Woy Woy South Public School

Term 3, Week 7 - Wednesday, 2nd September 2020

Respect | Responsibility | Relationships

A message from our Principal

Community Forums

As mentioned in last week in the newsletter, on Facebook and through the Skoolbag App, we as a staff we will be developing a new WWSPS Strategic Improvement Plan for the period 2021-2024. To make this successful we need student, staff, parent and community input. To provide opportunities to share ideas and ask questions, we are offering six Zoom Community Forums, with an open invitation to all community members. Zoom link:


You are most welcome to participate in all sessions, or selected forums of interest. Tonight’s session is highlighted. Topics include:

School Organisation/CommunicationSeptember 2nd, 7pm
School Events/Extra Curricula ActivitiesSeptember 16th, 7pm
Student Wellbeing October 21st, 7pm
CurriculumNovember 4th, 7pm
Cultural EducationNovember 18th, 7pm
School Resources/School Environment December 2nd, 7pm

Don’t forget that you can post a question or comment prior to the session though a Google Form. Details for this are on Facebook and the App. We look forward to answering your questions and hearing your views via Zoom at 7pm tonight.

Tell Them From Me Survey

As in previous years, The Parent Tell Them From Me survey will open on Wednesday 9th September, 2020. This survey gives the school important information on the programs that are of benefit to the students, as well as providing valuable constructive feedback on ideas to make our school even better. Last year the number of parent responses was at a record high which was fantastic. We would love to better this again in 2020 and as such, we will be rewarding the classes in our school who achieve the highest parent response rate! Please keep an eye out for the link next week. Your help with this is greatly appreciated.

Have a great week everyone,

Matt Barr


New Information regarding R4S 2021

Athletics Carnival Winners!

Stage 1 - Fractured Fairy Tales

Upcoming events

 Like us on facebook  https://www.facebook.com/WoyWoySouthPublicSchool/

Like Woy Woy South Public School P&C https://www.facebook.com/WoyWoySouthPandC/

Friday, 4th September
Father's Day Stall
Thursday, 10th September
Stage 1 "Fractured Fairy tales Day"
Monday, 21st September
Talk like a Pirate Day
Friday, 25th September
Term 3 ends
Friday 25th September
Cross Country (Years 2-6)
Monday, 12th October
Term 4 begins

P&C News

Bluey’s Snack Shack

Our surprise recess special for this week is blue and pink Moozie’s. Only $1.50. Available all week until Friday September 4th.

Ahoy all Pirates in Kindergarten through to Year2! We will be offering a special meal deal on Monday 21st September. Order forms will be sent home soon.

 The Eat Fresh and Win campaign will commence in the next couple of weeks. We will have additional healthy fruit and vegetable specials available for purchase at recess and lunch. A flyer will be sent home with more information on how you can participate.

Volunteers for the week ahead are:

Thursday 3rd - Sarah

Friday 4th - Ellen and Michelle

Monday 7th - Volunteer Needed

Tuesday 8th - Leah

Wednesday 9th – Jacki (12:30pm-1:30pm)

 As you can see, we are still in need of volunteers. Helping can be as easy as making a sandwich, no job is too hard. And best of all your child will love seeing you here. Our kettle is always on and lunch and laughs are free!! Contact Amanda and Jacqui if you can help us over the next few weeks.

We remind all volunteers to sign in at the front office before heading to the canteen.

School Banking

The rewards available during 2020 are:

  •  Terry Denton’s Activity Book
  • Mini Soccer Ball
  • Treetop Stationary

  • Treetop Handball
  • Tomato Seed Kit
  • Magic Mist Drink Bottle
  • Emoji Wallet
  • Snakes and Ladders Game

Once students deposit 10 times and receive a rewards sheet they can redeem them for one of the above rewards in recognition of their regular savings habits.

To redeem your reward item:

  • Complete a rewards card slip by writing in your details and ticking the item you would like to redeem
  • Place the slip in your yellow Dollarmites wallet
  • Hand it in with your school banking on Fridays

Thank you for your continued support for the School Banking Program and remember school banking day here at Woy Woy South is every Friday!

Uniform Shop

All uniform orders that are placed online through Quickcliq before 8:30am will be delivered to your child’s classroom the same day. Any orders received after 8:30am will be delivered the following day.

 The uniform shop will be open every Thursday from 8:45am until 9:15am for cash sales. Quickcliq is still our preferred method for purchasing uniforms so please sign up if you haven’t already.

SOLD OUT – Size 6 and size 8 everyday polos

LOW IN STOCK – Size 8 non zip Hoodies

Entertainment Book

Purchase your new Entertainment Book – Digital Copy and you will be helping us raise funds to go back to the school. Purchase your book today by pasting this link into your web browser https://www.entertainment.com.au/orderbooks/3q4713

Please ‘Like’ our Facebook Page to keep up to date with all things P&C, Woy Woy South Public School P&C.



For the latest information, Kindergarten Ready for School 2021, 'Make a Payment' link and NSW Department of Education news, please go to our website.

Select the button above to go to 'Quickcliq'

Log into your account – go to “Add Credit” and then select “Direct Deposit”.. Save the bank account details into your online banking account and make weekly or fortnightly deposits into your Quickcliq Account…