Cooerwull Public School Newsletter

Term 4 - Week 7, 2020


Ready Set Go

It has been wonderful to welcome the 2021 Kindergarten students to the school as part of the ‘Ready Set Go’ program. This program has enabled the students, staff and families to spend time at the school and establish a relationship with key staff. Congratulations to Mrs Lang, Miss Hook and Mrs Gennari for their hard work and commitment with making the program a success. Many thanks to the parents and carers for their cooperation and ongoing support.

Cooerwull's Got Talent

The 2020 Cooerwull's Got Talent will go ahead this year in a varied format to meet the Covid-19 rules. Mrs Foster and Mrs Bleyerveen will be coordinating the event and will be supported by Amelia from Stage 3. Students will have the opportunity to audition and the final performances videoed for students to view in their classrooms.

Virtue: Respect

  • Respect is treating others the way you would like to be treated.
  • Respect is shown by speaking and acting with courtesy to others.
  • You are practising respect when you follow our school rules.

Semester 2 Reports

Teachers have commenced the semester 2 reports for each student and they will be sent home on Wednesday 16th December.

Staff News

The school is currently going through the merit selection process to appoint an Assistant Principal Special Education to lead the support classes from  2021 and when the process has been finalised the details of the successful candidate will be communicated.

Year 6 Graduation and Farewell

The Year 6 Graduation Ceremony will take place on Monday 14th December in the school hall. Due to Covid-19 restrictions parents and caregivers will be unable to attend. The Year 6 Farewell will take place on Tuesday 15th December at the Lithgow Workmens Club and will be for Year 6 students only. More information will be issued to families in the coming days. 

Mr Snow

NAIDOC Week is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and a chance to acknowledge the rich history, culture and achievements of Indigenous Australians. For NAIDOC Week 2020 Cooerwull Public School students read stories, watched traditional Aboriginal dances, participated in a colouring in competition and created Aboriginal inspired artwork. Classes enjoyed visiting the Yarning Rooms to explore Aboriginal culture with our school’s Aboriginal Education Officer, Aunty Kym Cama. The students involved in the Infants Aboriginal Story Time group celebrated NAIDOC Week by learning about and making journey scones (also known as bush scones). These were enjoyed with bush jams and honey. What a celebration of the oldest continuing culture on the planet!

Mrs Bleyerveen 

Library Stocktake 2020

Both the Infants and Primary libraries are going to have a stocktake starting on the 2nd December. 

The 16th November was our last week of borrowing from both libraries.

Can all library books be returned to school by the 27th November to allow for the stocktake?

Mrs Howell, Mrs Keech and Mrs Willison


We hope that you have enjoyed our 2020 Visual Art Show fundraiser.  The teachers all agree that the students have worked hard and displayed some very artistic flare.  There has been a great variety of work from class to class and the students have presented themselves and their art beautifully.

Artwork is still available at $5.00 a piece with money raised going to the purchase of Math and English resources for the classrooms. All orders need to be in by Friday 27th November.

Thank you again for watching our Virtual Art Show and supporting our school.

Many thanks, Mrs Auld and Mrs Bodnar

Upcoming Events

Wednesday 25th NovemberFinal sessions of Ready Set Go 
Thursday 26th November 

Stage 3 Hot Dog Day

Tuesday 1st December2021 Leaders Speeches 
Tuesday 1st December Year 6 Transition to Lithgow High School (more information to follow)
Tuesday 1st  DecemberCooerwull’s Got Talent Finals 
Thursday 10th DecemberP&C Meeting 1.30pm at Club Lithgow
Friday 11th DecemberPresentation Day (for award recipients only)
Monday 14th DecemberYear 6 Graduation 10am (Year 6 only)
Tuesday15th  December Year 6 Farewell at Lithgow Workmen’s Club (more information to follow)


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