St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Wandal Newsletter

15 March 2023

From the Principal

As the end of the term is closing in, life is certainly not slowing down around school. Our Year Three and Five students are participating in NAPLAN this week. Next week we are celebrating St Joseph with a whole school mass, hosting Parent Teacher interviews and then we will round out the term with a huge week of activities for week 10. The culminating week features Holy Week Prayer Celebrations, Festival of Excellence, Mass of the Oils and the Colour Run. Take some time to have a look at all the events on offer.

We look forward to welcoming you to our community to share the faith life, reflect on students' progress, celebrate the academic and physical successes and share in the great works that we have encountered for the start of 2023.

Have a great week and see you around the grounds soon

Bernadette Brennan

From the Assistant Principal: Religious Education (APRE)

Rheanna Starr

Gospel Reflection

The woman at the well did not ask Jesus for a favour. Jesus asked her for a favour. She had the bucket. He wanted a drink. She is a Samaritan and a woman – both characteristics a Jewish man was raised to look down on. Yet, she dares to question and argue with Jesus. As rugged as she is, she recognises what is special in Jesus and wants the living water he is talking about. She is so convinced he is the Messiah that she leaves her bucket behind as she runs off to tell others the good news. She won Jesus so many followers that he stayed with them for two days. She is a weed, a flower and a rebel, all rolled into one.

Do you know anyone like the Samaritan woman – someone who seems so unholy and so holy at the same time? someone hard to figure out? Do you feel like that sometimes? Why or why not?

What is happening in Year Three Religious Education

During Religion lessons in Year 3 this term, we have been learning about the Old Testament of the Bible and God’s relationship with other people. We have explored how God had special relationships with people like Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, and Jacob. We have learned that God made covenants or special promises with these people and asked them to trust in His plan. It has been interesting learning about these people in the Old Testament. 

Here are what some students in 3 White wanted to share about their learning: 

Sophie: God never breaks his promises.

Grace: Abraham had a covenant with God and promised as many descendants as the stars in the sky.

Graham: I enjoyed learning about Abraham and Sarah and how God promised them a child.

Summer: God’s plan with Abraham’s descendants went on and on through the generations – until Jesus.

Ethan: I learned that Jacob had a dream about angels on a ladder and God was speaking to Him.

Archer: I learnt that God had a special relationship with different people in the Old Testament.

Luke: I thought it was interesting that Jacob had a brother named Esau.

Felix: God’s special promises with people are called covenants.

Year 3 White Prayer Celebration

Please join Year 3 in the Under covered Area at 8.35 am this Friday.  Year Three White will lead prayer focusing on who Catholics believe the Messiah is, based on what the prophets (messengers of God) foretold to the people. Catholics believe that the Messiah is Jesus Christ. 

St Joseph’s Feast Day

St Joseph is an excellent model for young men and women today. He had a deep faith and trusted in God’s plan for his life, even though he didn’t know its deepest purpose.

Saint Joseph was a just man, a tireless worker, the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care. May he always guard, protect and enlighten families.

Pope John Paul 11

To acknowledge the Feast Day of our Patron Saint, St Joseph, a whole school Mass will be held in our Hall at 10am on Monday 20 March.

Year 2 Gold will lead prayer in the Hall on Monday 20 March at 2.30 pm to celebrate the Feast Day of St Joseph.

Lunchtime Disco

Year 1 wishes to thank everyone who donated money and attended their lunchtime disco. Thank you also to the Year 6 students who assisted us by organizing games for everyone to play.

We are very proud to announce that we raised $185.20.

It was a great learning experience for Year 1 students to learn that even little people can make a difference in the world.

Holy Week Prayer Celebrations

Holy Week commences with Palm Sunday on the 2 April. We remember and re-enact the events which occur for and to Jesus in the approach to celebrating the most important feast for the Christian faith – the rising to a new life of Jesus at Easter.  Each class will remember and present a prayer reflection of Jesus during Holy Week. This will be presented in the order of events that occurred historically. Parents are invited to attend the presentation of their child/children’s class/classes.


Prep and Year 3               Palm Sunday                                                 8.35 am Friday 24 March

Year 1 and Year 4            Last Supper                                                   2:30pm Wednesday 29 March

Year 2                                    Jesus Prays in the Garden                     8:35am Thursday 30 March

Year 5                                     Crucifixion                                                     8.35 am Friday 31 March

Year 6                                     Resurrection                                                 2 pm Monday 17 April  



From the Assistant Principal Curriculum - APC

Janette McLennan

Festival of Excellence: 28-29 March.

Save the date for our 2023 learning festival.  Join with us for two days of fun and learning.  We are currently seeking help from you.  What skills do you have that you could share?  It would be fabulous to see some community run sessions as well as the wonderful ones presented by our amazing teachers.  The theme is ‘Festival of Excellence’ so basically anything would fit.  Contact your class teacher to discuss your amazing ideas.

Naplan 2023


Term 2 Young Engineers


Rockhampton District Trials


Job Opportunity: Caritas Australia Diocesan Director for Rockhampton

Caritas Australia is seeking a passionate Diocesan Director for the Rockhampton Diocese. This paid role is appointed by Caritas Australia in conjunction with the Bishop of Rockhampton and promotes the work of Caritas Australia through fundraising, advocacy and relationships with schools and parishes.

The role is flexible, working 1 day/7.6 hours per week on average across the year and involves engaging with communities across the Rockhampton Diocese, supporting Caritas Australia appeals and coordinating volunteers.


Duties include:

·         Coordinating Project Compassion including the Diocesan Project Compassion Launch

·         Providing a communications pathway between Caritas and the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton parishes and schools

·         General administration tasks


For more information, including a copy of the role description and overview, contact the HR Manager on 4887 3090. To apply for the position, submit your resume and cover letter to Diocesan employees are encouraged to apply