Woolooware Public School Newsletter

April 2022

Principal's Report

Welcome to our final newsletter for the term!

 It has been a term of challenges, but also a great opportunity for us all to practice resilience.  I am so proud of how our students, staff and community have bounced back this term and adapted to the many changes and challenges we have faced.  These holidays could not have come at a better time – I know everyone needs a chance to rest, relax and recharge!

Covering classes has been a real challenge this term as staff have been mandated to isolate at different times, I am happy to say however that we have been able to adjust and adapt to cause the least disruption to class programs possible.  I am hopeful that there are fewer disruptions next term, but am also confident that we as a community will have the ability to cope with any further challenges that face us.

Another wonderful example of our staff, students and community pivoting to adapt to challenges is with our Easter Parade today.  We made the difficult decision to transition to an online parade yesterday because of the weather and our parent committee and staff have been amazing in the way they have quickly adapted to the new format. I am so grateful to everyone for their efforts - it will be a wonderful celebration of a very successful term.  I look forward to seeing you from 12.30 today. To access the webinar, you can click on this link: https://nsweducation.zoom.us/j/62512628423?pwd=UWpiekROQ0x1TTRXTUVMOGJBcWRadz09

There will be a recorded version uploaded to our website later today.

Term 2 Curriculum Grids

We are pleased to share with you can overview of the content being covered in term 2 via our curriculum grids. Thumbnail images and links to the pdf versions are below and can be accessed at any time on our website: https://woolooware-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/learning-at-our-school/curriculum-grids.html

P&C News

In week 9 we held our P&C AGM.   We have a new team of enthusiastic volunteers, excited to lead our parent body this year.  The new committee consists of:

President: Kate Cooper
Vice Presidents: Jua Cilliers and Julia Baker
Treasurer: Jen Rainbow
Secretary: Geoff Baker
Fundraising Coordinator: Linda Green
Communications: Julia Baker
Event Liaison: Mel Davis

This new team is passionate and excited about the future of parent engagement in our school.  They would welcome your input and support and will warmly welcome you to the next meeting on Monday 16 May at 7.00pm.

Stage 3 Trip

We were so fortunate to have the opportunity to take our Year 5 and 6 students to Bathurst and Dubbo last week, despite a number of our team being impacted by Covid.  I would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to our team of staff: Mr Griggs, Mrs Deacon, Miss Miles, Miss Ansell, Mr Holdcroft and Mrs McGrath for attending and for the planning and support of Miss Greenstein, Mrs Phillips and Mrs Ferguson to make the trip happen.  Our students had a wonderful time and I know were grateful for the chance to get away.

Before and After School Care

As we have mentioned previously, our parent committee has decided to hand the running of WOSHC back to the school, so a tender process was initiated to select a provider for Before and After School Care at WPS.  I am pleased to announce that Team Kids have been selected as our provider. We are now engaged in a handover process to ensure a smooth transition to the new management.  Our existing staff will be very much a part of this.  Team Kids will commence operation on Monday 30 May, but there will be some scheduled events prior to that so families and students can get familiar with them.  The first event will be a welcome Webinar at 6.30pm on 4 May.  More information will be forwarded on this shortly.

Parent Reps

We are very grateful to the parents who have volunteered to be a liaison between class teachers and parents of that group.  We are currently working on protocols for the role just so everyone is clear about what parent reps do and don’t do.  In brief, they will be a support to the class teacher in getting small reminders out and a contact point for families to connect.  The class rep is not supposed to be the source of all information and parents are still encouraged to speak to teachers directly and/or contact the school when unsure about expectations.

School Holidays

Today marks the end of Term 1 for 2022 and I know that everyone is looking forward to the school holidays.  The staff will return to school on Tuesday 26 April for a Staff Development Day.  Students in K-6 will return for the start of Term 2 on Wednesday 27 April.

We wish all of our students and families a very happy and safe autumn break.

Jason Ezzy


PLEASE NOTE: The contents of this message are intended for families of students at Woolooware Public School. Unauthorised sharing of this message is not permitted

Stage 3 Bathurst Dubbo Camp Part 1

Stage 3 Bathurst Dubbo Camp Part 2

Term 2 Curriculum Grids

What's on?

Please use the 'EVENTS' tab on the skoolbag app to view upcoming events in our school calendar

April -
26th Staff Development Day
27th - Students Return for Term 2
28th - WPS Cross Country

May -
6th - First Day of PSSA Sport 
9th - Zone Cross Country
10th to 20th - NAPLAN
16th - P&C Meeting
31st - MusicaViva 

June -
20th - P&C Meeting
21st - Year 1 Fairfield City Farm Excursion
29th - Brainstorm Productions Incursion

July -
1st - Last Day Term 2

*these dates can change from time to time, please always check the events tab on skoolbag for the most up to date information


Student Representative Council News


Please be advised that the SRC meet every fortnight on Monday mornings at 9.15am in Kinder Blue classroom. The next meeting is on Monday 2 May (week 2).

Citizen of the Week - Term 1 2022

Parents and Citizens Association News

We'd love your feedback...

P&C Membership form


Uniform Shop News

The uniform shop is open THURSDAYS!


Parents and carers may attend the uniform shop on site from 9am-10am (approx.) to purchase uniform items. 

Our uniform shop is located on the far left end of the blue classrooms along the verandah. 


If you still wish to order your uniform through the office please email your completed form to woolooware-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au (pdf preferred - no photos). Please put 'UNIFORM ORDER - family name' in the subject field. Uniform fees will be emailed to families with an online payment link. Uniforms will only go home with students once they are paid for. 

Sending your order through by 3.30pm Wednesdays will be the cut off each week for orders to be processed on Thursdays. Late orders will be carried over to the following week. 


Our uniforms are also stocked at Claudine Schoolwear at Caringbah and their prices and opening times can be found on their website.

Families with overdue uniform fees are asked to please pay for your uniforms ASAP.

Thank you. Order form below

Uniform Order Form


WPS Apps and Websites for Information, Communication and Payments

School Bytes Online Payment 'How to Guide'

Follow the link to view a pdf guide of how to use the School Bytes Parent Online Payment (POP) system
Please follow the link above to view the Woolooware Public School Website where you will find information on enrolment procedures, school events, forms and notes, live streams and much more. 

Canteen News

Flexi Schools for Canteen Orders - ORDER BY 9AM

Permission Notes and Forms

Canteen Volunteer


WPS Information Handbook


Scholastic Book Club Online Ordering