Dear Parents and Carers
Autism Inclusion Teacher
Autism Inclusion Teachers are a new, nation-leading initiative which aims to build teacher understanding and knowledge around supporting autistic children and young people.
Every public primary school in South Australia is required to appoint an Autism Inclusion Teacher. Our Autism Inclusion Teacher will take on the role (1 day per week) from term 1, 2023. Congratulations to Di Dunkeld who has been appointed to the position as Autism Inclusion Teacher at Burton Primary School.
It is anticipated that Di Dunkeld, as our Autism Inclusion Teacher, will first build her own teaching expertise, knowledge and understanding of autism by engaging in formal learning sessions and participation in the Autism Inclusion Teacher networks.
To improve knowledge and teaching practice across the school, Di will then share her learnings, ideas and resources with other teachers. The other teachers will then use the new knowledge when teaching autistic children and young people in their own classes.
Visit the Department for Education website to find out more about improving support for autistic children and students.
First Pupil Free Day for 2023 - Tuesday March 14th.
Michael Hosking