Dear Parents/Caregivers,
I would like to acknowledge the 2023 Governing Council who met for the first time on Monday night as a newly formed council for the school year.
- Chairperson: Amber Pellerin
- Deputy Chairperson: Yvie Eglinton
- Secretary: Yvie Eglinton
- Treasurer & Finance: Melissa Vlachos
- Education: Nikki Dopson
- Fundraising: Melissa Vlachos
- OSHC: Nadia Hodgson
- Assets and Grounds: Melissa Vlachos
- Sport: Nadia Hodgson
- Canteen: Amber Pellerin
- Uniform: Yvie Eglington
- Council Members: Leanne Craig, Erryn Busby, Aaron Dunn and Alana Phipps
We still have vacancies on our Governing Council and it would be great to have those filled for the 2023. Please don’t underestimate the importance of your voice to the school.
Any items, issues or queries for Governing Council can be raised either through the front office or the school’s email address marked ATTENTION GOVERNING COUNCIL.
Harmony Day
Thank you to staff and students for celebrating Harmony Day on Tuesday, even if the untimely rain shower interrupted our planned picnic on the oval! It was great to see students of all ages interacting together on the student-led activities. Well done everyone!
Student Free Days for 2023
At Monday night’s meeting, Governing Council approved the following student free days for 2023. These days are important for our staff to work on aspects of the site improvement plan and their professional development.
- Term 2: Friday 9 June - Site Improvement - Literacy & Numeracy Focus
- Term 3: Monday 11 September - Site improvement - Literacy & Numeracy Focus
- Term 4: Friday 3 November Site Improvement - Moderation and Assessment.
School Closure Day
In addition, Governing Council has approved a school closure day for Friday 8 September. Please note these dates in your diary. We will provide further details on each day, closer to the date.
COVID Updates
You may have noticed that we continue to send daily updates to classes where a COVID case has been reported. This is because we are still required to report all known COVID cases to families where classes may be affected. It remains a requirement for all schools to report cases to our department for monitoring and tracking purposes. Please notify the front office if your child tests positive for COVID.
Congratulations to our year 3 and year 5 students for completing the NAPLAN process for 2023. The testing process went really well and overall, our students showed persistence and resilience to complete their tests. I would like to acknowledge Mr Jonathon White for his outstanding organisation and leadership throughout the testing process to ensure everything ran smoothly, no small task with so many students accessing technology at once! We will notify you when results are available and provide you with further details on how to interpret your child’s data, later in the year.
Make every day count! We want every child here at school, every day, to give them the best chance of progressing in their learning. We monitor attendance closely and will contact families direct, where we are concerned about individual children.
Please also remember that lesson one starts at 8:45am and it is important that all children arrive with time to prepare themselves for that first lesson of the day. It is often essential literacy teaching and learning time and we do not want anyone missing this important part of the day.
If you are having difficulty getting your child to school, please talk with your child’s teacher in the first instance. We are very well placed to support you with issues of separation or school refusal and we can put support plans in place that could assist your individual circumstances. Working in partnership between school and family is the best approach to supporting attendance.
With regards
Matthew Champman