Term 1, Week 7 2023



Teachers will run face-to-face 3 way interviews in week 9. The main Interview week will run from Monday 27th March - Friday 31st March, and days and times vary for teachers. Late night interviews - up to 6.45pm, will be available to support working families. Due to parent feedback we will be using simpler booking system ‘School Interviews’ for family interview bookings. This tool enables you to see all teachers’ availability on one screen to book appointment times that best support you. Information about this system is attached below. N.B Please avoid back-to-back bookings to ensure you can be prompt for each interview. 

Go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and enter the code byuhy

*See the separate SkoolBag post with information and links
Children make additional growth in their learning and wellbeing, when there is a strong partnership between home and school. 3 way interviews are one of the many strategies we use to keep you up to date with your child’s learning and ways you can best support this. All children are included in these interviews, as this supports our vision to build strong foundations in literacy and numeracy and create powerful learners who are ‘actively involved in setting and reviewing their own learning goals’. Whilst flexible, interviews consist of 10 minutes for the teacher and your child to discuss their goals, learning and how they have settled into their new class; and 5 minutes for you to share any information about your child and how they learn best. We are keen to ensure your voice is included in your child’s learning development. Should you require a time to speak about anything of a confidential nature, that you prefer your child not to hear, please use the last 5 minutes of interview time - children may wait nearby in a visible space) All appointments are strictly 15 minutes to respect the families waiting. Please book an individual alternate meeting if there is a need to discuss further information.

Specialist lesson teachers are offering OPTIONAL 10 minute interviews for families who have a need to discuss anything specific or relevant to their child. This may include keeping specialists up to date with your child’s passions in their area outside of school. If you would like an interview with one of our specialist subject teachers, please email them directly.

Ms Zappia: Visual Arts - Lisa Zappia Email

Ms Banks: Performing Arts - Wendy Banks Email

Mr Dixon or Mr Gargula: Physical Education - Paul Dixon Email or Nick Gargula Email

Sensei Aftab: Japanese - Reena Aftab Email

Helen Grant: Targeted Teaching - Year 5 Maths - Helen Grant Email

Please put your child's full name and class into the email request.  Staff will then get back to you with availability / times. We look forward to this important part of our partnership in learning with families and encourage every family to book in for this essential conversation time. For separated families alternate times can be booked, though we encourage families, wherever possible, to attend together.


Interview Booking Information


As a school we continue to use our PEACE Pack affirmations to support kind, inclusive behaviours and a sense of belonging and connectedness to school for every child. Classes have aligned Buddies who are beginning to connect for various across class ‘getting to know you’ activities:

2023 Buddy classes:

  • Ms Kelly SS1 and Ms Edwards SD5
  • Ms Kayly/Ms Ainsley SS2 and Ms Gray/Ms Hall P2
  • Ms Helen/Ms Zoe SS3 and Ms Markos/Ms Tania P4
  • Ms Tracie SS4 and Ms Paps/Ms Hall P3
  • Ms Sammy DO3 and Ms Tye SD2
  • Ms Pojer DO4 and Mr Dunk SD4
  • Ms Amber/Ms Zoe T1 and Ms Cat/Ms Ramsey SD3
  • Ms Sarah T2 and Ms Amy SD1
  • SD6 Ms Noni, SD7 Mr L and SD8 Mr Storrie Year 6 classes, will take on leadership roles and oversee Kindy Buddies.

Our Harmony Day planning team and ‘Harmony Day Student Crew’ are busy considering all the different ideas to plan a wonderful day of celebration linked to our whole-school Connected Curriculum ‘Adventures Together’. Due to NAPLAN and 3 way interviews our day of action is Friday 31st March.

We are encouraging children to wear orange and accessorise with odd socks connecting to a student suggested theme where together we can acknowledge and celebrate: ‘Everyone is Different, Everyone Belongs’.

We’ll be living our school motto of ‘Be Kind’ by building in acts of kindness and inclusivity throughout the week. A whole school 9:10am Friday assembly will launch the event. Families are welcome to attend (seating and standing room to rear of gym) Our 2023 Senior Leaders will be hosting and revising our key school values based Peace Pack affirmations with the whole-school.




We held our Governing Council AGM and first meeting of the year in February. It was an opportunity for the school community to come together and hear about the many highlights and achievements from our 2022 Annual Report. Chairperson Edith Campbell, gave a full report highlighting the work of the Governing Council, supported by the work of various subcommittees throughout the year. Edith also acknowledged the hard work of staff in OSHC, Canteen and School to ensure the best for each child. Edith specifically acknowledged and affirmed the impressive work the school does to build student agency and voice in the school and how students are leading up continuous improvements. School leaders highlighted various achievements and successes; in particular the continued growth and increase in key NAPLAN, Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) and Phonics, alongside targeted support that has been aligned responding to areas of improvement. In 2023 a narrow and deep focus on maths and  key aspects of writing will link directly to every child’s learning goals.

The election of the 2023 new Governing Council took place. We had a surplus of interest and some long-standing members chose to enable new parents onto the committee:

Our thanks to: Claire Thomas, Gayathri Ravipraka & Lucy Schield for their input on council in both short and long-term capacities. You made a substantial impact with your input, ideas, financial support and willingness to hear all voices to make decisions. We know you will continue to be a positive voice for the work of the school and what we can achieve when we work together. 

Welcome to Governing Council 2023 

  • Principal - Carol Press,
  • Chairperson - Edith Campbell,
  • Vice Chairperson - Kerrie Grindley,
  • Secretary - Kirsty McKie
  • Treasurer - Juliet Hester

Members: Holly Cartwright, Julia Burlison, Kirsty McKie, Edith Campbell, Kerrie Grindley, Juliet Hester, Bree Kelly, Eva Varga, Lindsay Zappia, Tanya Brennan, Marcia Magalhaes, Lauren Dawson & Sarah Foley

Staff Representatives 

Junior Primary Staff Representative - Sea Star Staff: Helen Katsiokalis, Tracie Gurney, Kelly Mills and Ainsley Koenig - each to represent for a term

Primary Staff Representative - Noni Allen

Community Representatives - shared - Community Network - Bree Kelly, Tanya Brennan, Lynley Zeitz & Julia Burlison

 Subcommittees of the Governing Council include:

 Finance - 2 meetings per term

  • Monitor the development of the schools' budget
  • Receive and evaluate financial reports
  • Supporting long term and short term financial management procedures

Assets - 1 meeting per term and needs based

  • Management and upkeep of buildings and grounds
  • Oversight of Grounds Person and School Cleaning Contractors
  • Oversee and inform site strategic plan connected to buildings and infrastructure

OSHC - 1 meeting per term

  • Establishing and monitoring guidelines related to OSHC practices and procedures
  • Budget management and fee structure management
  • Communicating and promoting programs

 Canteen - 1 meeting per term

  • Establishing and monitoring guidelines related to Canteen practices and procedures
  • Overall management of Canteen employees
  • Communicating and promoting Healthy Eating programs 

Sports - 1 meeting per term (or as required) 

  • Coordinate and manage after school sports program
  • Develop directions and policies for after school sports programs
  • Communicate information around SAPSASA school programs

Community Network Committee - meetings as required

  • Support a strong 'Partnership in Learning' between school and families
  • To plan school/community events and activities
  • Manage and support classroom communication through appointment of class reps.
  • Coordinate fundraising activities

CONTINUED for 2023

  • To review family, student and parent feedback regarding homework 
  • To look at current research and recommendations for homework
  • To review and update our whole-school Homework Policy.

All family members are welcome to volunteer (volunteer policy and procedures required) to support a subcommittee. We strongly encourage you to express an interest, particularly if you have some feedback to assist in any of these important areas. Contact Shanell Bird to find out when/where meetings are taking place.



Each year our senior students submit applications and present speeches about the values they role model, past leadership experience, and the qualities they bring, and can build upon, as a Senior Leader.

Being interviewed by teachers in front of peers is a daunting task and credit goes to every single one of the 30+ students who tried out. Once students have presented, a democratic process is used by peers to vote for students who they believe will best represent them. With teacher and leadership oversight a final section of students are chosen to represent the year level. We congratulate the following eight Year 6 Students:

  • Kelsey Haygreen
  • Alessandra Coluccio
  • Alannah Black
  • Anastasia Brown
  • Dhanin Dhayalan
  • Jim Harvey
  • Austin Hunt
  • Diar Sejdiu

Leaders show great resilience when things don’t work out and it was truly humbling to see this in action with those who missed out; from the congratulatory claps to the pats on the shoulder for support of peers. Resilience is an important school value and it’s needed in even the most unpredictable of situations, like when the Aquatics was cancelled as the instructor started to talk about the water safety… Here’s a piece of writing reflection from Dhanin that truly epitomises that of a leader:



Leadership Skills Training

It was a newly introduced day designed to build the leadership skills and capacity of all of our Year 6 students. Whilst Mr Storrie, Ms Noni and Mr L took groups off to the AFL Max team-building training, Ms Ramsey and Ms Press ran school leadership skills training seeking input into co-creating statements of values, ideas for 2023 leadership possibilities and an opportunity for all to plan and practice public speaking.  Here's a montage of the fun had...



Last Friday all staff undertook hands on Maths learning and heard from Di Siemens about the ‘Big Ideas in Number’. As we continue on our deep and narrow focus of improving maths at higher levels we will continue our journey of improving our knowledge, challenging what we currently know and focusing on ‘targeted teaching’ that aims to find out and build on ‘what children already know’ and ‘what children need to know next’. Here’s a snapshot of staff presenting and trying out some hands on maths tasks.



Congratulations to our swimmers who competed last week in the Port District Day swimming at Largs Bay pool. Our students like always represented West Lakes Shore School with pride!

We had: Zoe B, Mackenzie F, Emily G, Anya J, Xavier S, Thomas T, Austin H, Nicholas B, Levi H-R, Adrien L and Max McE

We look forward to seeing results from the SAPSASA State Day for selected students.

Thanks to Mr Dixon for the support.


Shortly we will be sending home the first Scholastic Book Club catalogue for the year.  We would like to encourage all parents and caregivers ordering items from the catalogue to use the online ordering system, LOOP.  LOOP allows parents to pay and order online!

It is as simple as downloading the app from the Apple App Store (just search for the word LOOP) or visiting: scholastic.com.au/LOOP and follow the prompts.

When using LOOP, there is no need to send the order form back to school.  LOOP will notify the school of all online orders.

Students can still order using cash or cheque.  Simply complete the order form at the back of the catalogue and return it with the payment to the Resource Centre BY THE DUE DATE.  The school will process the order for you.  Please ensure these orders are clearly labelled with the student’s full name and class.

All orders will earn rewards for the school Resource Centre and will be delivered to school for distribution.

Help wanted

If you are able to help out with bundling of Book Club orders, please call into the Resource Centre and see Lyn or Joanna.


Purpose of public education - Have your say!

Attached is a letter from the Department for Education.

They want to hear from parents, students, staff and the wider community to help us create our shared purpose. In the letter there are links to a survey that they would like all families to complete.




The student home internet program can provide internet access to students who do not have reliable home internet, so they can continue to learn and study at home.

Find out more about the program and how parents and carers can apply by visiting the https://www.education.sa.gov.au/student-home-internet-program


After School Football and Soccer Nomination's OPEN NOW

At West Lakes Shore School we encourage all students to be active, and we offer many after school sports which include: Basketball, Football, Netball and Soccer.

Nominations for After School Football and Soccer are now open. Please click on the attachment links below to find more information and nominate your child today!

Football Nomination Form - https://forms.office.com/r/ZfpPB02DL4 - Closes 9am 17th March 2023

Soccer Nomination Form - https://forms.office.com/r/VFfyZCja6i - Closes 9am 17th March 2023

See the attached information sheets for further details.

Football Info Sheet


Soccer Info Sheet




Henley High School is excited to invite families to an Open Day on Thursday, 23rd March 2023.

A student’s journey through school is one of life’s great adventures. It guides, and shapes, and transforms. Our purpose is to mentor, support and educate our students as they discover and make their own journey through school and beyond. Our vision is to prepare our students to flourish in an evolving and challenging world.

The Henley High School Open Day is designed to allow families to get a feel for the rich and diverse learning environment we offer to our students. Attend a Principal's Address and Sports Academy presentation, and take part in an assortment of interactive mini-lessons from all of our curriculum and focus areas.

Options School Tour: 9:00am to 10:30am 

The tour includes:

Principal's Address, school tour and an optional Sports Academy presentation from our Director for Sport.

Please note: as this session takes place during school hours it does not include any interactive mini-lessons. You will have a chance to see learning in action as you pass by our classrooms.  

Open Day: 4:00pm to 7:00pm

The open day includes: Principal's Address at: 4:00pm, 5:00pm and 6:00pm. Sports Academy Presentation at: 4:30pm, 5:30pm and 6:30pm. Guided and self-guided tours and interactive mini-lessons from all curriculum and focus areas. Registrations are essential https://henleyhighschool.wufoo.com/forms/zoc4dpj1abasgs/ 

For more information call 08 8355 7000.






Each year schools are allocated a number of Pupil Free Days for staff professional development and partnership priorities. The Governing Council have endorsed the following approved Pupil Free and School Closure Days:

  • Friday, 10th March 2023
  • Friday, 9th June 2023
  • Friday, 8th September 2023 - School Closure Day
  • Monday 16th & Tuesday 17th October 2023

A reminder that the last day of term, school will finish at the earlier time of 2:00pm


  • Wednesday 15th - Monday, 27th MARCH 2023 - NAPLAN TESTING - YR 3 & 5
  • Friday, 31st MARCH 2023 - Harmony Day - School Day of Action
  • Friday, 7th APRIL 2023 - Good Friday Public Holiday
  • Monday, 10th APRIL 2023 - Easter Monday Public Holiday
  • Friday, 14th APRIL 2023 - Last Day for Term 1, 2023 - Early Dismissal 2:00pm
  • BEGINNING OF TERM 2, 2023 - Monday 1st May 2023