
27 July 2022

Year 9 - Time and Space Father-Child Event - Reminder

From the Heads of College and Grammar

On Tuesday 16 August 2022, 6.15pm we will be holding a ‘Time & Space Father-Child event’. This innovative single evening program provides an opportunity for our Year 9 students and their fathers (or male mentors) to connect and reflect on the joys and challenges of this time in their lives. In Term 2, we held a Mother-Child event for Year 7 and the feedback was very positive. This event is a wonderful way to deepen connections with your child.

If you have not yet registered your attendance, please click  here.  Follow the prompts and click submit at the end. You will then receive a confirmation email from Time & Space. You will be asked to bring a 'treasure' in the confirmation email. The students do the same and we will brief them about this at school.

Please see the attached flyer for further information.


K-6 Parent/Teacher Interviews - Reminder

The K-6 Parent/Teacher interviews will be held at various times in the morning and afternoon during Weeks 3 and 4 of Term 3 from Monday 1 August to Friday 12 August in the Junior School classrooms and via Zoom. These interviews are an essential part of the feedback process, and it is strongly encouraged that all parents make a booking. Bookings are open until Friday 29 July 3.30pm.

An email was sent to all parents at the end of last week with instructions on how to book - go to and enter the code contained within the email. If you did not receive the email please contact Reception on 

Update Information in TASS Parent Lounge

Parents and Guardians are reminded to please update details in the TASS Parent Lounge if they have changed. This can include any of the following:

  • Address and Contact Information
  • Relationships
  • Health Information
  • Asthma History
  • Medical Condition – Anaphylaxis
  • Immunisation Record
  • Known Medical Conditions, Sight or Hearing Difficulties
  • Known Allergies
  • Dietary Needs
  • Prescription Medications
  • Authorised Medication
  • Health fund information
  • Medicare expiry

If you require further assistance please contact Reception.

Mathematics Problem of the Week - Solutions


Green Solution: 9 Coins

Red Solution:  Figure (D)


Mathematics Study Centre Update

Please Note: the Mathematics Study Centre days are now Monday (previously Tuesday) and Thursday. 

Mrs Rouse and Mrs Tristram (respectively) offer their support from 3.30 to 4.20pm in the school Library. This provides an opportunity for students to work with our staff to address any concerns or problems with their mathematics.

Years 11 and 12 - Senior Study Centre

This is a reminder that Mondays to Thursdays we have two Secondary Staff members in Rooms W12 and W13 supervising the Senior Study Centre for Years 11 and 12 students between 3.30 and 6.30pm.

Year 11 and 12 students seeking extra help or just a controlled and quiet study space should utilise this resource.

Library Reminder

All books borrowed during Terms 1 and 2 are now due back to the library. Please ensure they are returned or renewed no later than this Friday 29 July, 2022. Anything outstanding by this date will be charged to your account. These charges are non-refundable.

Thank you, The Library Staff

Duke of Edinburgh Awards Program

The Duke of Edinburgh International Awards programs are available to all students 14 years and over.

Each activity is self-organised by the joining participants and the tracking of the progress is monitored by Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader Sarah Fonso:

If you wish to find out more information or to register, please visit

Duke of Edinburgh support sessions are held every Thursday Lunch in SG3.

PHPA Clothing Pool (Second Hand Uniforms)


The Clothing Pool is run by volunteers.  The funds raised go directly back to the school.  If you would like to volunteer in the Clothing Pool please email  We need volunteers to be able to provide this service to the school community so any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • The Clothing Pool is open Monday 12:45pm – 1:30pm, Tuesday 8:30am – 10:00am and Thursday 2:00pm – 3:15pm. 
  • Appointments are essential.  Please use this link to book an appointment Book Online
  • Only book an appointment if you would like to purchase clothes, not to drop off clothes to sell.

Selling Uniforms

If you would like to drop off clothes please do not book an appointment.  Please complete this 2nd hand clothing form, which is found at the bottom of the page, and drop to the Clothing Pool during opening times.


Donations do not require a form.  Please drop off during opening hours.


You may park in a visitor parking spot if there is one available.  If no visitor parking spots are available, please park on the surrounding streets.  Please do not park in an ECC spot.

Canteen Winter Menu - Terms 2 and 3

Click 'Download' to view Canteen Winter Menu

Term Dates 2022 - 2023

Click 'Download' to View Term Dates

2022 Pittwater House Calendar

Click 'Download' to view Pittwater House Calendar