Community Forums
As mentioned in last week in the newsletter, on Facebook and through the Skoolbag App, we as a staff we will be developing a new WWSPS Strategic Improvement Plan for the period 2021-2024. To make this successful we need student, staff, parent and community input. To provide opportunities to share ideas and ask questions, we are offering six Zoom Community Forums, with an open invitation to all community members. Zoom link:
You are most welcome to participate in all sessions, or selected forums of interest. Tonight’s session is highlighted. Topics include:
Topic | Date |
School Organisation/Communication | September 2nd, 7pm |
School Events/Extra Curricula Activities | September 16th, 7pm |
Student Wellbeing | October 21st, 7pm |
Curriculum | November 4th, 7pm |
Cultural Education | November 18th, 7pm |
School Resources/School Environment | December 2nd, 7pm |
Don’t forget that you can post a question or comment prior to the session though a Google Form. Details for this are on Facebook and the App. We look forward to answering your questions and hearing your views via Zoom at 7pm tonight.
Tell Them From Me Survey
As in previous years, The Parent Tell Them From Me survey will open on Wednesday 9th September, 2020. This survey gives the school important information on the programs that are of benefit to the students, as well as providing valuable constructive feedback on ideas to make our school even better. Last year the number of parent responses was at a record high which was fantastic. We would love to better this again in 2020 and as such, we will be rewarding the classes in our school who achieve the highest parent response rate! Please keep an eye out for the link next week. Your help with this is greatly appreciated.
Have a great week everyone,
Matt Barr