
Issue 2020 / 9


A new beginning. A new semester, a new term. And for some who are now a part of our community, a new School. We welcome you most warmly. And I am delighted to welcome back Mrs Roberts from her maternity leave to teach PK whilst Mrs Morrison enjoys a period of well-deserved long service leave.

Additionally, it is our birthday. Yes, we traditionally celebrate our Foundation Day on the first school day of Term 3. And with this comes a Foundation Day Assembly and the much-acclaimed Foundation Day Relay. By the time this edition of House News arrives in your inbox, you will know the victors for 2020. Naturally, with this year of doing things differently, Foundation Day is added to this mix. Thus, having the whole School of Kindergarten through to Year 12 zooming in on Assembly, and both the Assembly and Relay being Live Streamed to all our families, allowed us to utilise the new technologies that are a constant in our COVID world. We do hope you enjoyed this new level of engagement. I am appreciative of Mr Richard Morgan joining us for the Assembly and sharing in a Q and A style presentation, his reflections as a young boy in the Prep School and his time in various roles before becoming Principal of our School, when he took over from his father, Mr Rex Morgan, the Founder of Pittwater House. It was a time too when students from across our School, presented in various ways our theme “from chalk to zoom…”. My thanks to these students and to our leaders, Henry and Pip in the Junior School and our Head Prefects, Alex and Gracie. And of course, to Mrs Achurch, aka Miss Primm for her wonderful lesson!

So Happy Birthday, Pittwater House.

I trust these past three weeks have given you all time to reset and prepare for all that Term 3 will ask of us all. I do hope though, that the change of pace we have come to appreciate in our families, has allowed you to notice so much more in the world of the northern beaches. We are so very fortunate. Whilst the challenges of social distancing and focused attention on hygiene practices remain, some lightening of procedures, as shared with you on Skoolbag from Mr Walmsley last Friday, are now in place. Please adhere to these in every way; for none of us wishes to return to Remote Learning, despite it working so well for the majority of our students. We must follow the government and Chief Health Officer’s regulations and guidelines, precisely.

There are key events for the graduating Class of 2020 scheduled for the end of this term however what, and how, these will be undertaken, will be at the behest of the government and external providers. We will do all we can to ensure that strong and happy memories are a part of these final few weeks for our HSC cohort.

As I reflected on our students through the holiday Recess, I thought of their care of others and of the natural world. They have shown courage and compassion in stepping out of their comfort zone to tackle all that 2020 has required and I am confident that in the future, these learnings will show they have made their School, communities and their world, a better place. For the VUCA environment (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) that is now (and is being used by leaders worldwide to unpack these four challenges for mankind in such changing times), provides enormous challenge as our young people require skills that will allow them to cope in our ever-changing world. This too is our challenge, as educators. Facing a new term, we want our young people to not only gain knowledge, but to develop the skills that come from applying emotional and social intelligence to problem solve situations as they navigate the 21st century.

This year we have attempted to navigate what seems complete madness: catastrophic bushfires, droughts, dust storms, floods and now a pestilence that has become a global pandemic. As an adult, I have been challenged by this year; I am sure that our students continue to ponder how we should make sense of these events. This is but one element of our programs; to provide continuity and reassurance amidst such drama. For VUCA is sustained by fear.

FOMO (fear of missing out) is a constant for many, as is fear of failure, or not quite measuring up. Fear has been an ever present through the vulnerabilities brought on by the change, loneliness and extremism seen this year. What we need to do is support our students with the opportunities that these times provide. They have choices. We have choices, in how we respond. For whilst these events of 2020 can be seen through the lens of fear, if not acknowledged and tackled head on, fear and anxiety can become paralysing; that is why persisting in the face to fear and carrying on and becoming courageous as a consequence, must be our raison d’etre.

As the American author, political activist and lecturer, Helen Keller, who was born deaf and blind, remarked, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”

May this be a term of great achievement for you all. A term where courage is shown and where fear is explored, and creativity borne of fear, ensures.

From the Deputy Principal

The Skoolbag app is the main point of communication between the School and parents. It is used for School Communications, Permission Forms, HouseNews and Bus Bookings. You can also access Major Event Dates and our detailed School Google Calendars through the app. Parents can also use Skoolbag to inform the School of any upcoming absences.

Using the app allows the School to push important school communications directly to phones to keep parents regularly informed of activities and pertinent information relevant to you child.  We would encourage parents to subscribe to the Year group of their child to receive specific information for that year group.

If you need any assistance with Skoolbag please call or email the school on: 9981 4400 or at:

Photo/Film Opt Out

Pittwater House is committed to using student images in a safe, dignified and responsible manner.  If you Do Not want images or film of your child/children engaging in School activities to be published to promote Pittwater House School please ensure you complete and submit the Photo/Film Opt Out form on Skoolbag. You may opt out at any time. No action from you will be taken as implied consent.


Year 9 Parent/Teacher Interviews Reminder

Year 9 Parent Teacher Interview bookings will be closed from 4.00pm this Friday 24 July.  If you have not already booked in to see your child’s teachers, you are encouraged to do this before Friday afternoon.

If you have tried to make bookings and have been unable to find suitable times, please email

Maths Study Centre - Years 7-12

The Maths Study Centre for Years 7-12 will recommence this Thursday of Week 1 in the Library from 3:30 – 4:20 pm. From Week 2 it will be every Tuesday and Thursday at the above time and place.

History Made!

Friday 26 June was an historic day for The Pittwater House Schools, as we had our first completion of the Science Extension course, with the reports of Lachlan, Duncan and Ben being submitted. Their work included looking into the possibility of using plastic as an alternate fuel source, How the temperature of water effects the metabolism of zebra fish and The effects of the kinetic energy of water on the degradation of plastics.

We are very proud of the students' efforts and look forward to these being the first of many.

Year 12 Economics

On Tuesday 21 July, Mrs Leman's Year 12 Economics students had the opportunity to listen to Dr Philip Lowe (Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia) deliver his annual speech to the Annika Foundation (a Foundation established in support of youth mental issues). His speech addressed COVID 19, the Labour Market and Public-sector Balance Sheets and offered insights that were highly beneficial to the students as they prepare for their upcoming trials. Furthermore, at the end of the speech, Dr Lowe took questions from the audience and the second question he answered was from one of our Pittwater House students. Considering there was an audience of over 1000 people (mainly market economists and bankers), the students were rather excited. The question was submitted by Benjamin, our Deputy Head Prefect of the Grammar School and went as follows:

“To support the economy through the pandemic the RBA has actively bought government bonds and through doing this has effectively injected money into the economy. This approach is unconventional and unprecedented in Australia and has theoretical consequences of unnaturally high levels of inflation. My questions, firstly is the RBA’s stimulus expected to have this effect to any extent, if not why so, and secondly given the low inflation environment prior to the pandemic what level of inflation would be classed as unnaturally high?”

Very impressive Benjamin!


From the Head of Junior Schools

We are now fairly familiar with the current mode of life in 2020, and whether we like it or not, the status quo as it appears, will be with us for some time yet. Thankfully the wonderfully supportive community that is Pittwater House, remains resilient and positive, and we in the Junior School are grateful for your patience and understanding as we navigate Term 3 in the ever-changing climate.

Therefore, welcome back to what we trust will be a term where we can settle and focus on engaging learning without distraction, however, with a preparedness to tackle any impediments that may arise (born of experience).  A special welcome is very much extended to all new families joining the Pittwater House Family.

The Foundation Day, opening of Term 3 was a brilliant opportunity to reflect on how far we have come in our methods of delivering learning experiences for the students of Pittwater House over the years, and the recent COVID-19 experience certainly stretched the parameter to Zoom. The Junior School children loved seeing Leon and Jenson acting out the intimidated, but bold, students in their presentation with the cane wielding Miss Primm. Funnily enough, that’s how I began my teaching career in 1979; a composite Year 5/6 class of 36 students on a stage in a community hall, using a blackboard on an easel.  

Although our methods of teaching and learning may have changed, there are still some non-negotiables when educating children for life, delivered from all educators, parents being the first and most constant with the support of other teachers and influencers. These non-negotiables e.g. good manners, politeness, self-discipline, respect, gratitude, kindness and care, are of course learned best through modelling. 

Parent Interviews

During Weeks 2 and 3, parent teacher Zoom interviews concerning Junior School students will be conducted. An online booking system has been created for you to select a suitable time to meet the teachers, this information has been sent to you. These meetings are a wonderful way of planning the future goals for the students so please ensure you complete the Student Evaluation Sheet that was sent to you.

Co-Curricular Activities

Limited essential services and before and after school co-curricular activities are returning to School this term. Drama Club is on a Tuesday morning from 7:30am - 8:15am on the deck.  If you would like to join the Drama Club please contact Mr Mark Hopkins, Principal of O'Grady Drama - Northern Beaches on: 0450 107 367 or at:

Robokids, robotics club is taking place on Monday afternoons at 3:30pm to 4:45pm in M119 for students in K-3 and a new club, Code Camp is on Tuesday afternoons for students in Years 4-6 from 3:35pm to 4:50pm, Parents can book via or they can find the schools direct booking page here:

Please see the flyers and details for Robokids and Code Camp below.

Years K-6 Parent/Teacher Interview Reminder

K-6 Parent Teacher Interview bookings will be closed from 4.00pm this Friday 24 July.  If you have not already booked in to see your child’s teachers, you are encouraged to do this before Friday afternoon.

If you have tried to make bookings and have been unable to find suitable times, please email

Year 4 Science Virtual Incursion

During Term 2, Year 4 was scheduled to attend an excursion to Long Reef Marine Reserve, hosted by the Coastal Environmental Centre (CEC) at Narrabeen. The purpose was to investigate the ways that the earth changes over time, including the effects of weathering, erosion and deposition. Other aspects of changes to the earth included an investigation of the ways that human beings interact with our environment, and the effects of our lives on the earth and the environment. The disruption caused by COVID-19 meant that we were unable to attend the excursion. The CEC came up with an excellent solution. We were able to watch two presentations provided by the centre, followed by a Virtual Incursion, during which Ms Hilary Hay presented a lesson via Zoom to our students on Friday 19 June. Through the use of a 3-D model of the Manly, Dee Why, Collaroy and Narrabeen drainage basins, along with other props, Ms Hay demonstrated the ways that our lives impact our environment and the animals that live along our coast. We were able to see some beautiful, live animals that live along our beaches, and the students were able to ask questions about the lesson. We were very lucky to be able to experience this new, COVID-19 safe way to experience our incursion, and we’re very grateful to Ms Hay and the staff of the CEC for the way that they supported our students as we completed our Science unit “Our Changing Earth”.


From the Co-ordinator of Learning Enrichment

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) - Information for parents and carers

The NCCD collects annual data on students with disability in Australian Schools. All Schools must participate. Please see the link for further information. All data is de-identified.

Fact Sheet for Parents, Guardians and Carers - NCCD: Click here for fact sheet

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data Home Page:

HSC Disability Provisions Guide for Teachers and Parents

This guide has been recently updated. If you have any queries, please contact: 

Click Here for Provisions Guide

From the Co-ordinator of Performing Arts

As we start Term 3, our ensembles have all started and we are on the way to another great term. High School Musical our 2021 production is progressing well with an announcement going out soon to announce the lead and supporting roles. 

If you do not have access to the Performing Arts Ensembles Canvas Page or have questions, please contact: 

Ensemble Performance Showcase – Sept. 2 

Every year we like to showcase the talents of our Performing Arts Ensembles at our Junior and Senior Performing Arts Night. This year due to social distancing restrictions, we are unable to have the Junior Performing Arts Night and an audience onsite for the Senior Performing Arts Night. 

To ensure that our students have an opportunity to perform and our school community the chance to experience their hard work, we will be recording the students during the day on September 2 and putting together a video for our school community to allow these ensembles to showcase their hard work. 

All ensembles will be involved in this event. Communications about logistics will be communicated over the coming weeks. 

Note: Performing Arts Ensembles are all back from this week forward.

Private Music Contractors returned this week.  

If you are interested in having Private Music Lessons at Pittwater House during the school day, please fill in the last 2 pages of this form and email the completed form /and or any inquiries to:

Enrichment Opportunities  

We are looking for students to perform in our Senior School Assemblies. If your child is interested in performing please email your child’s interest to:   

Student Achievements  

Ethan (P4) received an A Honours for his Grade 4 Repertoire AMEB exam. 

School Uniform Shop News

Temporary Closure Due to Stock Take 

The School Uniform Shop will be closed for stock take on Wednesday 29 July (Week 2).

School Uniform Shop - Fittings and Purchases

Due to the School's continued desire to limit visitors to Campus, we ask that all fittings are by appointment only and that only one family member accompany the student to the appointment. Please call Mrs Tess Spark on: 9972 5721 or email: to book your appointment or for further inquiries.  For other purchases we suggest you utilise the online order forms available here. The uniform shop manager will call or email you to let you know when the items are available for collection. This will significantly reduce the number of people in the uniform shop at any one time.

Please Note: Students in Years K-6 must have written permission eg. email, note in diary from their parent/guardian in order to purchase items from the School Uniform Shop.

Term Dates

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