Hallett Cove East Primary School

Keeping you in the loop ....

We would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to the Kaurna people, the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands we gather on. We acknowledge the deep feelings of attachment and relationship of the Kaurna people to country and we respect and value their past, present and ongoing connection to the land and cultural beliefs. 


  • Thursday December 15th - Yr 6 Graduations
  • Friday December 16th - Early Dismisal 2:05pm
  • Monday January 30th - School recommences for 2023


Dear Parents/Caregivers,

My apologies for the lack of an article from me for the previous newsletter. As you may have guessed I had COVID and was rather unwell, so I ‘lost’ almost a fortnight of school. We are all so busy at this time of the year that we don’t have time to read anything much, let alone lengthy newsletters so I’ll endeavour to be concise.

Thank you

I just wanted to say thank you to all the groups who make up our wonderful school.

Firstly I would like to thank the parents and families.

 We would also like to acknowledge the many volunteers who help in the classroom, on excursions, in the uniform shop, the canteen and in a myriad of ways. Your contributions are invaluable and we say “thank you”. During week 9 you should receive a certificate of acknowledgment. I would like to have organised a “Thank You Morning Tea” but events have made this too difficult this year. Who knows, maybe next year!

A major parent volunteer body is our Governing Council which is very ably led by Amber Pellerin. Without the guidance of the Governing Council we are not able to operate the school. I would strongly encourage any parent who is interested in joining the council from 2023 onwards to please contact the school or one of the council members. I would like to thank Amber Pellerin, Yvie Eglington, Melissa Vlachos, Rachel Peake, Nadia Hodgson, Leanne Craig, Nikki Dopson, Sally Matthews, and Jessica Chaplin for all your efforts this year and in the past.

So to our Governing Council of 2022 I say thank you.

Congratulations to Jessica Chaplin who has been awarded the 2022 Volunteer of the Year Award for her service to the school. Jessica’s oldest boys, Mitchell and Jack, started at HCEPS in 2011 and her youngest son Tom is about to graduate from year 6 so Jessica’s contributions have been far reaching.

Thank you to our students. Our four school values of Respect, Responsibility, Excellence and Fairness are displayed by all our students across the year levels. I would particularly like to thank our Year Six Leaders who have done a wonderful job in so many ways. I would also like to wish them well in their future endeavours and have every confidence in their ability to thrive. I am looking forward to the Graduation Ceremony.

I would like to acknowledge and thank all the staff of HCEPS. We are very fortunate to have so many high quality educators and all round wonderful human beings! I would particularly like to acknowledge Renee Fisher for her outstanding work as Deputy Principal and Aaron Charlton for his excellent contributions as Well Being Leader.

Just as we have students moving on so we have some staff members who have new adventures for 2023. We have been so fortunate to have had Sarah Clews, Zac Schenkel, Jessica Dyer, Joey Traeger and Kimberley Chamberlain working with our students and families this year and in past years. Whilst there is always an element of sadness to say goodbye we know that this means other children, in other settings, will get the opportunity to experience their many unique qualities and vast expertise. We wish them well in their future endeavours.

We have some new staff coming but this is still being finalised so we will introduce them next year.

I would also like to say ‘thank you’ to the many staff, students and families who have supported me during my time as Principal this year. I have enjoyed so many interactions and have learnt a great deal. I am returning as Deputy Principal during term 1 whilst Matthew Chapman will be Principal.

We will have a very brief assembly on the final day where we will say thank you to the students and staff who are not returning in 2023.


I hope you enjoyed the concert as much as I did.

Thank you to our marvellous performers who were also an excellent audience!

We learnt that we can’t dial up the weather and just, because the music worked via one method during the day, that doesn’t mean that system will work in the evening so we always need a plan A, B and C. We also learnt how wonderfully resilient our students are!

Thank you to all those staff who contributed. It was such a team effort behind the scenes and on stage. The hundreds, if not thousands, of hours that go into producing an hour and a half concert are made worthwhile by the memories that are made.

It was wonderful to see so many families at our end of year concert, thank you so much for supporting your children.

Week 9

On Wednesday of this week we will meet with our 2023 classes for a brief time during the morning. In the afternoon students will bring home their reports and a letter indicating which class and classroom they are in next year.

Please remember that we have early dismissal on the final day (2:05pm). Students are also welcome to wear casual clothes. They just need to be appropriate for school activities and sun safe. This day will not be a fundraiser. Year 6 students are allowed to get their school tops signed, if they have permission from their parents. The writing on or signing of the school tops only occurs after the assembly on the final day.


To help prevent vandalism and other crime in the school during the holidays, we seek your support to please report any suspicious behaviour you may observe in and around the school to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or direct to Police on 131 444. I thank you in advance for doing so.

OSHC will be open as advertised.

The Front Office will reopen on Monday 23rd January, however there will be some staff on site during the week prior for any urgent queries.

Teachers will be on site on Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th January. On the Wednesday afternoon teachers will contact parents of students with significant health concerns and identified students with disabilities. If you need to contact your child’s teacher before the start of the school year please email the front office and they will pass the message on when teachers return. Otherwise we plan to have all parents on site and able to go into classrooms from 8:30am for the First Day for Students which is Monday 30th January 2023.  

Advance Notice for a Pupil Free Day

We have received approval from Governing Council to have a Pupil Free Day on Thursday 23rd February 2023. OSHC will be open for bookings on this day.

I hope you all have a wonderful time with family and friends over the next few weeks. I also hope we will all be reinvigorated ready for the challenges of 2023.

With regards

Andrea Hayden



Dear Parents and Caregivers,

As we come to the end of the school year classes are busy finishing off final bits of work, sending things home as well as celebrating the student’s hard work and achievements for 2022.

What a wonderful End of Year Concert. It was great to see so many families attend, which added to the positive atmosphere. All the classes did an outstanding job of performing their items.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the 3 Terms working as the Deputy Principal. I have learnt many things, however I am looking forward to being back in the classroom next year.

I wish all the students and families a fabulous break and I look forward to seeing you in 2023.


Save the Date: Auskick 2023

There will be an Auskick Program running next year at the school from week 3 of term 1 through to the end of the term (8 weeks).

Further details to be confirmed.

Registrations now open.

Kind Regards,

Renee Fisher

Deputy Principal


Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Spike has asked me to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and let you know that he has asked Santa for a lizard lounge and some blueberries. He is looking forward to the warmer weather and relaxing in the sun. I too would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday period and I am looking forward to a fantastic 2023.

Congratulations to a small group of year 3/4 students who made it through to the Metro Hot Shot State Tennis Finals last week. They had a fun day of playing tennis and represented our school with pride.


Aaron Charlton

Wellbeing Leader / PE / Science Teacher


Some wisdom to share

This week I want to share something I read in an email subscription. The following is from Seph Fontane Pennock, Co-founder of PositivePsychology.com 


Food For Thought We often tend to think of our needs as a burden to others: "I don't want to impose"... "They have enough on their plate"... "I can handle it." Our shame and discomfort in asking for help prevents us from making requests. We end up deciding on behalf of the other person and deny them the opportunity to help meet our needs. Yet giving, receiving, and supporting each other is a basic and beautiful natural impulse (think about the last time you helped a friend—it felt good, right?). Our survival as a species is rooted in our interdependence! We can reframe asking for our needs as a gift: making a request for collaboration can become an invitation to experience the joy of giving and receiving.


Season’s greetings

Wishing you a Merry Christmas. Best wishes for the holidays, and for health and happiness throughout the coming year.

This is my last newsletter article, so I would like to say thank you for allowing me to support the wellbeing of the school community over the last 7 and a half years. It has been an amazing job and I’m honoured that I got to support so many wonderful, students, staff and families.

I look forward to finding out who will be your new pastoral care worker next year, and all the new skills and ideas they will bring to the school community.




at HCEPS on Wednesdays and Fridays



Hi Parents/ Caregivers, 

This is our last newsletter of the year.

This week we’ve had some exciting events such as the 2022 End of Year Concert. It was great to see so many friends and family there to watch all of the amazing performances and listen to the very funny jokes.. 

Two weeks ago we had a special assembly for Mrs Rathjen due to her retirement at this school. The whole school hopes she will have a great retirement.              

We've really enjoyed our leadership roles this year. We had lots of fun organising assemblies and doing newsletters. We very much enjoyed writing the script for the concert and reading it out which hopefully entertained those who came.

We have had a great last year of Primary school and we’ve enjoyed being leaders of the school this year, so with saying that, Farewell.

(Lewis, Jacob, Jake, Cooper, Pippa and Grace)


Our Environmentalist Group have been busy throughout the semester creating a thriving, organic, sustainable garden. Growing seasonal fruit and vegetables from prepared garden beds, then reaping the rewards of their efforts. Here are some photos of their recent harvest.


Well with permission, a few inquisitive students from 4E have worked over 3 recess & 4 lunch plays to find out.

Using a meter ruler and a tape measure Conner M, Alexander G-C, Aaron H, Hudson P and Lachlan K worked as a team taking shifts as the work was tiring. Their result is 787 meters.  How close were you?



Volunteers Wanted !!

Volunteers are important to our school community. Our canteen relies on help from volunteers to deliver a meal service to our pupils.

To enable us to provide a varied recess and lunch menu offer to our pupils we really do need your help.   

If you have a spare hour or more we would welcome your support.

Not registered with the school as a volunteer?  Volunteer application packs are available from the front office containing all the information you need to submit your registration as a volunteer...... WE NEED YOU


Clearance - ALL shorts, skirts & skorts are just $ 2!

Open every Wednesday 8:30-9am and 3:00-3:30pm in House 1 - first building near the gates at the drop off/pick up point.  The shop is stocked with a variety of second hand uniform items. The money raised is given back to the school and utilised in fundraising projects. Remember that if you have any uniforms that no longer fit or are not being worn and in good clean condition, we'd love to receive them. Thank you.



Looking for something fun to do during the school holidays?  Run, jump, swing and climb on our ninja warrior courses, jumping castles and indoor playground.  SA Basecamp if fun for the whole family ranging for ages 3+ to adult.  Cost $20 per child, $5 per adult (free when supervising child), unlimited play time.  Hire out the whole venue (including indoor playground and jumping castle) for 2 hours.  SA Basecamp also offers catered birthday parties.  Visit sabasecamp.com.au to book or call 0413 652 422 for enquiries or party bookings.


Tuesday, 13th December 2022.  Gates open at 6:00 pm, Fireworks at 9:00 pm.  Hallett Cove School Soccer Pitch, Gledsdale Road.  Entertainment - Student Performances / Dancing / Live Music / Fireworks display / Food Trucks / Visit from Santa.  Activities - Showbags / Face Painting / Raffles.

BYO Picnic, Rug, Chairs, Gold Coin Donation on Entry.


Soccer fun for Girls and Boys aged 2-12.  Soccer runs all year round.

8 week term starts 11 and 12th February.  Enrol during 2022 to save $10.

Classes take place at: Reynella East College and Seaview High on Saturdays and Brighton Oval and Seaford Rise Primary on Sundays.

Call Daniel on 0433 422 347 or for more information visit website at www.grasshoppersoccer.com.au



Hallett Cove East Primary School:

  • Learning for tomorrow’s world
  • Working together
  • Valuing each other and our future

Our Mission is to ensure that our students are able to successfully interact and achieve within andbeyond their own community, now and in the future.

This may be evidenced by:

A Strong Sense of Identity
  • Students will be resilient and reflective, confident in their own opinions and provide leadership.
Creative Thinking
  • Students will be creative and critical thinkers who draw upon a range of strategies to deal with new situations or information.
Success in Interactions
  • Students will value diversity and successfully interact with others within and beyond their community in a collaborative manner.
Preparedness for the Future
  • Students will demonstrate initiative, enterprise and adaptability and will be able to successfully manage change within their own lives and as part of a global community.
Skill in Communication
  • Students will be able to successfully communicate in a range of settings within and beyond their own community.
Success in Learning
  • Students will develop and apply knowledge, competencies and skills, which enable them to be successful now and in the future.
Self-Directed Learners
  • Students will be able to initiate and implement their own learning plans. Based on constructivist theory, students will be supported in self-assessment procedures in order to reflect on and guide future learning.

The school Values identified by the school community are reflected in the everyday language atschool by staff, parents, students and community members. The Values are

  • Excellence
  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility

Our ongoing commitment to our Values is reflected in our Student and Staff Wellbeing programs including the Year 7 Student Leaders program, Buddy and assembly programs.

QKR APP (Quicker)

Qkr App (pronounced quicker) is Hallett Cove East Primary School and Out of School Hours/Vacation Care preferred form of payment. 

Please click for more details Qkr App

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