Moorditj Noongar Community College Newsletter

Term 3 ~ Week 10 ~ 22 September 2022

Messages From the Principal

Principals Address

It has been another super busy term at Moorditj and the children and staff are looking forward to a well-earned break. Our students have enjoyed participating in numerous science activities during Science Week; they learnt how dream with their eyes open during Book Week and tested their limits at the Faction Carnival. I would like to wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday break and look forward to having you all back on Tuesday 11th October for the first day of term four.

Faction Carnival

Moorditj held its Faction Carnival last week under beautiful blue skies. I would like to thank our PE Teacher Ms Sally for all of her efforts to prepare the children and coordinate the day so successfully. We were also very lucky to have our canteen running on the day, selling yummy treats and I would like to thank Canteen Ladies and WAPOL for their ongoing commitment to our school. Congratulations to Yongka which was the winning faction this year in a very close count conducted in very high spirits. Well done to all of the champions and runners-up in the Junior (Yr1 & Yr2), Intermediate (Yr3 & Yr4) and Senior (Yr5 & Yr6) age groups as well.

Attendance Rewards

Moorditj has been offering end of term Attendance Rewards for some-time as a motivation for children to attend school every-day. This term we are going to the movies and in term four we will have a will have a whole school Colour Run for any student with 85% attendance. Make sure that your children attend school to enjoy these activities.

Bus Agreement

The school bus agreement was posted on the Skoolbag App and a copy has been sent home. It is imperative that an adult is home every day for the drop off, as this is a Buswest agreement that is in place with the Department of Education. Unsafe behaviours on the bus, such as taking off seatbelts or distracting the driver will result in the service being ceased for a period of time.

Home Reading

Home Reading is an important part of our literacy strategy at Moorditj Noongar Community College. It is important that children read every night for at least 10 to 15 minutes. We will send home a variety of books that are at their appropriate level. Students that get their home reading books folders signed, will earn books every 20 nights at assembly. 

Pete Freeman


Dates to Remember


 21st          85% Attendance Reward

22nd          Queen's Memorial Public Holiday

23rd           Last day of school for Term 3


10th            Staff Development Day - no school

11th            Students return

17th            Year 6 Graduation Photo

24 Oct - 4 Nov    Swimming lessons


3rd              Kindy Assembly

10th            Kindy transition day

11th            Remembrance Day

17th            Kindy Transition day

24th            Kindy Transition day

25th            Ellenbrook Secondary College Orientation Day

28th            John Forrest SHS Orientation Day


1st               Swan View SHS Orientation Day

1st               Kindy Transition day

8th               Kindy Transition day

9th               Kindilink celebration

13th             Graduation / End of Year Concert

14th             Yr 6 graduation excursion

15th             Last day to order stationery through the front office

15th             Last day of school for students

Term 4, 2022 Interm Swimming Lessons

24 October - 4 November

Swimming will be held in weeks 3 and 4 of Term 4 for students in PP to Year 6 and will cost $40 per student.  Please be aware that this has been heavily subsidised by the school to ensure that EVERY child can participate.

If you have not already paid, we strongly urge families commence paying for these lessons immediately.  We do not have access to vouchers this year so ALL families will need to pay.

You can pay for swimming in cash or over the phone/in person via EFTPOS.

Learning to swim is a valuable life skill and Mr Freeman would like to see all student attend swimming.

Year 7 Orientation Days - High School 2023

Sadly, it's time for our Year 6 students to start planning for high school in 2023.

To ensure students don't miss attending orientation days in Term 4, please enrol in high school before the end of Term 3.

The following schools have provided dates of Orientation days in Term 4 (to be confirmed at the time of enrolment):

Governor Stirling SHS                              24 November

Ellenbrook SC                                            25 November

Kiara College                                             14, 21, 28 November

John Forrest SHS                                       28 November

Swan View SHS                                          1 December  


News from the Deputy

It has been another busy term at Moorditj with just a couple of days remaining . The students have many wonderful things happen at Moorditj . They enjoyed Book Week activities, and culminated in the Book Parade with students dressed as their favourite character. It never ceases to amaze me how imaginative some people can be.

On Friday we had our Faction Athletics carnival and On Wednesday last week , the school held its jumps and throws. On these days we exemplary sportsmanship and congratulations to all our winners.

 Our attendance reward winner got to enjoy a trip to the movies this term. Remember keep coming to school everyday to be able to join us for an exciting incursion or excursion each term. 

If you would like to join us in KindiLink we welcome you with open arms, the children and families are always looking for new friends to join us so if you have a baby or young child (under 5) please come along, we have lots of fun together, you get to relax and yarn while the children enjoy each other’s company and all the fun activities that we provide. We meet at the school on Monday and Fridays from 930am to 12:30 pm all food is provided and it is totally free to come along

 I would like to wish you a great school holidays and we will see you all ready for an exciting term 4.

Kind regards,

Emma Colquhoun

Deputy Principal

KindiLink News

We started Term 3 with a visit from the cuddly farm animals, the children got to pat, hold and feed the baby animals. It was a very special day that the children still talk about! Having the animals in prompted us to learn more about farms so we had lots of fun talking about the many animals, reading stories, singing and crafting.  

At the end of July we celebrated NAIDOC and Aboriginal children’s day. We were super happy to join the school with a smoking ceremony. We also decorated boomerangs, made friendship bracelets, wound yarning sticks and added a leaf to our belonging tree. 

Over the term we have explored many themes including animals, insects, seasons and flowers. We were very busy creating many wonderful and fun crafts which we have begun to decorate our room with. Each week we have also been enjoying a cooking experience and I must say there are some budding little MasterChef’s at Kindilink. Our families are such wonderful cooks, the amazing food we made together we also shared together for morning teas. The food we have made has given us lots of inspiration for healthy and cheap lunch box snacks as many of our KindiLink children will be starting Kindergarten next year. 

Book week was a fun morning of dress ups and we joined the school again this time with participating in the book parade, the children we so brave and confident as they made their way around the circle and enjoyed the claps. At the end of the day they were excited to take home a brand new book. 

In week 7 KindiLink all over Western Australia joined in with On Country week celebrations. This event saw us visit Woodbridge Reserve Park for a play, sausage sizzle and walk by the river. It was here we created a beautiful group canvas with paints and natural materials we found on our walk. We titled our art “Walking on country together” KindiLink we so impressed by our On Country event they have asked us to share our experience and show off our art at their annual conference day. 

Father’s day saw us making shrink dink key rings and cute space craft foot prints as presents. We celebrated all the amazing men in our lives. 

Go Moorditj!...the school always puts on an amazing sports carnival and this year was no acceptation. The KindiLink kids were a little overwhelmed but mostly excited to see all the school and families gathered and cheering on the oval. They ran super-fast to the finish line and got a ribbon for having a go! 

We have just ended the term with a walk and play at the skate park, the weather has warmed up so much and it was very nice to walk together as a group and enjoy some active outside time. 

 If you would like to join us in KindiLink we welcome you with open arms, the children and families are always looking for new friends to join us so if you have a baby or young child (under 5) please come along, we have lots of fun together, you get to relax and yarn while the children enjoy each other’s company and all the fun activities that we provide. We meet at the school on Monday and Fridays from 930am to 1230pm, all food is provided and it is totally free to come along! 

 Nicole Drew

Kindilink Teacher

Student Absences

If your child is sick or away from school for any reason, please ring the School to provide a reason for the absence: Ph 9374 8800  or please reply to the text messages sent. It only takes a couple of seconds to respond. Thank you for your assistance.

Alternatively if you have Skoolbag then you can access the sick / absent note to let us know.  Simply logon to your Skoolbag app, click on the Moorditj Logo at the top, then click on EForms and then you will see the sick/absent note to fill in.  

Bus Runs

Please be advised that our buses are extremely full and we can only accommodate emergency requests to drop at another address if there is room to do so.

In addition, please ensure your children are ready and waiting outside for their morning pick-up,  Please allow 10 minutes either side depending on traffic, new and leaving students etc. The buses will only wait 2 minutes at each stop.

REMINDER:  the Bus warden and/or driver need to see an adult out the front in the afternoons before your child will be allowed off the bus.  Thank you for your assistance. 

Jumps & Throws 2022

Senior Throws

1. Malakye

2. Dylan

3. Bradley

4. Thomas F

1. Emma-Lee

2. Sharteque

3. Belinda

4. Tarlene

Intermediate Throws

1. Mathias

2. Tyrone

3. Caiden

4. Braxton

1. Shontayha

2. Havana

3. Jelika

4. Sontia

Junior Throws

1. Shawl

2. Zamiel

3. Tyshaun

4. Jamarl

1. Alexis

2. Jasmine

3. Shavaya

4. Honey

Senior Long Jump

1. Bradley

2. Malakye

3. Dylan

4. Thomas F / Tyler

1. Belinda

2. Sharteque

3. Shardae

4. Jahzel / Tarlene

Intermediate Long Jump

1. Caiden

2. Mathias

3. Tyrus

4. Sunil

1. Jelika

2. Shontayha

3. Akeva

4. Mickeel

Junior Long Jump

1. Zamiel

2. Phillip N

3. Shawl

4. Paul

1. Alexis

2. Jasmine

3. Anarosa

4. Kacey

Senior Triple Jump

1. Malakye

2. Bradley

3. Thomas M

4. Dylan

1. Belinda

2. Tarlene

3. Shardae

4. Jahzel / Emma-Lee / Trinity

Intermediate Triple Jump

1. Tyrone

2. Mathias

3. Tyrus

4. -

1. Jelika

2. Suniesha

3. Kedeesha

4. Rebekah

Faction Carnival 2022 photos

Individual Champions 2022

Junior Girl Champion - Alexis McGlade

Junior Girl Runner-up - Jasmine Ryder

Junior Boy Champion - Zamiel Noble

Junior Boy Runner-up - Shawl Meredith

Intermediate Girl Champion - Jelika Henry

Intermediate Girl Runner-up - Shontayha McLean

Intermediate Boy Champion - Caiden Prosser-Farmer

Intermediate Boy Runner-up - Mathias Pompey

Senior Girl Champion - Belinda Anderson

Senior Girl Runner-up - Shardae Cameron

Senior Boy Champion - Malakye Merrilees

Senior Boy Runner-up - Bradley Councillor


Congratulations to Yongka on winning the 2022 Faction Carnival.  Your pizza party will be on Friday 23 September.

Term 4 Calendar

VacSwim 2023 Enrolments Open

Enrolments for Kindy 2023 at Moorditj are OPEN


The following students celebrate birthdays during September/October:

Braxton - Yr 3                Honey - Yr 1                Caiden - Yr 3               Zekaiyah - PP

Shontayha - Yr 4            Jazalia - Yr 3                Jamarl - Yr 2                Atticus - Yr 3   

Jaliyah - PP                    Malakye - Yr 5              Jermaine - K                 Shavaya - Yr 1       

Bella - Yr 3                     Tarlene - Yr 6              Kacey - Yr 2


Congratulations to the following students who have achieved 100% attendance during Term 3:

Ernest - Yr 2                Jordyn - PP                Aniqua - Yr 6            Jelika - Yr 4  

Phillip JS - Yr 2             Kyeanne - Yr 2         Mathias - Yr 4         Mickeel - Yr 4 

Tarlene - Yr 6               Teliah - Yr 1                 Rebekah - Yr 4

Canteen - Wednesdays

Please note the new canteen menu for Summer starting Term 4, 2022.

Orders have to be paid in cash on the day before 9:15am.  LATE ORDERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

If you would like to leave money with the office (as a credit for your child's lunch orders) you can pay in cash ONLY and the ladies in the canteen will keep a record of the weekly spend. We will then notify you when the balance gets low.


Canteen Summer menu 2022


POLO SHIRTS -  $15 each sizes 4-14

SHORTS -  $10 each sizes 4-14.

JUMPERS/JACKETS -  $20 each sizes 4-14.

FACTION SHIRTS -  $10 each sizes 4 - 14

They can be purchased from Admin and payments can be made by cash or EFTPOS.

Head Lice

It has come to our attention that some students in the school have head lice. Could families please check children's hair each Friday night for head lice. This will enable treatment to occur over the weekend before returning to school on Monday.

Home Reading Program

All students from years 1 to 6 are expected to complete 15-20 minutes of reading per night. They have all been supplied with a home reading folder which contains a different book each day and a reading folder.

Please ensure your children are reading nightly and returning their folders to school daily so the books can be swapped over.

Students can win brand new books to keep if they are completing their home reading each night.

                                                                    Today a READER

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tomorrow a LEADER

Community Notices

Moorditj Noongar Community College

The College is a systemic school set in the quiet surrounds of Black Adder Creek. There are 120 students enrolled at Moorditj Noongar Community College between 4 year old Kindergarten and Year 6.

Be Respectful | Be Caring | Be Responsible