
Issue 2019 / 2


Family Zone

I am delighted to invite all Pittwater House families to the launch of Family Zone on Tuesday 26 February from 6.30 to 8pm in the Hall.

As I have shared previously, digital technology has opened a world of possibilities for our children. At the same time, it has multiplied potential risks.  As a school, our goal is to protect our students from exposure to online threats, from inappropriate content to cyberbullying. Therefore, we have partnered with a leading provider of cyber safety and digital awareness services, Family Zone.

The partnership of the School is WITH families AND students. We are seeking to empower our students and our parents to manage the technology; it is not about banning technology. Similarly, we are seeking productive behaviours with students focusing on work time and protecting sleep time. And at the same time, still allowing the freedom to have some ‘play time’ and ‘social time’.

For those parents who wonder why we are not banning technology, it should be noted that most binary arguments are weak. We do not want our students to miss out on all the positive aspects of mobile technology. So many curriculum areas are greatly enriched through the creativity and depth of perspective it allows.  And of course, we must acknowledge the realities of technology in the lives of our students. This is where Family Zone supports our position on technology and assists you as parents within your home setting. By setting up a private Family Zone account, you can apply age-appropriate parental controls on every device your child has access to, in any location.

It is only by working together that we can meet our digital duty of care.

Therefore, I urge you to attend the launch of Family Zone next Tuesday. I look forward to welcoming you to this important event for your family.

Family Zone Cyber Safety Evening


February 26, 2019 6:30 PM


The Great Hall Pittwater House, 70 South Creek Road, Collaroy NSW, Australia

More information

Family Zone and leading Cyber Expert Yasmin London, ySafe, have teamed up to present a parent workshop on current trends in social media. Informative and practical, the workshop will arm parents with constructive strategies for managing online behaviour.

The session wraps up with a demonstration of Family Zone’s world-leading parental controls. Students are welcome to attend with their parents.

Some of the topics covered include:

  • Cyber safety and online predators
  • Social Media 101- Current trends on popular sites including Facebook,
    Instagram, SnapChat
  • What students are doing online that they don't want their parents to know
  • Strategies for online behaviour management
  • Privacy settings
  • Sexting and the law
  • Pornography
  • Cyber bullying
  • Gaming
  • How to set boundaries around technology
  • Social media and mental health issues

RSVP via the TPHS Cyber Safety hub at:


Week 3 saw four levels within the Secondary School ‘out in the field’.  Whilst the Year 11 students undertook an excellent and finely tuned preparation for their senior schooling at Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation, each of Years 7, 8 and 9 undertook bush and water-based activities in pristine coastal areas, forests and national parks. The location of these camps ensures students are without technology; these are remote locations, deliberately chosen as such. Coverage to allow photos to be sent back to School and the charging facilities for phones are generally patchy at best.

Once more, I attended each of the camps and delighted in the opportunity to engage with the students and the Staff whose care for their student group is central to the experience. As always, I take most of the photos that we subsequently post to Facebook and attempt to send these photos back to the School as I move between the camps. I know parents appreciate seeing these photos which I send when I am in strong mobile range . Thank you to those parents recognising the challenge of this communication; isn’t it interesting that in our instant world, we expect widespread ongoing visual messages!

Please see below a snapshot from the various camps.

Swimming Carnivals

Whilst the majority of the Secondary School was camping, the Junior School Years 3-6 Swimming Carnival was held. By all accounts it was an outstanding day; widely supported by our families and provisioned by the wonderful volunteers from the PHPA. Again, these marvellous supporters will be out in force this week with the College Swimming Carnival being held this Wednesday and the Grammar Carnival this Thursday.

I look forward to seeing many parents at each of these events.

Pittwater House English Faculty

As part of our new academic year, I am thrilled to introduce our English Faculty to you.  Under the leadership of Ms Jill Brigden, this dynamic group share their passions and thoughts on the teaching of English. Click the link below for facts about the English Faculty.

English Faculty Facts


What's On - Events and Excursions in Weeks 4 and 5



Years 7-12 Elevate Study Skills Parent Session


March 6, 2019 6:30 PM to March 6, 2019 7:30 PM


The Great Hall Pittwater House, 70 South Creek Road, Collaroy NSW, Australia

More information

On Wednesday 6th March from 6:30pm to 7:30pm we have Elevate running a study skills session in our school Hall. The audience for this session are the parents of our Year 7-12 students. Throughout this year they are running sessions for all of our Year 7 to 12 students aimed at improving their study and time management skills. They are also running a session for our teachers. Therefore, the aim is for all three areas, students, teachers and parents to have a shared understanding around study skills. This in turn will further support the successful academic growth for each individual student.

Elevate sent through the summary below, outlining what they will be covering on the evening.

Parent Workshop
The schools that see the greatest behavioral change from their students are those that bring the parent community into the conversation. This seminar provides parents with strategies to get on the same page as their children so that the skills taught in class are reinforced at home.

Topics Covered:

  • Time Management: How parents can help their child manage their time effectively, so they can maintain a balanced routine, not leave tasks to the last minute, and avoid distractions.
  • Study Support: What kind of work is most valuable in helping to achieve higher marks? Presenters will discuss what good study looks like so parents can help their children work smarter.
  • Motivation: Sometimes, the most difficult part of studying in high school is simply being motivated enough to do the work. This seminar will help parents understand the key drivers behind student motivation, and how to leverage these to help their child reach their potential.
  • Free E-Book for Parent Support: Parents are provided with access to the Elevate Parent E-book to follow up and extend on the best ways to support their child through high school.

I hope as many of you as possible can make this parents only event.

Mr James Walmsley,
Deputy Principal

Year 11 Ancient History

In Week 2, Miss Sutton’s Year 11 Ancient History class conducted a mock archaeological dig of human remains and artefacts as part of their unit ‘The Investigating of Ancient Sites and Sources’. The dig was conducted indoors due to the hot weather. During the lesson, students simulated excavating, cleaning and categorising the artefacts buried with the mummy and hypothesized about the social status of the individual. Students used real archaeological recording methods and learnt a great deal about the level of detail and care involved in an archaeological dig. Thank you to Ms Selvaggi for providing some of the dig items, Science for the gloves and Visual Arts for the brushes. It was an excellent, hands-on learning experience.   

Year 8 - Science Matters

Year 8 has started Science this year with a focus on HOW scientists approach a problem to investigate it as validly and reliably as possible. In College students have been designing their own experiments to investigate how water balloons explode and what they can change to get the most dramatic splash. As part of their problem solving, they had to come up with how to determine splatter and made excellent use of digitised images to zoom in on their measurements. Launching from different heights had interesting effects on  the width and height of their splatter patterns.

Learner Driver Practical Workshop



Here we are in Week 4 already and School routines are beginning to gel. At this stage in the term your child’s class teacher would have made accommodations for your most vital 1:1 meeting to discuss your child’s goals for Term 1. If you have not made arrangements for this meeting please make certain to follow up with your child’s teacher.

The playground outside the ECC has become a popular place to play and for parents to congregate after school. It is lovely to see this extended social interaction. If you are planning to meet here and stay beyond the 10 minute parking time allowance would you please park off site. Your extended time in the car park means that other parents are not able to find a car park to collect their ECC and Kindergarten children. Children playing here must always keep their shoes on.

It has been noted that some parents without children in the ECC or Kindergarten are still parking in these dedicated car spaces. If this refers to you, please refrain, as your actions are not in the spirit of Our School. I would also remind parents to be mindful of opening their car doors on to the neighbouring vehicle. Children pushing the doors from the inside of the vehicle to alight, can do so with vigour, not realising the impact on the car parked beside them. Some parents have reported damage to their vehicles from parking in the car park.

Students with heavy musical instruments are encouraged to arrive early on these days. Parents helping in classrooms can park in Kindergarten spaces after 8:30am. All other students need to arrive in plenty of time to commence class via the Kiss and Drop lane.

To alleviate the need for 2 School bags on sports and PE days, students only need to bring their sports bags. No back pack is needed. This may help with the amount of baggage students have to carry from the car and bus and store in the corridors. Tess Spark, from the School shop has ordered wet bags for sale to carry wet swimming gear so that books and other items don’t get wet.

Thank you to all parents who attended the Years 3 to 6 Swimming Carnival. I am sure you will agree this was a tremendous day. The HICES Swimming Carnival on Wednesday 6 March held at SOPAC, will be announced shortly.

Reduce Rubbish

In an effort to reduce the rubbish that results at recess and lunch through food packaging we are requesting the students to consider a waste free lunch box. Many of the lunch boxes available have divisions to accommodate different types of food in the one container without wrapping. Even if you can manage a waste free Wednesday, it would make an enormous difference. This, along with a refillable water bottle (all clearly named) will go a long way to reducing the rubbish at school, and the flow on effect, for our local waterways. Our playground drains wash directly to Dee Why Lagoon. Building an environmental conscience at this age, will surely be a huge benefit for the global citizens of the future. Please support your children with this project.

Students in Action

With the T20 Big Bash League Cricket being a sporting favourite of the summer season, I was invited along to watch two budding cricket stars in the making on Saturday morning. Theo Pappas and Fred Tickle play for Collaroy Plateau in the Woolworths Master Blasters competition. The skills and teamwork these boys displayed were most impressive.

Co-curricular Clubs

Our Co-curricular Clubs are up and running successfully. There is still plenty of room in the Chess Club and Drama Club. Please see the advertisements in this edition.

Chess Club

Learn to be a chess champion! Coaching for students at Pittwater House Junior School is held on a Wednesday after school from 3.30pm -4.30pm and it's not too late to join.

Learning and playing chess helps children develop their logical thinking and problem solving skills, improves their concentration and focus, while also being a great source of enjoyment. Activities include group lessons on a demonstration chess board or interactive whiteboard, puzzle solving and fun practice games.

Student earn merit awards by making checkmates, or by displaying skills and positive qualities, which all good chess players strive to develop.

If your child is interested in taking part, please contact Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170 or email

Helen O'Grady Drama

Enrolments now open for students in Years 5-12. Call 0450 107 367 or email


Term 1 Nominations

For information on when Nominations are due for the following sports please click HERE

  • Basketball Pathways
  • Golf
  • Hockey
  • Netball
  • Peninsula Cup Netball Competition
  • Snowsports Raceweek
  • Soccer  Pathways
  • Penisula Cup Soccer Competitions
  • Softball
  • Swimming
  • Tennis Pathways
  • Triatholan Pathways
  • Volleyball Pathways
  • Water Polo 



All students who will turn 13 or older in 2019 are able to join the cadet unit. Enrolment forms are available at Reception or click here.

PHPA (Pittwater House Parents' Association)

Canteen Volunteer Roster

Each week is allocated to different year groups however you can still volunteer for any shift during the year regardless of which year your children are in.

To volunteer for a slot, please visit and put your name next to the time/date that suits you best.

Please click on image below for days where a volunteer is still required.

Canteen Manager is Amanda Corbett - Phone 9972 5718 after 8.00am

Thank you for your support!

Canteen Menu

For the latest menu and to find out the weekly specials visit the Canteen folder on the Skoolbag app.

Clothing Pool Opening Hours

Tuesdays from 8am-9.15am and Thursday from 2pm-3.15pm

Located next to the School Uniform shop the Clothing Pool is run by volunteer parents.

Please note: Purchaes cannot be charged to your School Account.

The Clothing Pool has a 7 day Return/Refund Policy.


School Uniform Shop

Click here for information

Car Park Care

We have become aware of an incident recently where a car was damaged while parked in the ECC parent spots.  It appears the damage was caused by car doors hitting the first car as they were opened.  Sadly the owner of the car responsible did not leave a note. Please can you all take care when opening your car doors and in using this shared space.  Just reiterating the most important rules:

  • Drive at no more than a slow walking space
  • Park for no more than 10 minutes and only if you are a Kindergarten or ECC parent
  • Do not use mobile phones or be distracted in any way while driving in the car park
  • Obey all instructions of school staff on duty, they know how the car park is working and give instructions accordingly
  • Do not turn right from the car park, this may make things easier for you but it makes things considerably more difficult for everyone else
  • Do not leave  your vehicle while in the kiss and drop zone
  • Children must be seated and appropriately secured before you commence driving
  • Do not arrive until after your child’s class has been dismissed. Queuing out the gates and blocking the roundabout may cause the council to close the kiss and drop facility due to the constant and daily complaints we have from neighbours and neighbouring businesses.

Please adhere to the car parking arrangements in the morning at drop off and at collection time. For ease of traffic flow we ask you to follow the instructions outlined clearly in the Start of Year Information here.

Term Dates

To Notify the School of Student Absences

Please download and use the Skoolbag app or Log in to the Edumate Portal or email

Edumate and Skoolbag Basic Training Sessions

If you are interested in some basic training in Edumate and Skoolbag. Please call School Admin on 9981 4400 or email to book a half hour appointment between 7.30am and 3pm.