Dear Families,
We’ve had a really busy start to the term. COVID continues to pose problems at the moment with continued restrictions, and increases in student COVID cases. We will continue to keep families updated on COVID cases via the skoolbag app.
COVID update:
As of Monday 23rd May we will resume the following activities:
- Access to the library, computer room and hall in the morning/lunchtime.
- Student Leadership Council meetings
- Buddy Class
- ‘Grouping’ across classes within units
- Indoor assemblies with parents of host classes invited to attend.
- Continue to minimize visitors on school grounds.
All of these activities will be conducted in a COVID safe manner as per DfE And SA Health protocols:
- Face masks continue to be required when indoors for all adults.
- Face masks are encouraged for students Yr. 3-6.
- Testing, isolating and quarantine requirements.
- All visitors must wear a mask when indoors, practice physical distancing, and not attend the site if unwell.
- Continue to minimize visitors on school grounds.
In the first three weeks of term we have had over 30 students and 4 staff with COVID. The junior primary unit has been the hardest hit. I urge families to keep your children home if they have any cold/flu, gastro like symptoms, even if they have tested negative with a PCR or Rapid Antigen test.
Last week our Year 3 & 5 students completed NAPLAN. We had a few technical issues over the two weeks including a state-wide outage with the NAPLAN platform but we still managed to carry on. We also managed to ‘catch up ‘many of the students who were away by Friday afternoon. Now we just wait for the results which we can expect by the end of term 3.
The Australian Curriculum has been reviewed with version 9.0 being a ‘more stripped back and teachable curriculum that identifies the essential content our children should learn’. Some of the key changes include:
- the removal and reduction of content is the curriculum can be taught with depth and rigour, including a 21% reduction in the number of content description’s, which describe what is to be taught and what students are expected to learn.
- a stronger focus on phonics in English.
- a stronger focus on students mastering the essential mathematical facts, skills, concepts and processes, and being introduced to them at the right time.
- a revision of the sequencing of mathematics; in particularly, telling time, introduction of fractions, recall of multiplication facts and solving equations.
- lifting standards for Mathematics in Year 1 in relation to addition and subtraction, with additional content setting expectations about recall and proficiency with multiplication facts, beginning in Year 2.
- deepening students understanding of First Nations Australian Histories and cultures.
- strengthening explicit teaching of consent and respectful relationships in age appropriate ways.
ACARA (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority) is also undertaking work in the important area of mental health. This will be reflected in later updates to the Health and PE curriculum. Schools are expected to implement the changes to the curriculum next year.
Our Site Improvement Priorities this term continue to focus on Writing using the Teaching and Learning Cycle to improve student outcomes and teacher practice regarding effective feedback. Feedback should address three questions:
- Where am I going?/What are the goals?
- How am I doing?/What progress is being made toward the goal?
- Where to next?/What activities need to be undertaken to make better progress?
The purpose of feedback should always be to improve the learner in some capacity, and these questions should help take steps towards whatever goal the teacher has in mind.
Our first Pupil Free Day for the year is on Tuesday 14th June in line with other schools in our partnership. On the day we will continue our focus on Teacher Clarity in relation to Writing and Numeracy.
Thank you to Kylie Wilshire and Kate Thorn for their work with the Mother’s Day gifts. We appreciated the time and effort it took to make sure our students had something nice for mum.
We said goodbye to Kelvin Jean last Friday as he finished his time as grounds person while Richard Geyer was on leave. Kelvin did an amazing job in the short time he was with us and we certainly notice the difference he has made to our grounds and facilities. Kelvin will continue as an SSO two afternoons a week working with students on the many gardening projects we have at the moment.
On Friday we had our first indoor assembly for the year let alone the term. We did our usual Encouragement Certificates but also presented the new Student Leadership Council (SLC) to the whole school, and the parents of the SLC members. The students did a great job explaining their roles and we look forward to seeing them work with their peers to make changes/improvements at Angaston Primary School.
There were many students presented with Encouragement Certificates at the last assembly as some were held over from the last cancelled assembly. Congratulations to the following students for all their hard work in relation to our school motto of Be Safe, Be Kind, Work Hard:
Alex La Nause Annie Killey
Walter Feist Mollie Harris
Maggie Gransbury Darcie Spooner
Acacia Spooner Greta Blythman
Arya McGrath Tyson Betts
Drake Cannon Alannah Giersch
Judd Linke Toby Foreshaw
Asha Gabel Sophia Giersch
Tanner Mullins Harvey Wales
Koby Young Fynnan Kohlhagen
Petra Zanker Miki Mullins-White
Hugh Wheeler Hannah Schultz
Ruby Hughes Kyle Schmidt
Niamh Ennis Odie Logan
Fin Webster-Payne
If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours! Dolly Parton
Lynda Fitzpatrick-Brown