Broken Hill North Public School

Newsletter No. 8 - 28 March 2022

From the Principal

Week 9

Mon 28 March          Staff meetings in stage teams

Wed 30 March         BHNPS Athletics Carnival – Field events at school

Thur 31 March           BHNPS Athletics Carnival – Track events at Picton Oval

                                    Selective High School testing

Fri 1 April                   Cohort groups’ assemblies in hall throughout the day

Term 1 is quickly closing in with a big focus this week on our Athletics Carnival on Wednesday, with the field events at school and Thursday, with the track events at Picton Oval.


Reminders re Athletics Carnival at Picton Oval on Thursday:

  • Travel is by bus @ $3.00
  • No canteen – so food and drink will need to be supplied by families
  • Parents are able to attend and are expected to sit in family groups, maintaining social distancing around the perimeter of the oval.
  • Focus is on participation and fun!


Easter Hat Parade 

The staff and students in the K-2 classes would like to invite you to our Easter Assembly and Easter Hat Parade.  The Parade will be held on Friday 8 April 2022 starting at 2.30 pm under the COLA. 

Students in Years 3 to 6 who would like to make a hat will also have the opportunity to parade. 

Parents will be able to attend the parade, which is great news. That said, there are still some limitations. Parents will need to check/sign in when arriving at the school and sit in family groups, maintaining social distancing around the perimeter of the COLA.

Anzac Day, as always falls on 25 April which is the Monday after the 2 week holiday break and our school we will be participating in the Broken Hill March. Our SRC will be expected to represent in our official school uniform which doesn’t involve the new polo shirts or zip up jackets. Any student who would like to be involved and march with our school is welcome to do so and will need to meet the expectation re uniform and meet near Hungry Jacks by 10:20 am on the day. It is a significant and important day on our national calendar and deserves respect and our school’s representation.


Week 10

Mon 4 April               Staff meeting – Technology focus

Fri 8 April                  Cohort groups’ assemblies in hall throughout the day

                                    Easter Hat Parade – 2pm – 3pm to finish off the term.


Enjoy the holiday break, spending time with those who love you most.

Term 2 commences on Wednesday 27 April for students

New Event

Date and Time

From Thursday, March. 31st, 9:10 am to Thursday, March. 31st, 2:30 pm


367 Kaolin Street, Broken Hill NSW, AustraliaGet Directions


The Track Events Athletics Carnival will be held on Thursday 31 March 2022, at Picton Oval. Please find the Online Permission Note below. If you would prefer a paper copy they are available from the school.

If you wish to pay for this event online just go to the school website using the link below.  

If using a phone tap the threes lines at the top to access the Payments menu and if using a computer the tab is at the top of the home page.  Alternately the money can be sent to school.

P&C News

It was so heartening to see such a good roll up of parents for the rescheduled P&C Annual General Meeting last Tuesday evening. Even more encouraging was seeing all the executive positions filled and a very positive vibe moving forward for 2022.


President – Patricia Slater

Vice President – Lauren Morton

Secretary – Danielle Staker

Treasurer – Stacie Hall

Publicity Officer – Nicole Powell

Public Officer – Brylee Tracey

Easter Chocolate & Money

Please return all Easter chocolate & money by the Wednesday 23 March.

  • Money is to be placed in the blue P&C box at the canteen 
  • Unsold Easter chocolates must be returned to sickbay 

Any families who do not return money & chocolate by the above date will be contacted directly by Lauren.

The note sent out about the return of chocolates or money was from the P&C not the school.  If you received a note but have already returned the money please contact Lauren on 0478 639 454 to discuss this.

COVID Update – Current situation

Unfortunately, we have had an increase in the numbers of positive cases being reported to us. Please be vigilant and keep a close eye out for symptoms and test. Fortunately, there haven’t been any reports to us of hospitalisation. In such trying times it is so encouraging to see our community pulling together and supporting each other. KOKO!

We will continue to support the use of rapid antigen tests (RATs) in our school. If you require test packs please come into the front office and we’ll help you out.

All workers on school sites must meet mandatory double vaccination requirements.

Any student or staff member who is unwell and/or displays symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to go home and stay there until they can complete a RAT or PCR test.

  • If symptoms continue, they should stay at home and take another RAT in 24 hours or have a PCR test.
  • If the second RAT or initial PCR test result is negative, the student or staff member can return to school.
  • In NSW, positive COVID-19 cases are provided a Medical Clearance Notice after 7 days and allowed to leave self-isolation as long as they do not have COVID-19 symptoms.

Our school will continue to inform the school community of a positive case and advise families of the current public health advice, including monitoring for symptoms

If a student or staff member receives a positive RAT result, they need to:

·         record the positive RAT result through the Service NSW l link 

·         notify the school of the positive RAT or PCR result as soon as possible

·         follow NSW Health adviceExternal link to isolate for 7 days.

Masks are no longer mandatory for all staff.

Visitors can be allowed back on school sites regardless of their vaccination status. We have considered activities such as assemblies, parent-teacher meetings and other gatherings in the coming days and the following organisation will be in place until the end of March –

  • Cohort bubbles to remain in the morning, entry through any gate
  • Morning lines under COLA to commence the day.
  • Recess and lunch organisation to stay in place re current rosters. Review at end of March
  • Friday assemblies to continue in cohort groups.  SpEd at 9.15am, Upstairs B Block at 10.40am, K-2 at 11.30am and C Block at 12.45pm
  • Parents / visitors on site – Continue with sign in at office and sticky label until further notice



Each week I will endeavour to propose aspects of mindsets and challenge you to take it into consideration in your role as parents / carers. 

Fixed Mindset

Don’t try too hard; that way you’ve got an excuse if things go wrong.

Change to

Growth Mindset

Always try; that way you have more chance of success and progress.

Which mindset is most likely to result in learning?  Change the words, change the mindset!

Attendance Snapshot

Term 1 Week 8

Target 91%

Actual - 78.8%

K FK MK-6 DK-6 RK-6 W1 H1-2 H

2 B3-4 K3-4 S3-6 L4-5 M5-6 G5-6 W

A long way short of the mar - Make very day count!

Classes of The Week

Raise Responsibility Class Points ( > 90% ) –K F, K M,K-6 D, K-6 R,  K-6 W, 1 H, 1-2 H, 2 B, 4-5 M, 3-6 L & 5-6 V,

100% Green students – K-6 D, K-6 R & 1 H

Attendance – Unfortunately no class hit the target of 91%

100% attendees – 161 students attended every day this week. 5  more than last week.


Class AwardsLearning Power Awards
K FZamari Kirby, Elizabeth Wasley, Jake Stacey
K M Heidi Rampling, Brock Vigar, Emersyn Staker
K-6 R
Levi Chapman-Brady
K-6 WMarley Perkins
1 HRhemy Tracey, Theodore Pascoe, Dean Murphy
1-2 HMylah Kennewell, Daiv Gajjar, Grace Cooper
2 BAmelia Haring, Freya Lloyde, Uniqa Mains
3-4 KWhisper Dodd, Chris Kerwin, Lizzy Russell
5-6 GMatt Molloy, Ella Clarke, Steven Neale
5-6 VWJenna Mitchell, Jarryd Farmilo
AnnettBrock Vigar, Diane Parfitt, Amity Williams, Jace Peduto

How will you make today count?

Community News

Broken Hill North Public School

Our school prides itself on providing all students with a broad education and the ability to achieve.