Lavington East Public School Newsletter

Week 10, Term 4 - 18 December 2019

Principal's Post

Dear Parents and Carers,

What a year it has been!

As I mentioned in my Presentation day speeches, this year has been about transformation and improvement by clearing the path for a focus on high quality teaching and powerful learning.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff and community that have contributed to supporting LEPS throughout 2019.

To our Year 6 students, we wish you all the best as you venture into high school.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday. We look forward to starting a new decade with you all in 2020.

Mrs Nic Williams

Week 10

Wednesday 18 December

  • 2.40pm students will assemble under the COLA to give a 'clap out' acknowledging any staff, students and Year 6 leaving this year. 
  • 2020 Book Pack Sales - Front Office
  • Students last day of Term 4 2019

Thursday 23 January 2020 

  • 2020 Book Pack Sales - Front Office

Week 1 Term 1 2020

Wednesday 29 January 2020

  • Term 1 2020 commences -  Kinder - 6 students return to school 

Resource Packs and Uniform Sales

The office will be open for RESOURCE PACK SALES ONLY from 9am -11am on Thursday 23 January 2020.  The P&C ladies will also be selling uniforms at this time so you can be ready to start school the following week.

2020 Resource Packs

Beat the rush! 

2020 Kinder - Year 6 Resource Packs are ready to purchase from the front office on these days: 

  • TODAY  18 December 2019 from 8.30 - 3.30pm
  • TOMORROW  19 December 2019 from 8.30am - 12.00, THEN 1.30 - 3.00pm.  Office will be closed from 12.30 to 1.30 tomorrow for staff meetings.
  • THURSDAY 23 January 2020 from 9am - 11am

Hume Student Banking

Hume Student banking has finished for 2019, we will advise of the start date in 2020. 

On Wednesday 18 December at 2.40pm students will assemble under the COLA to give a 'clap out' acknowledging any staff, students and Year 6 leaving this year.

Beating the heat at the Art Galleries and Libraries in Albury

One of my favourite ways to beat the heat is to go to an art gallery or library…… OK, or the pool! Without doubt, Albury has extreme heat, but we also have some great places to get a bit of relief.

Until February, 2020, some of our students art works will be displayed in the front foyer of the MAMA Art Gallery on Dean Street, Albury. These artworks are part of the ‘Pets Saloon’, a community exhibition that is running during MAMA’s ‘Pets’ exhibition. Our student’s creativity and interpretation of what pets are is highly imaginative, with Samir Thapa depicting a dragon, Amelia Harvey showing a colourful winged cat and Wade Mitchell depicting a faceless man and dog.

Our artists included in this exhibition are:

Samir Thapa, Wade Mitchell, Clover Darwent, Murphy Darwent, Amelia Harvey, Marshall Grady and Tracey Jennings (Staff).

If you haven’t done it before, please see my good friends at the Library Museum and Lavington Library who will set you up with a Library borrowing card for the holidays.

Keep reading in the air-conditioning,

Tracey Jennings

Teacher Librarian

Lavington East PS P & C

P & C Successfully Raised $16,749.72 for 2019!

As a P & C we have run a number of fundraising events this year, Colour Fun Run,  auction night, 5 cent challenge, pie drives, Mother's and Father's day stalls, BBQ's for the election, Bunnings, Easter and Christmas raffles.  

A huge thank you to all the volunteers and P & C members who helped organise and run all of these events. They couldn't happen without you! 

The P & C have presented Mrs Williams with a $7000 cheque to go towards the new PA system. 

Thank you so much for your support this year. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year. 


Community News