WELCOME BACK! I hope families had a wonderful holiday period. It has been a really settled start to Term 2 with staff and students focused on quality teaching and learning in Literacy and Numeracy and our whole-school Connected Curriculum: Our Big Backyard. Some parts of this terms teaching and learning involves students being active and getting outside to learn about living things; maintaining and planting in our school gardens; understanding different cultures and perspectives; and a focus on STEAM through designing concepts for the ATSI gardens as the next phase of our nature play yard development. Our Nature Play Committee will soon meet to plan the development of this space, incorporating many family and student ideas. Many year levels have exciting excursions and incursions planned for term 2 and these give children the opportunity to experience real-life, purposeful learning connections in our world. Bike-Ed will commence for key year levels and students will learn vital safety skills. Our school has recently trained staff in the ‘Way2Go’ initiative which aims to improve our students as active citizens. Class teachers will be sending home a termly overview that details each units/classes key learning for the term and gives you an insight into things you can reinforce, practice and discuss with your child/ren.
Enjoy your weekend and stay warm.
Kind regards
Carol Press