Wooli Public School Newsletter

W E E K 3, Term 1 - 13 February 2020

Fires to Floods

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation over the past week with the disruption to our school routine.  It has been great to get this desperately needed rain, the inconvenience is a small price to pay.

We will be keeping you up-to-date on Facebook and Skoolbag with any further changes during this  weather event.  Please pass on this  information to families who don't have access to these social media platforms.

We look forward to getting back to our usual routine very soon.

Small Schools Swimming Carnival tomorrow 14 February 2020

The Small School's Swimming Carnival is definitely going ahead as scheduled tomorrow.  Congratulations to the following students  selected to compete for our school, Phoebe, Lucy, Evie, Liela, Nina, Jasmine, Ella, Hayley, Milo, Rhyd, Ryan, Gabriel, Ty, Logan & Talyn. Good luck to you all and thank you for taking the time to proudly represent Wooli Public School in this friendly competition with the Clarence Community of Small Schools.  Mrs Parnell will be at the carnival to support our team.   Times from the last carnival have been sent through to the carnival organisers.  If your child is not able to attend the carnival due to flooding, their times will be used to determine if they qualify for the next carnival.  We will send out notices on Facebook and Skoolbag if there are any changes.

Emergency Contact & General Permission Forms

Emergency Contact, General Permission and Permission to publish forms were sent home last week.  These forms need to be completed and returned to the school as soon as possible.  The Emergency contact form is kept in a folder for quick access to student contact details and needs to be completed for each child.  If you change any of your details during the year, please make sure you let us know so that we can keep our records current.

On the reverse side of this form you are asked to sign the permission notes.  Please contact the school if you have any questions.


Online application for Bus Pass

Just a reminder to our kinder parents, if you intend to send your child on the school bus, you are required to apply online for a bus pass.  Please see the attached notice for further information.

Working Bee - School Garden - Parent Helpers needed

Our garden working bee is set for this Saturday 15 February 2020 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, weather permitting.  Please let the school know as soon as possible if you are able to spare a couple of hours.  Please bring along a spade, gloves and lots of enthusiasm.  

Scripture begins on 28 February 2020

Scripture will begin again on Friday 28 February 2020.  All students will attend unless we receive written notice of withdrawal.  Please indicate your intention on the back of the school Emergency Contact form.


  • 14 February 2020 - Small Schools Swimming Carnival - Grafton
  • 15 February 2020 - Working Bee - School Garden 9:30am- 11:30am
  • 20 February 2020 - Clarence District Swimming Carnival
  • 7 April 2020  - Small Schools Cross Country