Dear Parents/Caregivers,
As you know teachers are lifelong learners and are always being challenged with new, and not so new, thinking. Handwriting has become a renewed topic of discussion for us through our learning about the connections made by the brain when “putting pen to paper”.
We also realise that many of us do not use our handwriting as frequently as we once did.
We investigated how many of our students used a tripod pencil grip, the most commonly suggested grip to assist flowing handwriting. We encourage you to look at your children’s grip and help them understand that making changes, while very worthwhile, do not come easily. If you have any queries please contact your class teacher.
We have received the hard copies of the NAPLAN results for 2022. Our results are generally very pleasing with most students achieving the National Minimum Standards (NMS) in all areas.
Component | % of students who achieved the NMS in year 3. | % of students who achieved the NMS in year 3. |
Reading | 100% | 97% |
Writing | 100% | 94% |
Spelling | 98% | 95% |
Grammar and Punctuation | 100% | 98% |
Numeracy | 97% | 95% |
We have sorted the parent copies and arranged for staff to read them. On Tuesday I intend to send a Skoolbag notice informing parents of Year 3 and 5 students that they can come in to the front office to collect their child’s report. If a parent is unable to get in to the office they can write a note for their child to give to the front office requesting the report be put in an envelope and sent home with the child at the end of the day.
Updated Procedure and Guidelines.
This week we received a new procedure, guidelines and resources regarding ‘Sexual behaviour in children and young people’. These have been developed to respond to children and young people’s sexual behaviour, and the prevention of sexual harm. Staff will be looking at these in upcoming staff meetings.
We also received brochures entitled “Children and young people’s sexual behaviour in education and care settings – A guide for parents and carers”. These brochures are available in the front office or you can ask your class teacher to place one in your child’s bag if you wish.
Kindy to Reception Transition and 2023 Classes
At the end of this term we plan to email parents of 2023 Reception students information about our Kindergarten to Reception transition visits. These are planned for Wednesday mornings over four weeks next term.
We will also begin allocating our current students to their 2023 classes. Your child’s teachers know your child very well, however, we understand that sometimes parents have further considerations that they would like us to know when placing their child in a class for 2023. In the last newsletter for this term we will include a document for parents to fill out and bring in to the front office during weeks one and two of term four. Early next term we will be asking students to name five friends that they may wish to be with so that we can guarantee they will be with at least one of these. This will complement the very thorough process that we go through to ensure that we can best fit all our students into balanced classes.
Sports Day
Sports Day is now not far away so please be on the lookout for information elsewhere in this newsletter and on Skoolbag over the next two weeks. Whilst we are very eager to have our families on site on the day could I please ask those who are unwell to please stay at home and, where possible, for adults not to enter the classrooms or buildings? On the day House 1 will be open for parents to access the toilet for themselves or their younger children, with hand sanitiser just inside the door to be used on entering.
During week 10 we will be having various activities in preparation for Sports Day. We will stay in school uniform, although students are advised to be in shoes suitable for running in each day as our activities will be weather dependent. On Friday students are encouraged to wear their house colours but the school hat and suitable running shoes still need to be worn.
So, here’s hoping that the weather improves over the next two weeks and we can end the term with a really fun and exciting day.
With regards
Andrea Hayden