24 June. They will complete the survey in their classrooms.

This annual survey asks the students about their perceptions and experiences of school. Students will be asked about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, bullying, life in general, as well as health and wellbeing questions.

Information about the survey was sent out to families with Y4-6 students prior to lockdown. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Policy Update - June 2021

Policy committee met this week via video conferencing and churned through three policies - Anaphylaxis, Child Safe Standards action list, and CCTV.

The Anaphylaxis policy outlines how we manage anaphylaxis at Parkhill, including identification of anaphylaxis, setting up Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plans, locations, risk minimisation strategies, emergency procedures and staff training. 

The Child Safe Standards action list is a handy document that the policy committee uses to survey our compliance with the Child Safe Standards. All of our Child Safety policies can be found on the school website.

The CCTV policy is a fresh new policy to add to the set, as we have CCTV cameras installed at the school. The policy determines what the cameras are used for, general locations, and how long the data is retained.

Our policies can be found on the school website, but the latest policies are waiting for our new website to be launched and will be updated by next week.

Our committee will next be meeting in September, so you have plenty of time to write me an email letting me know that you can join us! Send it to and I’ll reply with your first invitation!

Michelle Smith

Assistant Principal

Library News

Hi Parkhill Families,

A quick reminder that book orders are due - we will be extending the cut off date to Saturday 12 June.

Can’t find your brochure? You can browse here - Book Club Issue 4 2021

Orders can be placed via or by using the LOOP app. There is no obligation for you to make a purchase.

Every Book Club order earns Scholastic Rewards for the school to purchase additional resources, and we are grateful for your support.

I will provide an update on delivery. Kindly please note that orders may only be received after the school holidays.

Please get in touch if you have any queries or need a hand

Angelita Williams


Reserve this space - Afternoon Soiree at Parkhill

We hope to hold our first soiree back onsite with our new music teachers on Thursday 24 June at 2pm, so keep the time penciled into your diary. This will be subject to whatever may happen once we are out of lockdown. We will let you know closer to the time!

Wonder Recycling Program

Great news, Parkhill! 

Parkhill has registered for the Wonder Recycling program. As a community we can recycle more plastic and turn our bread bags and tags into new sports equipment for the school.  

Get collecting and deliver your bags and tags to the office collection box. 

Together we can make a difference to the environment and our school. 

Andrea Crane

Learning Support

PFA News - June 11

Executive Committee:

President:  Rossanne Clay                  

Vice  President: Kylie Brown

Treasurer:  Sumi Sundram

Secretary/Communications:  Kylie Touloupis

General Members:  Elle Delmee, Vanessa Cowley, Trish King, Marinda Tanner.


To all our trivia night ticket holders, due to the new restrictions we will be postponing the Op Shop Glam Trivia Night event. Currently we are setting the date to Saturday July 17th (first Saturday back in term 3). Thanks for your understanding with this and we hope that this new date will be workable for you. If you have any queries regarding the changes please contact Rossanne on 0480 171 847 or

Parkhill Primary Trivia night - You can purchase a table of 10 or individual tickets 7:00pm arrival for a 7:30pm start Dress code - OP SHOP GLAM

We've received lots of great things from Will Fowles, Chemist Warehouse (next to Officeworks), Feminae, Mr Burton's on High St, Ashburton Meats, Officeworks, Bunnings, Dan Murphy's, Bugs Gymnastics, My Beautiful Abode, and also the donations of people in our community Adele, Nikki Sechler, Luke Smith, Kate Pearson, Dan Edwards, Briggite Garret, Sumi, Kylie Brown, Astrid, Harri, Sophie Kost, Joanna Argaet, Vanessa Cowley from our community. THANK YOU!



If you're able to spare one hour to help with setup or packdown of the Trivia event on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning please sign up here. Many hands make light work:


Our cupcake stall has been postponed until further notice.

Young Engineers- After-school STEM Lab- Parkhill PS - Learn, imagine, build and explore with our STEM program. Our world-class programs are designed to enrich the students’ knowledge in STEM through the use of K’nex®, LEGO® bricks, coding and robotics techniques making it possible for the students to understand and solve a problem by practical application of theoretical concepts. This is what makes the Young Engineers a pioneer in education.

Beyond Online

Dear parents and students of Y1-6, 

Our Term 2 Beyond Online classes begin in the final week of May . These programs run after-school hours and across four consecutive weeks, each connected by a subject area that explores a different concept weekly. Students can join at any time as each session covers a stand-alone concept.  Please note: This is a parent-nominated program. 

  • Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon programs are available.
  • Years 1-4: 4:30 - 5:30 pm - $30 per session
  • Years 5-6: 4:30 - 6:00 pm - $45 per session

Contact G.A.T.E.WAYS on 02 9940 0303 if you have any questions or need assistance with the enrolment process.

Fun - Professional - Educational Soccer X Pty Ltd is a Professional Soccer Coaching providing fun & educational programs for all ages & abilities. See Programmes Certified Professionals Our coaches are UEFA certified, trained in First Aid, child protection, and safeguarding. Training ove ...

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