The Millsy Flyer

Monday March 28th 2022 Term 1 Week 10

From the Principal

Student Success:

Congratulations to our Year 6 student executive who attended the leadership day with our other local schools at Biddabah Public this week. From all accounts the event was a great day.

Our Mini Swimming Carnival was held Monday with great success! The students had a wonderful time earning points for their houses. It was great to see so many students participating and enjoying themselves. Congratulations to our Starstruck dancers who have been selected to perform in this year’s show! We are looking forward to seeing it. 

Harmony Day:

This week, our students celebrated Harmony Day by completing activities in class recognising that although we may be different, we all belong. A collage of hands will be displayed in the school to recognise the day. 

Earth Hour:

Our students participated in Earth Hour last week to highlight the importance of taking care of our environment and how we can contribute to positive change. 

P&C Golf Day:

Our P&C Golf Day is finally here! Next Friday, 1st April our community members and local businesses will be on the course raising funds for our school. It is sure to be a great day. If you are interested in sponsoring the day, please contact our P&C. Thank you to Duncan and David for the time and effort you have put into making the day a success. 

State Swimming:

Good luck to Liam and Layla who are competing at the State Swimming championships next Monday. We wish you all the best! 

ANZAC Service:

Our Year 6 student leaders will be attending the Civic Theatre next week for the Combined Schools Anzac Service. This service is presented by local high school students and highlights the war efforts of local heroes. It is a wonderful way to get a local perspective on Anzac Day. 

Staff Development Day Reminder:

A reminder that students will return to school on Thursday 28 April for Term 2. Teachers will be involved in professional learning on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th April. 


A reminder that our canteen will be closed from Thursday 7th April for our canteen upgrade. It will reopen on Monday 2nd May (Week 2 Term 2). Please ensure your child has a packed lunch and recess during this time. 

Grandparents Day & Hat Parade

Grandparents Day

We can’t wait to see you on Friday, 8th April. We’ve missed having visitors in our school.

Grandparents are invited to share a picnic lunch with their grandchildren (weather permitting) 11:10am-12Noon.  Don’t forget your picnic rug or a chair. Tea and coffee will be available on the day and we’ll have some cakes and slices for purchase.

Hat Parade

Our Hat Parade will begin at 12:15pm where the children will show off their fabulous creations. Hats are to be made at home and brought into school on the day. We look forward to welcoming our families for this event. 

The P&C Easter Raffle will be drawn at the conclusion of the parade.

Year 6 Mini Fete

Families should have received a pink note last week outlining the annual Year 6 mini fete fundraiser that is scheduled for Thursday 7th April in Week 11.  Year 6 are busy planning lots of fun stalls for their K-5 friends. This event is Year 6's main fundraiser that helps them to purchase a gift for the school and also with decorations for their farewell in December. 

Year 6 have popped up their posters around the school and students can view them to see all of the types of fun they can have on the day. A big thank you to a few families who have already had a big clean out at home and sent in some items for our world famous 'Trash and Treasure' stall. Items can be delivered to Ms Patrick or Miss Bath's room (downstairs next-door to the canteen) from Monday 28th March. Remember, you get a clean out of excess items from your house and our K-5 just love buying the items you have donated. 

The newsletter also outlined other ways you can help; such as, donating plants to the plant stall, nail polish/hair spray or face paint for that fun stall or by cooking for us. We love any donations, but we try to manage it well and avoid wastage by asking grades to prepare certain items:

Kinder – small bags of chocolates/ lollies/popcorn or tiny treats in small individual bags 

Years 1 & 2 - cupcakes of any kind 

Years 3 & 4 -  slices (cut into small pieces) 

Years 5 & 6 - toffees of any kind  

If you have a specialty item that doesn’t fit the stage requirement, we are happy to receive it anyway… Yr 6 appreciate any assistance we receive. J 

Please make sure your child has a wallet with their name clearly marked on it and a recyclable bag to pop their treasures in whilst they wander the stalls. Most stalls are 20c a go or 3 for 50c, and some items are $1 or $2 to buy at the cake stall or Trash n Treasure. We deliberately keep the prices low, so it allows students to have lots of fun. Recommended amount to bring is $10 - $15. Students will not need any more than that to spend. It would also help if they could bring their money in the form of mostly coins (20c, 50c, $1 or $2 coins), as we do not have floats to begin our stalls as we did in the past,  because most money paid at school these days is online. Year 6 and staff thank all of our families in advance for helping us to make a fun mini fete for K-5. 

Update from the Aboriginal Education Team

Personalised Learning Pathways (PLPs)

Teachers are in the process of reaching out to parents and carers of our Aboriginal students to engage them in the development of a PLP for their child. PLPs are an active process between the student, parents/carers and teachers, to identify, organise and apply personal approaches to learning and engagement. This process is extremely valuable as it provides a connection between home and school and allows us to set goals for our students and work together to achieve these goals.

Student Leadership Group

Our Aboriginal leadership group formed recently to decide on a name for the group. After much discussion, the students decided on the name Wonai Leadership Group. Wonai is the Awabakal word for child. Our Wonai Leadership Group is made up of students from Year 3-6 who will meet fortnightly and will also include our younger students in Years K-2 once a term. 


We are excited to finally have the completed mural displayed in the school. Our students took great pleasure in seeing it finally mounted and finding their mark on the artwork. This mural illustrates the strong connection that our school has with the land and community. A massive thank you to Sandon Gibbs-O’Neill for listening to our students and pulling all of their ideas together to create this beautiful masterpiece.

Canteen Update

The canteen will be closed Monday 4th April due to prior commitments.

Don’t forget notes and money for the Easter special food day are due back this Wednesday 30th March. 

Wednesday 6th April will be the last day of canteen for the term due to canteen renovations starting. 

ANZAC Day Commemorations at WBPS

Each year, our school participates in the local RSL Dawn Service on ANZAC Day (25th April) and a 9 o'clock service at Valentine Park (near the shops). At this point of posting our newsletter,  we are still awaiting confirmation that the Valentine service will still go ahead this year. Our school also hosts school-based service for all K-6 students and families.

This year interested students are asked to meet Mrs Hoscher and Ms Blyth at the dawn service in Speers Point Park at 5:20am. The students will form lines and march behind the service groups to the rotunda area to take part in the 5:45am service. We will meet on the western side of the park (closer to that western carpark and creek side). The Captains, Vice Captains and Student Executive team are all expected to take part and lead the students from K-6 in representing our school at the dawn service. Students are asked to wear their full school uniform, any family medals they may have and march behind the school banner. Our SE will lay a wreath and donate books on behalf of our whole school.  Further information regarding the possible later morning service at Valentine will be sent out when we receive it. 

The school ANZAC Service is coordinated by the SE team and will take place on Friday 28th April (Week 1). Students will have the opportunity to place flowers near the school ANZAC cross and are encouraged to bring along a posy of flowers. The service will take place at 2:15pm under the Primary COLA. All family members and friends of WBPS are most welcome to attend. Please remember to socially distance in the special seating we will have for visitors at the rear of the COLA. 

Newcastle Transport April 2022 Network changes

From Sunday 3 April there will be improvements to Newcastle Transport timetables, including a new express bus route, extended on demand hours and more ferry and light rail services.While there have been no changes to regular bus routes or dedicated school service routes, some minor adjustments have been made to timetables to better reflect congestion and actual travel times to and from schools around the Newcastle Transport area. School students who use Newcastle Transport dedicated school services or regular routes will need to check their timetables for travelling to and from school prior to the changes commencing from Monday 4 April. Information on Trip Planner and other transport planning apps are now available. Parents and students can easily check their timetable by following these three simple steps:

  • Visit
  • Type your school name into the search field
  • Select your school bus route to download the PDF timetable that will be effective from 3 April.
  • In the meantime, our Travel Concierge can be contacted through the Newcastle Transport website to provide assistance to parents and students in understanding these changes and planning their new trip.

    Harmony Week

    Earth Hour 2022

    Students from K-6 learnt about the importance of "switching off" for our planet on Friday. Lights and devices were turned off for one hour, and students discussed and pledged ways that they can do their part to help our environment.

    "I commit to never litter."  Scarlett

    "I commit to turn off lights when leaving a room." Jax

    "I commit to using recyclable bags." Evie

    "I commit to growing vegetables instead of buying them." Harper

    "I commit to taking shorter showers." Lachlan

    Mini Swimming Carnival Success

    Our Mini Swimming Carnival was a huge success and students were very well behaved, participating enthusiastically in events.  


    Warners Bay Public School

    Safe | Respectful | Active Learners |