Marsden Road Public School Newsletter

April 2023

What's On

Thursday 6th April - Last Day of Term 1

Wednesday 26th April - Students return for Term 2

Thursday 27th April - Cross Country Carnival

Thursday 4th May - Assembly for K -2 at 2pm

Tuesday 9th May - School Photo's

Wednesday 10th May - Year 4 Excursion

Thursday 11th May - Year 3 Excursion

Monday 15th May - Year 5 Opportunity class 2024 online applications close

Tuesday 16th May - Assembly for years 3-6 at 2pm

Thursday 18th May - Assembly for K - 2 at 2pm

Principal's Report

Dear parents and carers,

How quickly has the term gone! It seems like it was just a few days ago we were welcoming our kindergarten. All I can say is time flies when you are having fun, and you are happy and you are busy doing things that you love. To me, this school, the students, the staff and the community bring immense joy. I know the teachers do their best and are one of the best in their profession. It is our outstanding teaching practice and the culture of our school that makes us one of the best in the states. In fact, we are the only school in NSW to have been chosen to be a case study for the recent report produced by the Grattan Insitute. The report highlights our evidence informed approach to teaching and the positive impact it has on student learning. There was also another report in the educational magazine Education HQ. The seven-page article discusses our citizenship program, our philosophy and in general our school practice. While you need subscription to access the Education HQ article, you can freely access the Grattan Report via the link below. It is a lengthy document, however if you interested in our school case study, you could read pages 14 and 15 only.

Once again, the Easter Hat Parade has blown me away. The creativity and patience of the parents and students is simply amazing. As always, it was a cheerful, joyous event that brought a smile to everyone's face. The standard of the 'hats' just keeps growing and I wonder how many nights parents have stayed up creating some of the intricate designs.


Thank you also to everyone for making time to attend parent-teacher interviews. I am sure you found the meeting useful in identifying areas as to how you can best support your child's primary education. Thank you for filling out the survey. The information we receive helps us understand the community's perception of the school. 

As we head towards the colder months, may I remind the community to ensure that children come to school dressed in full school uniform which includes plain black shoes.  Please ensure that your child wears the school jumper or jacket. If you need support with the uniform, please do not hesitate to contact the office. As we are committed to taking pride in our school uniform, we are always willing to support families with financial assistance to buy proper school uniform. Please see the front office if you need this support. 

I would like to wish you all a happy break. Enjoy the school holidays and have sleep ins, but once school reopens, please do not be late in bringing your child to school. We do not want your child to miss out on precious minutes of learning. Every minute matters in the early years of education. 

Finally, I would like to share two poems written by students in year 6R. I enjoyed reading them and felt very proud of these students. Hence, I wanted to share them with the community.

I wish you all a fantastic break.

Warm regards

Manisha Gazula

Attendance Matters

Harmony Day Poems

We would like to share with you a couple of poems written about about Harmony day by our students.

Harmony day  

Let’s wake up in cheer   

Harmony Day’s here   

Nothing’s better   

Than being together   

Harmony’s joy   

Girl or boy  

We are loved, no matter the race  

This is the place, this is the space  

We are not a rose   

We’re something other, I suppose  

Together combined   

We’re like grapes on a vine  

Nothing’s going to make us feel wrong  

We all belong  

Poem by
Christine Nguyen – Year 6  

Harmony Day

Harmony Day, Harmony Day,  

It is a day we all play,  

Everyone is included,  

And no one is excluded,  

No one is plentiful,  

But everyone is beautiful,  

All religions are respected,  

And all cultures are celebrated,  

Today is the day we celebrate,  

And remember that everybody is great.  


Poem by  

Bradley Do, Aarav Harsha 6R  

Share Our Space Free School Holiday Activities in the Liverpool LGA

Did you know that 100s of school grounds will be open and welcoming the community these holidays. Share Our Space ( and see what activities are on offer Free holiday activities (


Austral Public SchoolMobile Games Theatre & Laser TagJoin us for mobile Games Theatre and Laser Tag with Games2U
Liverpool Public SchoolGroove NationGet the creativity flowing with a free 1.5 hours of jam-packed expressiveness. The GET GROOVING WORKSHOP features:- Hip Hop- Dance composition and performance- Fitness games- Drama activities- Rhythm/music and body percussionA whole lot of inclusive, fun activities lead by qualified and experienced dance teachers.This will feel like a disco party and dance fitness combined. It’s easy to do, incorporates modern music and loads of energy is burnt without even realising.
Heckenberg Public SchoolGroove Nation

Get the creativity flowing with a free 1.5 hours of jam-packed expressiveness. The GET GROOVING WORKSHOP features:- Hip Hop- Dance composition and performance- Fitness games- Drama activities- Rhythm/music and body percussionA whole lot of inclusive, fun activities lead by qualified and experienced dance teachers.This will feel like a disco party and dance fitness combined. It’s easy to do, incorporates modern music and loads of energy is burnt without even realising.

Miller Public SchoolGroove NationGet the creativity flowing with a free 1.5 hours of jam-packed expressiveness. The GET GROOVING WORKSHOP features:- Hip Hop- Dance composition and performance- Fitness games- Drama activities- Rhythm/music and body percussionA whole lot of inclusive, fun activities lead by qualified and experienced dance teachers.This will feel like a disco party and dance fitness combined. It’s easy to do, incorporates modern music and loads of energy is burnt without even realising.
Ashcroft Public SchoolStars Within Inclusive Dance ClassesAll inclusive dance activity for everyone! Register today and enjoy a day of dancing and fun!

Autumn School Holiday program

School Photos

Marsden Road School Photo Day will be Tuesday 9th May 2023.

Personalised envelopes will be sent home on the first day of Term 2 (Wednesday 26th April) detailing how to order and pay for school photos.

Mrs Sheppard

Art Club

This term, students from Stages 1 to 3 participated in Art Club. They expressed their creativity and demonstrated artistic skills when creating their artworks. We explored perspective, realism, abstract art and gradients. Students had an amazing time and we hope to see more aspiring artists join us next term!

2nd Hand Clothing

Thank you to all the families who have donated uniforms that your child has outgrown, if you would still like to donate these to our school it would be greatly appreciated.  All sizes accepted.

School Hours

School hours are as follows: -

Start Time: 8.55am

Finish Time: 2.55pm

Please be reminded that there is no staff supervision for children before 8.30am.

If you require care before 8.30am, please contact Kids United OSHC located in our school hall. Details can be found below.

Lost property

In our warmer months we understand that sometimes your child may wear a jacket to school and take this off during the day. Due to this there has been a noticeable increase in lost property. All clothing with names on it has been returned to your teachers.

Parents, can you please ensure that your children's clothing, lunch boxes and drink bottles are all clearly labelled with your child's name so that it can be returned to you in the event that it is lost.

Before and After School Care

Kids United OSHC run an Outside School Hours Care Program from the school hall. This service caters for before and after school care as well as vacation care.



Telephone:      0403 UNITED (0403 864833)


Mornings             6:30am – 8.30am

Afternoon            3:00pm – 6.00pm

Vacation Care      7:00am – 6.00pm

Please select the link below for further information about the service and enrolment procedures.

Change of Contact Details

Have you changed your phone number recently?

Have you moved house?

If this is you, please visit our office and update your details today!

Marsden Road Community Hub

Community Hub operates each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

All are welcome to attend.

Current programs on include:

  • Community Garden
  • Basic Computer Skills with English Lessons
  • Playgroup
  • Citizenship Course
  • Read to me
  • TAFE Floristry Cert II
  • Coffee and Chat
  • Stay and Play Health and well being workshops

All programs/activities are ongoing and operate throughout the school term. 

Free childminding on site for courses

For more information call Nivek 0436 920 972 or email