Leadership Announcements
Congratulations to Peter Sanderson who has been appointed to the Acting Principal role for 2019 and to Andrea Lane who has been appointed to the Deputy Principal role. I am very grateful to Peter and Andrea for taking on these roles as it will allow a fairly seamless transition and I know that I will be leaving the school in very capable hands.
School Performance
Excitement is mounting for our school performance of Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits on November 27th. Children will be required to have their costumes at school next Wednesday November 19th in preparation for dress rehearsals.
Sincere thanks to Annie Kerr, Keith Hocking, Georgina Dumesny and Mark Gramms who managed to spread 10 metres of mulch on our front garden in very unpleasant wet and windy conditions last Thursday. Your efforts are very much appreciated and the front garden now looks much neater.
Pupil Free Day
A reminder that next Monday, November 18 is a pupil free day. The staff will be using this day as a report writing day.
Kind regards,
Sue Paulka