St Pat's News

November 13, 2019

At St Patrick’s Parish Primary School we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school.

From The RE Leader - Peter Sanderson

We continue our month of remembrance. On Monday we commemorated Remembrance Day. At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we observed a minute’s silence to remember those who served and those who died in the service of our country.

Those whom we love and lose 

are no longer where they were before. 

They are now wherever we are. 

St John Chrysostom

From The Principal - Sue Paulka

Dear Parents, Parishioners, Carers, Staff & Students,

Leadership Announcements

Congratulations to Peter Sanderson who has been appointed to the Acting Principal role for 2019 and to Andrea Lane who has been appointed to the Deputy Principal role. I am very grateful to Peter and Andrea for taking on these roles as it will allow a fairly seamless transition and I know that I will be leaving the school in very capable hands.

School Performance

Excitement is mounting for our school performance of Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits on November 27th. Children will be required to have their costumes at school next Wednesday November 19th in preparation for dress rehearsals.


Sincere thanks to Annie Kerr, Keith Hocking, Georgina Dumesny and Mark Gramms who managed to spread 10 metres of mulch on our front garden in very unpleasant wet and windy conditions last Thursday. Your efforts are very much appreciated and the front garden now looks much neater.

Pupil Free Day

A reminder that next Monday, November 18 is a pupil free day. The staff will be using this day as a report writing day.

Kind regards,

Sue Paulka


School News



Library Reshelving- For the week of:

Monday Nov 11        Caroline McGowan

Monday Nov 18        Jessica Lambert

Monday Nov 25        Jo Matthews

Sickbay Linen

Friday Nov 15          Megan Myers

Friday Nov 22          Denise Maguire

Friday Nov 29          Tennille Wolff

Summer Uniform

Just a reminder that all students should be wearing their summer uniform. If your child is out of uniform for any reason, a note should be given to their class teacher.

Girls -  school maroon v-neck jumper, summer dress or navy shorts & short sleeve polo, navy socks and black school shoes. (no tights with the summer dress, we have long or ankle socks available for purchase from the uniform shop)

Boys - school maroon v-neck jumper, navy shorts & short sleeve polo, navy socks and black school shoes.

Runners are not to be worn with the school uniform.

Sports - school maroon v-neck jumper or windcheater, maroon sports shorts, short sleeve polo, white socks and runners.

Timetable for Swimming Lessons

9.15am      Yr F/1M        9.45am      Yr F/1D        10.15am    Yr F/1P

10.45am    Yr 2               11.45am    Yr 3/4MA    12.15          Yr 3/4W

12.45pm    Yr 3/4ML      1.15pm      Yr 5

No Parking at the School Crossing

In an effort to improve child safety in and around the school crossing, the Moyne Shire has erected a number of "No Standing" signs near the crossing, which means no parking is permitted in the area between the signs. Please be mindful of this when dropping off and picking up your children so that you are not fined.

The office is open from 8.30am - 4.00pm each day.

There is no supervision for students before 8.40am. Teachers use the time prior to the doors opening for setting up for the day, therefore they are not available to supervise students. Students who arrive at school prior to 8.40am need to wait at the side door near the hall until the doors are opened.

The bell for the start of the day rings at 8.55am, any student arriving after this time needs to be signed in using the iPad at the office.

The bell for the end of the day rings at 3.20pm. If for any reason you are going to be later than 3.30pm to collect your child/children, please contact the school office.

Japanese News

Year 5/6B News

In 5/6 our inquiry focus on ‘Natural’ disasters has been topical this week with NSW and Southern Queensland being ravaged by bushfires. We are seeing first hand the destruction that can be caused by the ever changing climatic conditions on our planet. We have been discussing ways that we can be more aware in preparing our own houses from the threat of natural disasters.  We are also grateful that we live in an area that is rarely affected by dramatic climate conditions.

As Yr 6 children we are looking forward to reflecting on our years at St Patrick’s over the next 4 weeks.  We are grateful for the wonderful teachers who have helped us throughout primary school. We are grateful for being able to learn lots of new things.  We are grateful for being able to do sporting activities including cricket, netball and football. We are grateful for the opportunity to help other people, like when we go to Moyneyana house. We are grateful that we can join groups like Sustainability Group and Mini Vinnies. 

By Charlotte, Lucy and Caitlin.

Parents & Friends News


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School Community News

Whole School Performance Costume Information

Our 2019 whole school performance will be held on Wednesday November 27th and I would like to make you aware of costume requirements for your child. The setting for this particular performance is the Middle East/Arabia.  A quick Google images search for middle eastern/arabic costumes/dress will provide you with many examples for inspiration. A further Google search for Ali Baba and/or Aladdin costumes shows harem pants, head scarves, fezes, vests, sandals, long shirts, etc. which seem to be the general look of the time.

All students in Year F-6 are asked to wear a costume  with the above criteria in mind. There are some examples pictured.

The following groups of actors, however, need to be a little more specific.  They are:

The Palace Guards:  White harem (or baggy) pants and white tops.  This group of actors will be provided with a gold sash and headband to define their association with the wealthy Sultan.  

The Bongo Bandits:  Black Harem (or baggy) pants and loose fitting black long sleeve top or vest. This group of actors will be provided with a red sash and headband to define their association with the Bandits.

Dusty and Sandy: Knee-length baggy trousers, red and white striped socks, white sleeveless vest, red braces and a red fez (this will be provided).

The Three Sheiks:  Sheiks could be dressed similarly with white harem pants and tops with gold accessories and head towels/scarves and a thick beard if you like. A funny addition can be dark sunglasses which gives them the wealthy celebrity look.

Semolina, Tapioca and Figgy:  These three handmaidens are associated with the wealthy Sultan, so they need to appear well dressed and affluent.  A google search for ‘Princess Jasmine’s Handmaidens’ will give you an idea of what these characters could wear.  

If you have any issues with sourcing a costume, please let me know as soon as possible. Please do not feel that you need to buy new things - repurposing clothing the children already have will be fine e.g. elastic around the bottom of baggy pants will make harem pants.

Our next pupil free day for this year is: November 18 - Report Writing Day

Sporting Schools - Term 4


Sporting Schools is on Wednesdays and Thursdays for 7 weeks of each term.

Sporting Schools commenced today for Term 4.

The final Sporting Schools session will be Thursday November 28.

Attendance is done through our Skoolbag App. Attendance forms must be filled in by 10am on the day of attendance. 

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Parish Masses

Port Fairy St Patrick's & Koroit Infant Jesus Mass Times

Sunday November 16 @ 6.30pm - Koroit

Sunday November 17 @ 10.30am - Port Fairy

Community News