Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome back to school for term two!
Students have made a great start to the new term and it was pleasing to see so many arrive on time and in correct school uniform. Please remember school begins at 8:15am and children can start arriving at school from 7:45am onwards. Please do not send your child to school before 7:45am as teachers will be busy preparing for the school day and supervision of children will not be available.
All children are expected to be collected from school no later than 3.15pm unless they are involved in a pre-arranged after school activity. Siblings are not allowed to wait out the front of the school for brothers or sisters attending an after-school activity.
Parent / Teacher Interviews
Thanks to all parents and carers who attended the Parent / Teacher interviews for all classes from Kindy to Year 10 at the end of last term and this past week. It was great to see parents so enthusiastic about their children’s learning. Parents are free to approach teachers at any time during the term to make an appointment to discuss their children’s learning.
LIS PNG Independence Celebrations 2023
Thanks to those parents who attended the initial meeting last term. The next meeting will be advised by the committee once a date has been confirmed.
A Good Night’s Sleep
It is important for children to have a good night’s sleep. There is no magic number for exactly how much sleep we need, but the Australian Centre for Education in Sleep (ACES) suggests the following as a guide:
Primary school: 10-12 hours per day
High school adolescents: 8-10 hours per day
Adults: 7-9 hours per day
Long Run and Ballgames Carnival
Congratulations to all students on their efforts and spirit during the Long Run and Ballgames events in the last week of term one. We look forward to the Athletics Carnival, which is to be held Wednesday of Week 10 of this term.
School Council
There will be a School Council meeting at 6pm on Thursday, 27th April in the year 9/10 room. All our Councilors are encouraged to attend. If you are interested in finding out more about the School Council, please give me a call or make a time to come in for a chat. The 2023/24 School Council membership is listed below:
· Fiona Karaut NML rep Chairperson
· Nicholas Walsh NML rep
· Kolish Robin NML rep
· Aplena Waho NML rep
· Robert Gordon NML rep
· Rebecca Daimol Parent rep 23-24
· Melanie Silambe Parent rep 22-23
· Jacinta Bamin Parent rep 22-23
· Anesia Wai P&W rep 23
· Catherine Langusch Deputy
· Kevin Collins Deputy
· Greg Neville Principal
Term 2 Parent Calendar
Please download the term 2 calendar below. .
Recruitment is underway for a suitable replacement Maths / Science teacher for the high school. The new teacher is expected on the island next week.
Mr Greg Neville