Hallett Cove East Primary School

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19th, 20th August Year 3-7 Lacrosse Clinic

19/8/19 SAPSASA Volleyball Years 5-7

20/8/19 Wakakirri Rehearsal and Performance

26/8/19 SSO Week

26/8/19 School Photo Day

26/8/19 Book Week commences  - Theme: Reading is My Secret Power.

27/8/19 a whole school incursion presented by Splash Theatre  

28/8/19 Big Book Swap Charity Champions fundraiser 

29/8/19  9am Dress Up Parade Assembly, this is a community event

28-29/8/19  Fundraising Committee will run the annual Fathers Day stall for students to make purchases for their fathers, grandfathers, caregivers.  Stall will open after conclusion of the Book Week Dress up Parade

30/8/19 SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY - OSHC available for care, please book in

9/9/19 The year 3's are heading to Narnu Farm, Hindmarsh Island, for a camp. Travelling by private bus, leaving school on Monday 9th September around 9:30am,  returning to school on Tuesday 10th September around 2:30pm. 

12/9/19 9S/7W STEM Excursion an excursion to the Aldinga library where a STEM Robotics/Coding program has been organised by the Onkaparinga library service. On our way they will enjoy a ‘Picnic and Play’ at the Port Noarlunga wooden playground (weather permitting!)

20/9/19 Sports Day a fantastic whole school and community day for all

15/10/19 6W and 7E will be attending an overnight camp at Narnu Farm on Tuesday 15 October returning to school on Wednesday 16 October (Term 4, week 1). Students will be travelling to and from Narnu Farm by coach and staying in the camp accommodation. 

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


Friday of Week 6 is a full school closure for the Adelaide Show, there will be no teaching staff on-site. If you require childcare, the OSHC will be open. Please contact Lissy or Sally on 8381 7577, to book in.


Parents of Year 7 students will receive a welcome package from your child’s allocated 2020 school today. (Students will be bringing them home.) Please note that if your child is going to Hallett Cove R-12 School, there are a number of forms that need to be completed and returned direct to that school by no later than next Friday, 23rd August.


The Department for Education has recently updated their policy regarding health care plans and the administering of medications during school time and school events (including camps). For the administration of daily medication, the in-school protocols are now even more rigorous for schools and clear and more specific documentation is required, with authorisations from a doctor.  It is an expectation that these documents are provided. This includes for a child who only takes medication outside school hours, when attending school events that occur out of school hours at the time the medication is taken, (eg a school camp). Students who require medications for emergencies (eg for asthma or anaphylaxis) already have authorised medication plans in place and this process continues.

For students who are prescribed short term daily medication, (eg antibiotics for a week), the department guidelines strongly recommend that medications to be administered 3 times a day are given at breakfast, straight after school and bedtime where possible, and not at school. The school aligns with this recommendation. If there is any reason why short term medication cannot be administered outside school time, prior arrangements must be discussed with the office team first, and the school reserves the right to decline the request.


We wish our Wakakirri team all the best for their performance on Tuesday night next week. Students and teachers have been preparing for this competition since Term 1 and shown great commitment and perseverance to be ready. Thank you to the students for their hard work, and to Evie Donoghue, Soma Govender, Aisha Venner and Kath Milne for their excellent work training the team.


The staff is currently discussing an Open Day to be held early in Term 4. The plan would be a Japanese focus for classes in the morning, Japanese shared family picnic for lunch followed by the school being open during the afternoon for parents to visit and see what their children have been learning.

Further information about the day will be out soon.


Our school values of Respect and Responsibility underpin all our social expectations at HCEPS. This is expected from all members of our school community. Accordingly, these are just a couple of reminders:

  • Parents please do not approach individual or groups of children to discuss issues that concern your child. If you have a concern to raise, these need to be taken to the teacher. It is very inappropriate to approach children in the school regarding any matter unless you are a volunteer, (and except for a friendly hello, of course).
  • It is also very inappropriate to make posts in social media sites that are of a derogatory nature directed at other children or at the school. Again, if there are issues of concern, these need to be raised in the appropriate manner. The school’s grievance procedures that outline how to do that are in the school’s website.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many many school families who are excellent values role models for our students.







Anne Rathjen


SYC/HYPA Thank Our Hallett Cove East Primary School Community

Please click on the link to view a letter to the school community, thanking HCEPS for our support in providing food and clothing for homeless youth, at the end of Term 2.

Please click this link to read SYC thank you to Hallett Cove East Primary School


 This week the whole school has attended a virtual reality incursion provided by Ignite VR for Science Week.

All classes participated in this incursion with Reception to year 2 students doing an experience called Tiltbrush, year 3 students doing an underwater exploration called TheBlu, year 4, 5, 6 and 7 students doing Titans of Space.

The incursion took place over 3 days with R-1 classes on Monday 12th August, year 2-4 classes on Tuesday 13th August and the year 4/5 class plus 5-7 classes on Wednesday 14th August

It was a fantastic way for the students to enjoy Science Week and many of the students have asked if this incursion can happen again next year.

Thank you to Mr Aaron Charlton for coordinating this incursion for our students.

The performance date for our HCEPS Wakakirri troupe is Tuesday 20th August.  We will have a rehearsal at The Adelaide Entertainment Centre in the morning (10:00-10:30am).     Parents please purchase tickets through Ticketek: Ph 132 849 or via this link  please click here to open the link

Please ensure you select Adelaide Entertainment Centre Tuesday 20th August when purchasing your tickets.

Evie Donoghue

Wakakirri Coordinator

As part of our unit on giving back to the community, all students from House 9 contributed to making two blankets that will be donated to a homeless shelter. Students all developed their knitting and French knitting skills while engaging with each other. We would like to thank all parents who supported us by contributing wool and a very special thank you to Rosalee for stitching all our student contributions together into the blanket. It was a fantastic team effort.  

The Middle Years Team.

Book Week

This year Book Week will be held in Week 6 at our school. There are lots of wonderful things happening across the week to celebrate the power of reading, the 2019 nominated book list and this year’s theme: Reading is my secret power.

Some of the activities planned include classes holding their own voting for the Picture Book of the Year and the Early Childhood Book of the Year. We will also work together to produce a beautiful phoenix display for the library, attend a Splash Theatre performance, make a decorated chalk pathway (keep your eye open for this on Tuesday afternoon) and will be cracking secret codes each day. There will also be special Book Week activities held each lunchtime in the library.

On the Wednesday the Great Book Swap will be held and on the Thursday we will end the week with our special Book Week assembly and dress up parade being held at 9am in the pavilion.

We hope everyone will get involved in supporting this fabulous week!

Indigenous Literacy Foundation

The Great Book Swap

On Wednesday August 28th the Charity Champions will be holding The Great Book Swap as a fundraiser for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.

Over the next few weeks we are asking students to bring in books they no longer need or have outgrown. These books will be collected by the Charity Champions and then sold at lunchtime for a gold coin donation on Wednesday August 28th.

The money gained from The Great Book Swap will be donated to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation who support Indigenous children living in remote areas to learn to read. There is a large gap between Indigenous children living in remote areas and non-Indigenous children living in cities. 35% of Year 5 Indigenous children are able to read whereas 95% of non-indigenous Year 5 children can read in the cities.

Donated books need to be in good condition (no rips of scribbles) and can be put in the drop off box in the Resource Centre or given to class teachers. Every book counts, to help fill the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children. Each book purchased by your child will have a special sticker or bookmark inside. This event will be for Reception to Year 7.

Kind Regards,

The Charity Champions

4 West and 5 West

Thanks to the support of 3 amazing parents, we were able to make some fruit balls, muesli slice and popcorn. Students had a great time making and tasting, and making a big mess. Both 4 West and 5 West students took home the recipes that they can try with their families at home, in the hope that we can bring along different recess foods to try and reduce the amount of single-use plastic we use. 

Sports Update

Good Luck

Girls Knockout Soccer Report - we traveled to Mt Barker South Primary School, it was a dark and gloomy weather forecast with torrential rain expected.

The girls managed to get through the first game with just a few showers. It was a tight contest against Gillies Street Primary School.  Our girls played brilliantly and won the game  7 - 3.  In the second game the torrential rain struck!  The girls again played well and  we were leading 6-0 at half time but given how heavy the rain was and the general conditions the decision was made to call the remainder of the game off.  Our girls will be  progressing through to the finals to be held on Tuesday of Week 10. We are the first team to qualify.  Well done Hallett Cove East and good luck for the finals. 

We also wish good luck to our year 5-7 students participating in the SAPSASA Volleyball Carnival on the 19/8/19.

Sports Day 20th September

Sports Day is a much anticipated day on the school calendar, a great deal of planning and practice goes into making the day the very best it can be for all.  We welcome students and their families to come along and enjoy watching and being involved in the activities.  The program for sports day activities will be finalised soon and will be included in SkoolBag for families to read.  As always we will have a BBQ on the day with bacon and egg sandwiches and the traditional sausage sizzle.  The canteen will be open to serve a variety of foods and beverages including Helen's famous cappuccinos and hot donuts.

To make the day even more successful we would appreciate help with early morning  set up, end of day pack up, bbq volunteers and canteen helpers.  If you can spare anytime at all please leave your name and details with the front office staff.  Your help will be very much appreciated.

SPORTS DAY IS COMING, if you have any spare time at all we would love your help cooking the BBQ or serving in the canteen.  Please leave your name with the administration staff if you can volunteer some time to help out on the 20th September, the more the merrier. 


Please note the canteen Winter Menu has been updated please click here to view the latest menu

Winning and losing – ‘gracefully’

I’m currently running the social skills program: ‘What’s the Buzz?’ with 3 groups of students. The following is an extract from the program book by Mark LeMessurier and Madhavi Nawana Parker. It has some great tips for all families.

 Tricky feelings are often associated with winning and losing. The best way to be an all-round winner, is to play to win friendship. When the goal is to be kind and show friendship, you give yourself the best chance to win and lose gracefully. Here are a few practical ideas to teach children:

Highlight what you value – Show that you value the process of playing every game in a friendly way. Winning may well be a goal, but should not be seen as the only, single-most-important product. Discuss aspects such as laughing, enjoyment, companionship, sharing, intimacy, learning, helping, supporting, teaching, modelling, caring, practice, giving it a go, personal best and so on.

Grow through losing – Perhaps, in measured amounts, losing can be helpful because through experiencing losing our children learn:

·         None of us are good at all things, and nor are we are expected to be.

·         How to appreciate a winner’s talent in the context of humanity’s astounding diversity.

·         Effort and commitment can never be taken away.

·         How to re-group their emotions, bounce back, persist and strive.

·         How good it feels to honestly win or succeed.

·         How to control feelings by being gracious in the face of defeat or disappointment.

 Watch winners and losers – Whether your child’s team wins or loses, point out the players who handle the situation best. Ask, “How did they act?”, “What did they do?”. Also, watch how the players in televised sporting matches handle their emotions after winning or losing. Generally speaking players at the top level model impeccable skills and this is worth drawing your child’s attention to. And on the odd occasion where a player does something inappropriate, then you have just scored a golden teachable moment!



at HCEPS on Wednesdays and Fridays


School Banking Information Session

Hallett Cove East Primary is excited to offer the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program to all students.

School Banking is a fun, interactive and engaging way for young Australians to learn about money and develop good savings habits. Children who deposit money into their Youthsaver account through School Banking earn Dollarmites tokens, which they can save up and redeem for exciting rewards.

The rewards available during 2019 are:

• Scented Stackable Highlighters

• Snowy Origami Set

• Icicle Slap band Ruler

• Yeti Fluffy Notepad

• Arctic Owl Fluffy Keyring

• Scratch Art Cards

• Water Skimming Bounce Ball

• Polar Pencils & Pencil Toppers

School Banking is also a great fundraiser for our school. Our school receives a Regular Savers Contribution of $5 for every 10 deposits processed per student as well as an Annual Contribution which is based on the number of students who made at least one School Banking deposit in the prior year.

School Banking day is MONDAY

We will be holding a School Banking Information Session at our school:

Time: 2.30pm till 3.15pm

Date: Thursday 22nd August 2019

Location: Outside the Resource Centre

Please join us and find out more about the School Banking program and how your child can get involved.

If you are interested in opening a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account for your child you can visit commbank.com.au/schoolbanking and click on the link to open a Youthsaver account. A School Banking representative will be available at the Information Session to show you how you can do this. You can also visit your local branch. In order to verify yourself and your child, you will need a driver’s licence and your child’s birth certificate.

Community Notice Board

Activities and Interests

For more information click on the links

Meet the Author: Sonya Feldhoff in conversation with John Marsden 'The Art of Growing Up'

Books available for sale thanks to Booked at North Adelaide.

Wednesday 21 August, 7pm – 8pm

Marion Cultural Centre – Domain Theatre, 287 Diagonal Road, OAKLANDS PARK  5046


KIDS TAEKWONDO CLASSES - Fitness, Resilience, Confidence, Discipline, Respect.


• Children can start at the age of 5

• Experienced & Qualified Instructors WWC cleared

• Classes starting now

Enquiries Ph: 0412 965 905 or Email: info@worldtaekwondo.com.au

Junction Garden Tool Library opening for more information click here

Marion Tennis Club Open Day for more information click the link

The Smith Family are recruiting more families for their financial education and matched savings program.  This program ensures parents are able to afford the costs of their child’s education, including items such as school camps, laptops, uniform, books and extracurricular activities for more information please click this link

Southern Tigers Basketball Club has their annual District trials coming up on Sunday the 18th August and their Domestic League Competition Sign Up Day on Saturday the 31st August, for more information please click the link.


Hallett Cove East Primary School


Hallett Cove East Primary School:

  • Learning for tomorrow’s world
  • Working together
  • Valuing each other and our future

Our Mission is to ensure that our students are able to successfully interact and achieve within andbeyond their own community, now and in the future.

This may be evidenced by:

A Strong Sense of Identity
  • Students will be resilient and reflective, confident in their own opinions and provide leadership.
Creative Thinking
  • Students will be creative and critical thinkers who draw upon a range of strategies to deal with new situations or information.
Success in Interactions
  • Students will value diversity and successfully interact with others within and beyond their community in a collaborative manner.
Preparedness for the Future
  • Students will demonstrate initiative, enterprise and adaptability and will be able to successfully manage change within their own lives and as part of a global community.
Skill in Communication
  • Students will be able to successfully communicate in a range of settings within and beyond their own community.
Success in Learning
  • Students will develop and apply knowledge, competencies and skills, which enable them to be successful now and in the future.
Self-Directed Learners
  • Students will be able to initiate and implement their own learning plans. Based on constructivist theory, students will be supported in self-assessment procedures in order to reflect on and guide future learning.

The school Values identified by the school community are reflected in the everyday language atschool by staff, parents, students and community members. The Values are

  • Excellence
  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility

Our ongoing commitment to our Values is reflected in our Student and Staff Wellbeing programs including the Year 7 Student Leaders program, Buddy and assembly programs.

Qkr App (quicker)

Qkr App (pronounced quicker) is Hallett Cove East Primary School and Out of School Hours/Vacation Care preferred form of payment. 

Please click for more details Qkr App

Download on the App Store or Get it on Google Play

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The SkoolBag app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.