Pendle Pages

Pendle Hill Public School Newsletter

TERM 3 WEEK 4, 2022

A Message from the Principal

Dear parents/carers,

Over the next few weeks we will be celebrating Children’s Book Week. The fact we celebrate Children’s Book Week every year highlights just how important teachers and schools value literature and its importance in children’s lives. Reading and literature are enormously important in supporting children’s development in a range of areas. When children are read to regularly the activity supports their language and literacy learning, and development of general thinking skills. It increases concentration and improves creativity and imagination. Most importantly it helps children develop a lifelong love of reading. Reading together is a great bonding activity for families to share. It is great for children to have opportunities to read many different types of books and there at lots of ways to provide children opportunities to read and share books. Children are able to borrow books form the school library. Families can also join the local library, there is a branch at Wentworthville.

Our Book Parade is scheduled for 24.8.22 children are encouraged to dress up as a favourite book character to participate. As the COVID situation is starting to improve we will be holding the parade outdoors and parents are welcome to attend. Further details will be provided next week.


Gabrielle Buczynski

What's On!

Check out our Diary Dates


Term 3

19.7.22 Term 3 School resumes for students

9.8.22 P&C meeting

15.8.22 Story Quest 2-6

18.8.22- 25.8.22 Book fair

24.8.22 Book Character Parade

30.8.22 Stage 2 Excursion Sydney Symphony Orchestra

5.9.22  Calmsley Hill City Farm Excursion

13.9.22 P&C  meeting

19.9.22-23.9.22 Education Week Activities

23.9.22 Last day Term 3

Term 4

10.10.22 Term 4 School resumes for students

19.12.22 Last day Term 4

Classroom and Preschool News

Preschool News

Spin that Wheel!

We have been observing how things move in the wind. Children decorated and made their own pin wheel. We took the pin wheels outside to test them in the wind and experience the cause and effect. Many children tried to blow their pin wheel to make it spin but it was hard to blow. We used trial and error and when it wasn't spinning very fast on the grass and we moved to higher ground. Once the wind picked up the children were so excited when their pin wheel was spinning so fast. 

Margaret Akamatis

Pendle Hill Public School Preschool

Peer Support Program

Introducing our Peer Support Program

On Tuesday afternoon, Week 3 students will commence our Peer Support Program with Session 1 ‘Feeling safe Being me!’ For the next 8 weeks all students K-6 will be involved in groups of approximately 8-10 students to work with two to three student Peer Leaders and supervising teacher on ‘Stronger Together’. This module aims to support positive relationships amongst students.

Our Peer Leaders have been trained and have planned their session using the materials we have from Peer Support Australia. These materials are specially designed for student led sessions. Teachers will prepare students, supervise sessions and check understanding at the end of the sessions.

Our sessions this week includes activities for the members of the group to get to know each other by using a range of social skill interactions that promote diversity and engagement. It also establishes a safe learning environment where the peer group feel able to join in, share and contribute to developing a sense of belonging, to better protect themselves from the effects of bullying.

Peer Support Program


Peer Support Groups

Principal's Award

The Principal's Award is awarded to helpful, safe, respectful learners.

Congratulations to the students who have been nominated for Principal's Award in Term 3.

Classwk 3/4wk 5/6wk 7/8wk 9/10


1-3X, 1-3B

3VTaha, Aishnoor

Meek, Gyan

4-5FYash, Jason
5-6SSaurav, Nevaeh
5-6VAryan, Shubechya


COVID Guidelines Term 3

Please help keep our school community safe by observing the following COVID measures.

  • Keep children home  if unwell until  free of symptoms, even if they  have a negative RAT.
  • If your child has symptoms administer a rapid antigen test.
  • Close contacts are able to return to school but must wear masks and RAT tests for five days.
  • Mask wearing is stongly encouraged, we ask that adults visiting the office wear a mask.
  • It is  strongly encouraged that all eligible students and their families to get vaccinated for COVID-19 and the flu.

If your child tests positive for COVID please let the school know. Students testing positive for COVID must isolate for seven days and can return to school if symptom free after 7 days. If your child is a close contact they may return to school but you must let us know they are a close contact and they must RAT test daily for 5 days and  wear a mask. We are able to provide work for students who are close contacts or COVID positive  and well enough to work.


Book Club

Issue 5 is out now.  Closing date is 8/8/22.

Just a reminder that it's ONLINE ORDERS ONLY

Message Board

Important Messages and Upcoming Events

Let's Dial Up Attendance!

What does attendance look like at PHPS?

Regular attendance at school is important for students at our school to reach their full potential. The Learning and Support team are looking very closely at attendance and parents will receive a letter to explain how many days their child has been absent for in the past 10 week period.

Currently we have 137 students whose attendance is below 85%. 85% attendance equals 30 days (6 weeks) of absences across the school year.

Students with more than 95% attendance will receive a Penny Possum ticket with their letter in celebration of their attendance at school. This can be placed in their class Poss Box to contribute to their class reward.

Let's work together to improve school attendance and make a positive difference to education and learning at Pendle Hill Public School. 


Nicole Hogan

Term 2 Attendance Facts - Is your child on time everyday and attending everyday they can?

Attendance is importance to student success at school. We are seeking to improve our attendance rates. In Term 2 we are aiming for 90% of students to have 90% or better attendance. It is important for students to stay home if unwell but if your child has frequent absences please  ensure they attend school on every day they can. Each newsletter we will publish the attendance rate to monitor our improvement. Term 1 and Term 2  facts are listed below. Late arrivals are should be mostly avoidable and we should be able to eliminate these altogether if everyone  makes a big effort. 

Term 1

  • 76% of students had 90% or better attendance
  • 60  children had 100% attendance
  • 187 children were in class on time every day

Term 2, 3.6.22

  • 68 students had 100% attendance
  • 199 children were in class on time everyday
  • The 90% attendance rate is below Term 1

Office News

Messages, reminders and information from the school office

Enrol for kindergarten 2023

Children must turn 5 before 31.7.23 to start kindergarten next year.

If you are intending to start your child at school next year or know of someone who wishes to enrol their child you can do an online enrolment by going to our school website and clicking on the enrolment tab at the top of the page.

Please contact the office if you have any questions on 02 9631 8253.

Apply for preschool 2023

We are taking preschool applications for 2023.

Children must turn 4 before 31 July 2023 to start at our preschool next year. Email the office to request an application form ( Include your address, name , the child's name and date of birth in the email.

The preschool runs on full day sessions in 2023 with children attending five day fortnight. Preschool enrolment applications must be submitted before 1 September, 2022 in order to be considered for the first round of places. There will be no fee charged for preschool in 2023.

Why is Preschool important?

Preschool helps children develop many vital skills. It particularly assists children to develop important social skills which make a huge difference to their learning when they commence school. If children come to school being able to better follow a teacher direction, sit still and concentrate in a group of children  and they are ready to start learning as soon as they begin school. Our preschool program focuses on these skills as well as many other areas and prepares children for more formal learning in Kindergarten

The preschool program is a one year program for children in the year before they commence formal schooling. Children are only eligible for preschool for one year before they commence school. We are happy to discuss your child with you and offer advice if you are not sure of when they should commence preschool in 2023.

New Look Online Payment Page

Instructions to make a payment

Click on this link to make an online payment via our School Website.


Have Your Contact Details Changed?

Have you changed your Phone Numbers or Address? If so please access the form in the school bag app under the Eforms tab (Click on the school crest to find the eforms  tab) or click on this link:-

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is now OPEN on Wednesdays between 8.30-9.30am.  Online Order at 


Complete an order form and  submit it by email ( or text msg (0405 506 383).

Access the order form in the school bag app under the Uniform Shop tab (Click on the school crest to find the Uniform Shop tab)

Further Information on uniforms can be found on our Website via this link:-   

How to install Skoolbag

Are you having trouble with Skoolbag or you would like to download it another device? Check out these easy, step by step instructions.

OOSH details

Contact the Pendle Hill Activity Centres Inc for before and after school care on the school site  details. Ph 0403 865 828 email:

Community News

Emergency Services Family Day

Cool Kids

Keeping families and children well –

COVID-19 Bulletin

Issue 65: Thursday 4 August

Good Morning,

Please click here to find the latest COVID-19 bulletin.In this issue:

  • World Breastfeeding Week (1-7 August)
  • Dental Health Week (1-7 August)
  • COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 6 months to under 5 years
  • Healthy lunchboxes made easy
  • In my street - local events in your LGA

Kind regards,

Healthy Children Team, Centre for Population Health

Western Sydney Local Health District

English TAFE Course

Conversational English Flyer


Greystanes Giants Softball Club

Please download flyer below for more information.

Softball Flyer


Cricket Anyone?

Cricket Flyer


Pendle Hill Colts Cricket Club

Pendle Hill Colts Flyer


Parramatta Library is Moving

Parramatta Library is preparing to move to our new home. We look forward to welcoming you to our new state of the art Library, Customer Service Centre, and History and Visitor Information Centre at PHIVE, 5 Parramatta Square, in Spring 2022.  

Please notify your school community of the following changes at Parramatta Library, as students will not be able to use the library study spaces and resources from next Monday 25 July until Monday 8 August.


From Monday 25 July, Parramatta Library will open as a pop-up, located on the ground floor, 1-3 Fitzwilliam Street, Parramatta.Monday to Thursday: 9:30am to 6pmFriday: 9:30am to 5:00pmSaturday: 9:30am to 4pmSunday: 2pm to 5pm

The pop-up library will include:  - library items available through ‘click and collect’ service. - borrow up to 40 items. - place holds (reservations) of up to 10 items on your library card via the library catalogue or by phoning Parramatta Library 9806 5159.

From Monday 8 August, in addition to our pop-up library, computer use of up to 90 minutes and study spaces will be available on Level 1. 

For further information, please visit the council website.

If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact the library.

What's new to Healthy Lunch Box!

New Recipes:


New Blogs:

  • Label reading made easy – our top tips on how to make healthier choices when at the supermarket
  • Is fresh always best? – with the price of fresh fruit and veg increasing, we answer the question whether frozen or canned fruit and veg are good alternatives to fresh produce

Healthy Lunchboxes

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