We understand that our current circumstance has affected student attendance significantly, but student attendance remains a high priority. Once children are enrolled parents are legally required to send them to school every day that the school is open for instruction or participation in school activities, such as sports days.
When children do not attend school, they miss vital information, their learning routine is broken and they can lose confidence, which can affect the building of friendships.
Parents of children from Kindergarten to Year 12 must ensure their children attend school every day. On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for student absences may include:
· being sick or having an infectious disease
· having an unavoidable medical appointment
· being required to attend a recognised religious holiday
· exceptional or urgent family circumstances e.g. attending a funeral.
Parents must provide an explanation for absences to the school within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence. Where an explanation has not been received within the 7-day timeframe, the school will record the absence as unjustified on the student's record. School will inform parents via SMS daily, if a student is absent from school without explanation. Please contact the school or your child's teacher, via the school office, phone, email, Seesaw, or written note as soon as possible, or within seven days.
If your child arrives at school late, they need to be accompanied by an adult and report to the school office.
What should I do if our family is going on holiday in school time?
Families should always try to arrange holidays during school vacations.
The Department of Education Attendance Procedure state “A principal should not accept a reason for travel during school term if it is not in the best interests of the student. Reasons for Extended Leave – Travel to be considered may include educational, social and participation reasons, these should be specified on the application.
When to get help?
The department has implemented several attendance programs to support parents in ensuring their children attend school regularly. If you are having difficulty getting your child to attend school regularly, you might like to talk to the school principal or the school counsellor.
Mrs Sue Gibson