Dear Parents & Carers,
Bogangar Public School is now officially a healthy school canteen.
Our school has recently been awarded the Healthy School Canteen Badge and Certificate that will be prominently displayed to show our community that we have achieved a healthy school canteen. Bogangar Public School will also be added to the Premier’s Priorities website to celebrate our success.
The NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy is a key initiative to support the Premier’s priority to tackle childhood obesity. Having a healthy canteen means that our students are more likely to develop healthy eating habits that will have a long term impact on improving their lives.
Thank you and congratulations to Deborah Beacroft, our school canteen manager, who has been working tirelessly to achieve this accolade.
Bogangar Public School will once again this year provide the opportunity for students in Year 2 -6 to sit the ICAS tests.
ICAS is an independent, skills based assessment program which recognises and rewards student achievement. ICAS is unique, being the most comprehensive generally available suite of academic assessments for primary and secondary school students. The assessments comprise of a Digital Technologies test, English test, Maths test, Science test, Spelling test and Writing test at an age appropriate grade level.
If you are wanting your child to participate in one or more of the tests then please refer to the note posted on our Skoolbag app, website or collect a detailed information sheet at the front office. A sitting fee for individual tests is required along with confirmation of participation by Wednesday 5th June, 2019.
Historically, Bogangar Public School has met the sitting fee for students who sat NAPLAN in 2018, and scored in the top band for either Spelling, Writing, Language Conventions and/or Numeracy. This offer is available once again in 2019 and a note will be distributed to the students who gained these results.
Congratulations to all athletes who participated at the Soccer and Rugby League Gala Days as well as the District Cross Country over the past 2 weeks.
You have represented our school with pride and respect. Awesome job!
A special mention to Sunny who gained the 11 Years Boys, Cross Country Champion. Amazing effort.
Also a special mention to Mr Mac for his ongoing commitment to sports at BPS. Much appreciated Mr Mac.
All the best to our Year 6 students who are applying for academic stream at Kingscliff HS in 2020.
Students applications have now closed and the next step, beginning with the exam will be held on 29th May (Wednesday Week 5), at 6.00pm in Kingscliff High school hall.
The duration of the exam is approximately 90 mins (60 mins exam + admin). Students are to bring their own pens/pencils etc. The numeracy exam is non-calculator.
Following the exam students will receive information regarding interviews.