Narrabri West Public School


Narrabri West – a very busy learning environment

The last few weeks of this term are going to be extremely busy at Narrabri West. But as well as being busy, they are going to be very exciting, with lots of fun activities planned. This term has once again seemed to have just disappeared and it is amazing that we are already talking about end of term activities.

It is also quite obvious that there is a lot happening in our school that we should all be really proud of. Our Kindergarten students are developing impressively, making wonderful progress and maturing quickly. They are committing themselves to their learning and their learning goals, are working extremely hard and doing the best they possibly can.

Teachers in all classrooms are working very hard to enrich student learning through high expectations and explicit, effective teaching.

All in all, Narrabri West is an exciting place to be at the moment. I hope that you take a moment to reflect on the year so far, appreciate the wonderful opportunities that students have each day and celebrate how hard they have worked to obtain the most out of their schooling.

As always, we have been impressed with the excitement and enthusiasm shown by our students during the special occasions we have had already this term. We look forward to even more exciting opportunities and challenges in the weeks ahead, and as we move into Term 4.

Quality Work

Another term nears it’s end!

We are nearly at the end of another term – Week 10 of Term 3 already – wow! This term we have continued working on developing active learning skills amongst our students. We seek to embed skills such as critical and creative thinking, collaboration, team work and communication, as well as a focus on English and Maths, in all of our learning activities. Teachers continue to reflect on how to improve their teaching and provide regular feedback to their students.

Our goal is that all students will emerge from their primary school education as curious learners with skills to function and contribute successfully and confidently in our society. Our aim is to make each child’s learning journey a joyous and motivating one. We hope you can continue to join us and assist us in this journey.

A busy couple of weeks!

This week is yet another busy week. On Friday our Gold Badge assembly will be held in classrooms at 12:30pm via Zoom. Gold Badges will be presented to students whose behaviour has been terrific all year. We hope all Mums and Dads will acknowledge these wonderful achievements. Photos will be posted on our SeeSaw app for parents.

The canteen will be offering students a meal deal and all classes will have a movie and games afternoon. The movie is a relaxing and fun way for students and teachers to celebrate together the end of another busy and successful term of learning at Narrabri West.

We will also be participating in the Bone Marrow Institute’s Footy Colours Charity Day on Friday. Students can wear their favourite team’s footy colours, or just brightly coloured clothes if they wish.  The cost for the day is a gold coin donation, with all proceeds going to the Bone Marrow Institute to benefit cancer programs for children. This will no doubt help everyone get into the spirit of the upcoming NRL and AFL grand finals.

This term has as always, come and gone very quickly. Hopefully the holidays will give all children a chance to rest and recharge. They will certainly need it as Term 4 will as always, be very, very, very busy! Term 4 commences for both teachers and students on MONDAY 12th OCTOBER.

We wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday.

Footy Colours Day

Narrabri West Public School will be hosting a Footy Colours Day event, to support kids with cancer.

Friday 25th September, students are asked to dress in their favourite footy colours and bring a gold coin donation. The money we raise will assist in funding Fight Cancer Foundation’s education support programs, which operate in major paediatric hospitals across the country. They ensure no child falls behind or disengages from school as a result of their cancer diagnosis.

We appreciate your support for this special day.

Kindergarten and Pre School Enrolment

Enrolments for 2021 are progressing very well and thank you to all those people who have already indicated their children will be attending Narrabri West next year.

Please encourage anyone you know who has children commencing school in 2021 to advise the school so that we can accurately commence planning. Students attending local preschools should have received packages promoting our school, highlighting our achievements and inviting them to consider Narrabri West. If your child attends another preschool and you have not received an information pack, please ask them for it, as we have supplied these to all preschools in Narrabri for distribution.


Please complete this form for each child in your family who will be attending Kindergarten in 2021 at Narrabri West Public School.


Pre School Expression of interest

Please download and complete the expression of interest form.

The Partners in Learning parent survey

Our school will also be participating in the Partners in Learning parent survey, another part of the Tell Them From Me suite of surveys (student, teacher and parent surveys) on student engagement. The survey asks parents questions about different factors that are known to impact on student wellbeing and engagement.

Running this survey will help our school understand parents’ perspectives on their child’s experience at school. These include: communication between parents and staff, activities and practices at home and parent views on the school's support of learning and behaviour. This valuable feedback will help our school make practical improvements. 

The survey is conducted entirely online and will typically take 15 minutes or less to complete and is completely confidential. The parent survey will be conducted between August 26 and October 23. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary, however, your responses are very much appreciated. 

We will distribute shortly information to all parents on how to access and complete the survey.

Sickness at school

We realise it is often difficult to decide whether or not to send your children to school. However, if they are obviously unwell in the morning it would be wise to keep them at home. If you send them to school sick, it will take longer for them to get over it, it could become worse and in the process they may pass it on to someone else as well. Please give this some close consideration.

We have soap available in all our toilets for the children to use and encourage good personal hygiene at all times.

School attendance and Skoolbag app

Thank you to everyone who sends in Skoolbag notifications or emails informing us of your child/ren’s absences as they occur. 

If your child is sick for 3 consecutive days, you are required to provide the school with a medical certificate. 

If your child is absent due to Covid19 testing, you are required to produce a Negative result certificate upon return to school.

Parents/carers are required by law to provide an explanation to the school to say why their child was absent from school. A note of explanation should contain:

1.     Date that the note was written

2.     Child’s name

3.     Days/dates the child was absent from school

4.     The reason the child was absent

5.     The signature of the child’s parent/carer

Or complete the online absence note on our Skoolbag app.

If you notify the school of an absence on one day, we cannot assume the same reason for being absent on consecutive days.

If more than one child from the same family has been absent, a separate note for each child should be written.

A note should be brought to school or a Skoolbag notification update, on the first day the student returns to school after an absence. If not, we are required to investigate all unexplained absences (where a child has been absent and no explanation has been received) within two days.

Notifying the school of absences through the Skoolbag app, by phone, email or note are all acceptable and appreciate.

End of day pickup procedures

Students who are being picked up at the end of the school day are supervised on the back oval near the hall and we ask that all parents collect their children from this area.

Due to health guidelines and restrictions parents are not permitted on the school ground without the permission of the Principal. Please call the office before entering the school grounds.

Please notify your child’s teacher if your child has permission to walk home. 

Canteen Online Ordering

To find out how to register you can use the links or follow the instructions attached. 

Download the free app or access

Please call the office on 6792 2377 if you need assistance registering. 


Uniform Room Online Ordering

Once you have registered with My School Connect you can order uniforms online by using the same login details as used for the canteen. 

Please call the office on 6792 2377 if you need assistance registering. 

Award Winners - Wks 6, 7, 8 & 9


Patrick Mullins, Reagan Baker, Zeb Suckling, Zaharah Skinner-Smith, Issac Oakes, Axel Redding, Sophie Bruce, Sofia Kneller, Ella Keeffe, Ebony Solomon, Mia Stride & Rory Orman


Jed Eather, Xanthe Kneale, Molly McDonald, Gus Holbrow, Aiden Eather, Cohen Shepherdson, Evie Miller, Jaxon Rushby, Fletcher Sault, Savannah Cook, Andie Cunningham, & Vengeance Harris


Aubrey Menchin, Sophie Hagar, Mason Rushby, Phoenix Fox, Phoebe Willis, Zoe Walters, Noah Chabbia, Mikaela Whan, Justin Taylor, Hunter Drady, Heather O'Meara & Lacey Thorne


Lucy Booby, Callum Quinn, William Wheeler, Marley Cunningham, Alison Jones, Lailah Thurston, Jackson MacBeth, Seb Alexander, Tyler Bron, Mya Keeler, Eil O'Connell & Malik Tufui


Lyla Watkins, Kevin Foley, Grace McClymont, Jordan Sololmon, Oliver Kelly, Mya Mason, Logan Gillmore, Carrington Browne & Kevin Foley


Laurence Alcorn, Jaxson Murray-Smith, Bentley Miller, Victoria Irwin, Dominic Howe, Elizabeth Henderson, Nina Walters, Pippa French & Lachlan Baker


Blair Lennox, Savannah Lawler, Heath Cooper, Abel Redding, Jedd Stanford, Evander Russ, Meg Seccombe, Tilly Varcoe, Max Saunders, Harla McManus, Avah Brockbank & Haylee Orman


Savannah Hughes, Nardia Henderson, Lawson Oakley, Blake Eather, Mackenzie Griffiths, Armani Todd, Isabella Anderson, Judah Stuart, Ava Keeffe, Cooper Kelly, Armani Todd & Alexa Gordon


Willow Saunders-Flor, Tom Lilliebridge, Elsie Gordon, Justin Murray-Smith, Lexie Fernance, Ruby Michell, Cael Browning, Toby Longworth, Caitlin Taylor, Lily Tibbett, Tyran Lawler & Isabelle Gale


Blake Stride, Sophie Stoltenberg, Caitlin McKay, Hadleigh Astill, Lilly Harvey-Woods, Sam Fox, James Cole, Lucas Plowman, Annaleise Howe, Brody Smith, Mavrick Croaker & Kiara Vlahopoulos


Shaun Hagar, Reece Kelly, Summer Charlton, Cooper Rickard, Maddison Mowle, Summer Charlton, Jake George, Emma Penny, Cooper Rickard, Jordin Tribe, Penny McLean & Ethan Megalokonomos


Hayleigh Cahill, Blake Carter, Seraiya Hoffman, Sophie Brown, Ben Bland, Riley Firth, Sienna Earle, Nate Wilkins, Lizzy Silver, Douglas Parker, Haylie McKnight & Jorjia Briggs


Maya Watson, Chayce Browning, Matthew McKay, Taryn Kirk, Lucas Griffiths, Zara Della, Cooper Drady, Jessie Simpson, Ayla Cunningham, Adriann Phillips, Sophie Michell & Elsie Campbell


Haylo Hill-David, Eathan Harris, Kaden Hill, Lily Todd, Josh Woodhouse, Layla Murphy, Zoe Harris, Summer Bell, Alyssa Christie, Riley Seccombe, Hunter McCauley & Koby Hennessey

 Citizenship Awards & Stars of the Week

Zara WarnockMaicee AstillAlexa WoodsAva Smith
Zeb SucklingSaige Rood-EnglandElla HobdenEiliza McLean

Sofia OakesJarrad LawlerBailey Cooke
Allie MacBethCaitlen laneRuby MichellCharleigh Bennett
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Strategies for successfully raising boys

One of the keys to parenting success is the ability to adapt strategies and principles to suit the gender of the children in your family. That’s easy if you share the same gender or were surrounded by siblings of that gender in your family origin.

It’s not so easy if your experience of children of a particular gender is pretty thin, or you just can’t fathom what makes a gender tick. Here are some essential strategies to help you successfully parent the boy in your life.

  • Understand their psychology
  • Work with their physiology
  • Crack their communication code
  • Match their relational style
  • Build a management repertoire on respect and fairness
  • Know that confidence is key
  • Play to their learning strengths
  • Build their emotional smarts
  • Defuse their digital focus
  • Build an attitude of respect
  • Coach boys in interpersonal skill

Research tells us that parenting boys can be more problematic than parenting girls, particularly in the early and primary school years. With a solid understanding of what makes a boy tick, a toolkit at your disposal of boy-friendly communication, management and confidence-building techniques, the confidence to support your boy as a continuous learner and a willingness to coach him personal and respectful relationship skills you will be well-prepared to give your son the support and parenting he needs to become a fine and successful young man.

These strategies and more form part of the revised, Parenting Boys online course, available now.

by Michael Grose

Privacy and your child

You can help your child to stay in control of their personal information, online photos and social media identity. 

What are the risks? 

When your child shares information like their phone number, personal email address, the name of their school, or home address online, there is a risk it could be used in ways they may not have thought about.  

Personal information gathered online can be misused and result in things like spam, scams, fraud, unwanted contact and grooming or even identity theft.  

Photos of your child that are posted online or shared through social networks might end up travelling more widely than intended or they could be ‘harvested’ from social media or other websites and used for unintended purposes. 

It is important that your child is aware of where and how information that identifies them is available online. They should also think about who can access it, what others may be doing with their information and the impression they are leaving for others to find.

How can I protect my child’s privacy when they are online? (use the link below)

Webinars for parents and carers

Join one of our webinars for parents and carers. They’re free!

Message from Commonwealth Bank

 School Banking program will remain on hold. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed with any updates including how we will be managing Dollarmite tokens for students. In the meantime, here are some handy online resources for parents who wish to maintain momentum with their child’s financial education: 


Slippery Slope of spending:

Online spending influence: 

Years 5 & 6

Marketing for a small business:

CommBank Youth app

Manage Real Money Digitally: 

Taking Flight - Epic Adventure

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Dance - Can't Stop the Feeling

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Children's Choir - Diamonds

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Junior Touch Football is back

Narrabri Junior Touch is back and will be commencing on Monday the 19th October 2020.

This will be a mixed competition from Kindy to year 6. The age groups will be 5/6 years, 7/8/9 years and 10/11/12 years.

Games will be played at Cooma Oval, we would like it if players could be at the oval by 5pm so games can start at 5:15pm sharp. Games will run for 25 minutes and finish at 5:40pm so that the juniors can leave the oval in time for the adults competition to start at 6pm. Children will be placed in their mixed touch teams at the discretion of the junior touch co-ordinators.

Registrations opened for this competition on Monday the 14th September 2020 and will close on Wednesday the 7th October 2020. Cost per child will be $40.00 and the active kids voucher can be used and there will be no late registration accepted for this competition. To register your child/children, you will need to go on-line to this website, and follow the prompts to register and pay for your child or go to our Narrabri Touch Facebook Page, where the registration link will be available.                                                                                      

Parent helpers will be required as we need a coach for each team, if you can help us by coaching a team or if you have any further enquiries regarding this junior mixed touch competition you can contact Lorraine Scott on 0418896685, Lisa Macrae on 0427923463 or Tracy Warren 0457402528.

This junior touch competition will be run under the Covid-19 rules and regulations set out by NSW Touch and Narrabri Touch Association.

 Thanking You

Junior Touch Co-Ordinators

Community News