Reynella Primary School Grapevine

Term 2, Week 10 | 2022

From the Leadership Team

Term 2, although not plagued by lockdowns and online learning, has proven to be extremely busy. Fortunately, as the term progressed, school operations were able to return to normal. Teachers held parent teacher interviews as well as writing reports. This is a huge time commitment, most out of school hours for our staff, and we are greatly appreciative of their efforts to ensure parents are aware of the progress their children are making. Reports will go out on Friday afternoon. If you have any concerns about the reports you need to make a time to speak with the teacher early next term.

Sadly, the end of term is often the time when we need to farewell some staff members. Richard Kemp has been with us for 3 terms as Senior Leader and has made a significant contribution to our school in that time. He has made strong connections with members of our school community and been a great support to staff. Cassie Blackler started with us last year as a preservice teacher and worked in D6 for the first two terms. Cassie has a wonderful career ahead of her and I know the D6 students will miss her as their teacher and we will all miss her smiling face and boundless optimism.

We also welcome back some returning staff members: Sarah Bradbury will be returning from maternity leave to resume her role as Deputy Principal and we must acknowledge Matt Simmons’ sterling efforts in stepping up in her absence. Fiona Brown will also be returning to her Student Wellbeing Leader role and Belle Padgett will return to classroom duties in D6. Belle took on the challenging role of Student Wellbeing Leader and has made a significant impact on the wellbeing of students across the school and we thank her for her work. We also welcome Mrs Sarah Bartlett who will be working in D1 on Mondays.

We know that everyone is looking forward to the holiday break as this is a time for us all to rest, relax and recharge our batteries. Have a wonderful holiday, thank you for your continuing support and we look forward to seeing you all next term – Remember, Monday 25 July is a Pupil Free Day.


With all the additional time on their hands, the urge to use devices is even stronger. During the school term, about 77% of kids said they find it difficult to wake up on school mornings, while 62% find it difficult to get to sleep on school nights, which means that poor sleep habits will be exacerbated during the school holidays if screen time is not managed. Our resident blogger and mum of two, Jess, shares her tips on managing screentime these school holidays.

1. Set routines and boundaries

‘If you already have routines and boundaries during the school term, keep these going during the school holidays. By keeping to the same routine, kids won’t fall into bad habits when they have more time to use their devices,’ Jess explains.

2. Take them out of the house

‘Time permitting, arrange some family fun days outside the home. Take them somewhere new or even somewhere they usually love going. By distracting them and placing them in a new environment, they won’t even think about wanting to use their devices.’

3. Provide some activities that don’t involve screens

‘Painting, drawing, reading, board games, building a fort, baking a cake... the list goes on. What did your kids enjoy doing before they ever got an iPad or smartphone? Tap into what they enjoy doing outside of YouTube, gaming or social media to keep them entertained.’

4. Moderate device use

‘Like everything in life, moderation is key. We try and make sure our family routine consists of a range of healthy and sensory activities, encouraging lots of physical, creative and sensory play,’ says Jess.

5. Appropriate apps

‘Help your child make good app choices. There are so many fun educational apps, that your child won’t even know they’re learning. In addition, they develop important skills like hand-eye coordination, early literacy, building relationships and more.  The internet is a wonderful resource for them when used safely and I encourage parents to "co-play" or get involved with their child’s use of technology as much as possible. This will keep them connected as a family but also allow you to ensure their app choices are safe and healthy.'

By Jessica Hill, Family Zone

Jess is a mum of two and came on board at Family Zone after she worked as an Intelligence Analyst for the WA Police for 9 years.

5 top tips to manage screen time these school holidays (

Student News

Learning with A1


On June the first, we played our first knockout netball game. The Reynella SAPSASA netball team competed at Hallett Cove East Primary school for a few netball games. The team had a great experience and came in second place, but unfortunately, we didn't make it to the next round.

First, we competed against Flagstaff Primary, then Hallett Cove East and the last game we played was against Braeview Primary. As a team, we won the last two games of the three.

It was a great day and we all had a blast!

Thank you to Ms Ashworth for coaching us, to Mrs Rogers for umpiring and to our parents and helpers for your support on the day.

By Georgia, Mila, Chloe, Allirah, Kelsey, Ruby, Tigerlily, Hannah, Grace and Jess.

Congratulations Jasmine!

Congratulations to Jasmine for her successful solo audition for the Festival of Music in Term 3.  Jasmine will be singing a solo in the song 'Who Knows' with the massed choir, which includes our Year 5 & 6 Choir students - Thursday September 15th.

Do these glasses belong to your child?

If so please come and collect from the front office.


School News

Community Pantry

With the rising cost of living and many families finding it tough during this time, we will be starting a community pantry in Term 3 for those in our school community. The pantry will be available for anyone to come and collect items and those who can, can donate. The pantry will be in the library and open for collections on Tuesday and Thursdays. We would love donations of non-perishable items, toiletries and any other household staples. These can be dropped off to the front office at any time.We would also love to hear from anyone who may be able to donate on an ongoing basis, such as breads or fruits, or in any other way.We will also have information available about local services such as discounted clothing centres, food drives, free support events. Please let us know, if you know of any service that we can share for families to access.For any way you can support or if you have any questions, please contact PCW Sarah Mewett via Seesaw or through the school office (08) 8381 1493 on Tuesdays or Thursdays

Sarah Mewett

Pastoral Care Worker

School Photos Wednesday 27 July

School photos are on first Wednesday back at school with a catch up day being on Friday 29 July.

Reynella Primary SchoolSchool Photography Date: 27/07/2022

Dear Parents,

School photography day is coming up soon. Group and portrait photographs can be purchased by following the link below or by returning the order envelope with your payment to our photographer on school photo day.

NEWadvancedlife now offers Latitude Pay! To take advantage of LatitudePay and split the cost of your order into 10 small easy payments, simply order your school photos online as usual, set up a Latitude Pay account in just a few clicks and pay no interest or fees when you pay according to your payment schedule; it’s that easy.

3 easy ways to purchase:

  • LatitudePay – Click on the link below, set up an account during the online order process and split your payments across 10 weeks with no interest or fees, if you pay on time
  • Visa, MasterCard or PayPal
  • Cash – complete the envelope supplied and return it to our photographer on photo day
  • Or visit: enter online order code: VND RAK N75

    School photography information:

    • Online orders - do not require an envelope returned to your school
    • Sibling Photos - Don’t forget to pre-order your sibling photos online up to 24 hours before photo day. We provide your school with a list of sibling orders right up to the day of photography, so no one misses out. If you miss the online order deadline, you can submit a completed sibling order envelope first thing in the morning of the day of photography, so your school is aware you want the photo taken and can bring your children together in time for it. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at your school. Please note not all schools offer sibling photos
    • Late fees - a late fee will be applied to each package purchased after photo day due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately
    • Package delivery - photographic packages will be returned to your school for distribution approximately six weeks after photos are taken
    • Previous Years’ photos - Past years’ photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups are also available to order under the 'previous years or group photo' tabs at your school’s advancedorder site when you click on the 'Order School Photos Here' button above. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child’s unique, individual and secure advancedyou image archive site using the unique 9 digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past

    advancedlife would like to express our appreciation to Reynella Primary School for placing your trust in us. Please remember we offer a 100% money back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind. We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience as fast as possible, to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your advancedlife experience please contact us at:

    Have you seen our website?

    Did you know you can access information about STEM, student support and wellbeing on our website at any time?

    We are regularly updating information on our website so that you can find out more about what we have on offer at Reynella and what's coming up on the calendar!

    Canteen News

    Cancelled Lunch Orders

    If you child is absent please:

    • cancel your lunch order via QKR before 9am


    • call the canteen before 9:30am to have the order cancelled. If you cancel an order with the canteen (not through Qkr) they will postpone the order to an alternate day. You will need to let the canteen know what day you want the postponed order.

    NB. If the order is not cancelled before 9:30am the order will not be replaced as it has missed the cut off and will have financial implications to the canteen.

    Canteen Menu Price Increase

    Due to increasing costs, our canteen have performed a thorough cost analysis of the canteen menu. We have had to increase the price of some menu items from the start of term 3 to ensure the canteen doesn't run at a loss.

    Excerpt from Adelaide Now: "pantry basics have had the biggest price rise in a decade as food manufacturers are forced to pass on cost increases".

    Accessing your Qkr Receipts

    To access your Qkr receipts, go to the Qkr app on your device:

    • click on the 3 lines on the top left of the page, above the top toolbar
    • My Receipts (just under your name)
    • you will probably be asked to sign in
    • you should now have a list of all of your Qkr receipts since you've had the app
    • if you click on a receipt, you can see all of the information you need

    If there isn't a receipt showing for an order you believe you've put in, the order hasn't been processed.

    After School Sport


    Finance and Communication

    School Fees - Government Rebate

    Materials and Service Charges for 2022 were due to be paid in full by Thursday 14 April 2022. If you still have outstanding fees and have not made arrangements for payment by instalment, your fees are now overdue. If you are eligible for School Card this year, please apply now (information in this Grapevine).

    If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the school to speak with Kay Starczak, Business Manager. You can phone: 8381 1493 or email her at


    All students enrolled at Reynella PS, with the exception of students approved for School Card 2022, have been credited with a $100 Government Rebate. All families should have received a letter and statement explaining this a few weeks ago. We cannot apply the credit to outstanding fees without parent authorisation.

    We will send out statements with children at the end of this term, to families with outstanding fees or a credit. if you would like your Govt Rebate credit applied to outstanding fees, please send us a text or email authorising that with the wording "please apply Govt Rebate to fees - then list all children names"

    We do apologize for the first statement we sent out, as it was hard to understand, the one you get this week, will be much easier to read.

    There are several options for use of the Rebate, but you can only use the credit to purchase/pay for other items once your School Fees are paid in full:

    • ask us to apply it to outstanding fees
    • use the credit to pay for future excursions/fundraising
    • use the credit to purchase new uniform (this cannot be done on Qkr, you will need to phone or email our Finance Team or come into the Front Office.
    • leave the credit on your account to pay lower next years fees

    2023 Credit

    Parents will also receive another $100 per child in 2023 to use for School Fees, with the exception of 2023 School Card holders.

    School Card 2022

    Low-income families who attend a government school can get financial help with school fees – materials and services charges – through the School Card scheme. Click on this link or speak to Tracey or Kay in our Finance Office for more information.

    Don't miss out on Skoolbag Notifications

    To ensure you don't miss out on school communication, please ensure you turn Skoolbag notifications on and make sure you are part of your child's year group in addition to class and this will ensure you are kept up to date will all the information.

    Follow this link for instructions. 

    Qkr on Your Computer

    Click on this link to access Qkr on your computer.

    Important Dates and Information

    Information sent home since last Grapevine

    School Photo Envelopes - All children

    Sibling Photo Envelopes to be collected from the front office

    Government Rebate letter

    SAPSASA Boy's Knockout AFL

    GooRoo Animation - A5

    Important Dates

    25 July 2022

    Student Free Day

    27 July 2022

    School Photo Day

    29 July 2022

    Make up School Photo Day

    19 August 2022

    GooRoo Animation

    5 September 2022

    Pupil Free Day

    23 September 2022

    Run 4 Fun

    3 November 2022

    Sports Day

    4 November 2022

    Pupil Free Day

    1 December 2022

    End Of Year Concert

    2 December 2022

    School Closure Day

    14 December 2022

    Year 6 Graduation

    Please check the google calendar regularly to keep up to date with events happening at Reynella Primary School.

    Community Noticeboard

    Belle is at our school on Monday and Friday mornings from 8:30am in the ampitheatre (weather permitting) if you are after a coffee or morning snack. Please see menu as Belle overs quite an alternative menu to cater for all.  Parents welcome.

    Leadership Team

    PrincipalMichele Russell
    Deputy PrincipalMatt Simmons
    Senior LeaderRichard Kemp
    Wellbeing LeaderFiona Brown

    55 Concord Drive, Old Reynella, SA 5161

    08 8381 1493     sms 0416 905 323




    p. 0439 432 722