Term 2, although not plagued by lockdowns and online learning, has proven to be extremely busy. Fortunately, as the term progressed, school operations were able to return to normal. Teachers held parent teacher interviews as well as writing reports. This is a huge time commitment, most out of school hours for our staff, and we are greatly appreciative of their efforts to ensure parents are aware of the progress their children are making. Reports will go out on Friday afternoon. If you have any concerns about the reports you need to make a time to speak with the teacher early next term.
Sadly, the end of term is often the time when we need to farewell some staff members. Richard Kemp has been with us for 3 terms as Senior Leader and has made a significant contribution to our school in that time. He has made strong connections with members of our school community and been a great support to staff. Cassie Blackler started with us last year as a preservice teacher and worked in D6 for the first two terms. Cassie has a wonderful career ahead of her and I know the D6 students will miss her as their teacher and we will all miss her smiling face and boundless optimism.
We also welcome back some returning staff members: Sarah Bradbury will be returning from maternity leave to resume her role as Deputy Principal and we must acknowledge Matt Simmons’ sterling efforts in stepping up in her absence. Fiona Brown will also be returning to her Student Wellbeing Leader role and Belle Padgett will return to classroom duties in D6. Belle took on the challenging role of Student Wellbeing Leader and has made a significant impact on the wellbeing of students across the school and we thank her for her work. We also welcome Mrs Sarah Bartlett who will be working in D1 on Mondays.
We know that everyone is looking forward to the holiday break as this is a time for us all to rest, relax and recharge our batteries. Have a wonderful holiday, thank you for your continuing support and we look forward to seeing you all next term – Remember, Monday 25 July is a Pupil Free Day.