Weekly Awards

Congratulations to the following students -

“Striving for Excellence” Award – (for a student who has exhibited academic improvements and / or has been applying themselves to the very best of their ability)

Isobelle B - Year 1- For persisting with problem solving tasks in Maths Rotations. Well done for challenging yourself to provide a variety of answers to a problem. Keep up the fabulous work!
Logan E - Prep A - For your super sentence writing! You have been striving for excellence when using your letter and sound knowledge.
Henry J - Year 3 - For your outstanding contribution during your poetry writing session. You assisted your peers with exciting descriptive language and reminded them of the correct structure. Amazing work Henry.

“MacKillop Award” – (for a student who exhibited Gospel values in their words and actions)

“To Love is to Serve” Award – (for a student who has consistently displayed leadership qualities)

Grace W - Year 4 - For consistently completing class tasks to the best of your ability. What a great role model you are for your peers.
Will S - Year 6 - For being a positive role model to your peers. Thank you for the outstanding effort you put into all tasks in the classroom.