New Lambton Heights Infants School

Term 4 Week 7 2022 Newsletter

Paddle pop planning ..

On Tuesday every child in the school was given the opportunity to have his/her voice heard. An important part of school excellence is to elicit feedback from our community. Quite often, students are the most under represented when we are making decisions in the school. That seems quite strange when they actually represent a large proportion of our community. 

Cathy, Miss Castle and I led three different areas where we asked the students questions and asked for their feedback and ideas. Part of the process involved placing a paddle pop stick in a container to show the extent to which they agreed with a statement presented to them. The other part was students offering ideas which were written on a post it note. Each student was given a sticker at the start of the session and when they contributed one idea, they stuck it on a giant paddle pop! When the paddle pop was filled .. we ate paddle pops! This ensured that every student at the session contributed at least one idea. It was so wonderful to see all of our students engaged and involved in the process. 

I will be looking at our results this week as I complete the situational analysis for the re-development of the 2023 - 2026 Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP). I will also be looking at the Tell Them From Me parent survey. Thank you for the fantastic response - 44 parents completed the survey this year. 

Have a great final week of Spring. Bring on some summer weather .. please! 

Lisa Hughes


At New Lambton Heights Infants School we acknowledge that we teach, learn and play together on the traditional country of the Awabakal people, who are the custodians of this land. We pay our respects to their Elders past present and emerging.

Student voice in action!

What's On at The Heights?

Library BorrowingEvery Thursday - Return Books Wednesdays
Snack Canteen Every Friday Lunch 2

Every Friday 2:35pm. Parents and carers welcome. 

Students and staff return for Term 4

Monday 10th October 2022. 

No Staff Development Day.

 P&C General Meeting and Christmas catch up- Final one for the year.

Wednesday December 7 2022.

7pm for a meeting and dinner afterwards. 

Lambton Park Hotel. Please RSVP to P&C

Swimming starts

Friday 14th October 2022. Forum. Bus leaves 9:30am

Final Friday December 9th 2022.

Year 2 Transitions

Tuesday October 18th 2022. 9:30am - 11:30am

Wednesday  9th November 2022. 10am - 11:30am

Wednesday 23rd November 2022 10am - 11:30am

Kindergarten Orientation

Monday 24th October 2022. 9:30am - 11am

Wednesday 9th November 2022. 9:30am - 11 am

Wednesday 23rd November 2022. 9:30am - 11am

Final library lesson - all books to be returned. Thursday 1st December 2022
SRE Christmas ConcertThursday 1st December 2022. Scripture students only. 10:45am

Presentation Day K-2

P&C  Volunteer's Thank You Morning Tea

Tuesday 6th December 9:30am - 10:30am (approx)
Reports HomeEnd of Week 9 (TBC)
High Tea with HughseyMonday 12th December 2022
Hunter Life Education Van at schoolTuesday 13th December 2022. $12.00 - Due before 2 December
Year 2 Farewell dinner, disco and presentationTuesday 13th December 2022. 6pm. Cost $10.00 - Due
Year 2 ClapoutThursday 15th December 3pm
K-2 Excursion for party Day. Taronga Zoo Sydney and final day for students.

Friday 16th December 2022.

Cost $50.00 - Due before 2 December

School Development Day (no students, staff only)

Monday 19th December 2022. 

School Development Day (staff only) Tuesday 20th December 2022.

Term 1 2023 Commences

Friday 27th January - Staff only

Monday 30th January - Staff only

Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2) students return Tuesday 31st January
Kindergarten 2023 startWednesday 1st February

Term 4 Covid Safe Measures

Please find attached the latest Covid safety advice from the NSW Department of Education for NSW schools. We have also been advised by the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Directorate that we will need to send home Covid safe measures for our upcoming Taronga Zoo excursion. These will be sent home tomorrow on Skoolbag. 

Please continue to test students if they have Covid symptoms or have a family member with Covid  and please children at home if they have Covid symptoms. 


P&C Update - Volunteers Thank You Morning Tea

To give thanks to our volunteers, we will be holding a morning tea after presentation day on Tuesday 6/12 at 11am. All volunteers from the year are welcome to attend.

All welcome to the last P&C meeting of the year at Lambton Park Hotel on Wednesday, 7/12 at 7pm. Please RSVP if you can make it to

Uniform Shop

The uniform shop is open for parents to come in on Mondays from 9am. It is situated in the top part of the OOSH room (next to the stage). Alternatively, you can order and pay online:

The uniform is seeking any donations of second hand uniforms but please no winter tunics. We are especially looking for donations of size 4 and 6 girls’ summer tunics.

The uniform shop's last day will be December 12th. All outstanding orders (except sports shorts which are on backorder again) will be sent out this day and then the uniform shop will close for the year. If you feel you are missing any part of your order (except sports shorts) please email the uniform shop ASAP.

Term 4 Week 6 Merit award winners

Gold award Winners

Blue Principal Award

P&C Membership Form


NLHIS is on Facebook!

We now have a school Facebook page for you to share with your friends and family. In addition to our website, the main purpose of this page is to connect to our wider community and to showcase our beautiful school. 

Search Facebook for 'New Lambton Heights Infants School' or click on this link.

We will continue to send this eNewsletter on Skoolbag and link on our website  as our main weekly communication of school events and notices each week. 

Skoolbag is also used to send out via push notifications and email information and permission notes and messages to our parents/carers. Parents can also contact the school re absences via Skoolbag. 

Seesaw will be used by class teachers to share learning or special class events. Teachers may also directly communicate with individual or groups of parents through Seesaw.