WPS Community eNewsletter

Create Inspire Succeed

2022 eNewsletter | Term 4 week 5


Merit Awards

KP- Logan McC, Cianna B, Oakley T, Simo P.  KL- Rylie T, Roxy S-E, Jaxson C, Malakai U, Hannah L.  KW- Cruize C-McG, Rhylan M, Chloe C, Patrick J.  1B- Ezra A, Ryder J, Bodhi L, Harper-Rose L.  1S- Logan G, Cianna W, Amelia J, Opetaia S. 1/2K- Izaak B, Madelyn S, Remmi R, Juliette A.  2M- Melody L, Mila A, Ariannah C, Fraizzier V.  3N- Kody V, Brayden S, Flynn M, Tilly W, Levi R, Lyla H.  3M- Zac B, Jack B, Kelsy D-L.  4H- Deejay H, Caleb S, Kiah B, Joshua-Joseph M, Peyton F, Piper R.  4P- Harrison S, Kiah W-H, Mohi C, Amber O`D.  5B- Noah H, Jay A, Lyndan P, Kortina J, Connor W.  5F- Shakira C, Cooper R, Harper S, Annabella K.  5H- Jasper K, Tamsyn J, Errol P.  5/6S- Olivia F, Kaidan R-B, Preston G, Blayde P, Mia D, Justin A.  6C- Lakai B, Eziekial B-N, Tyler G, Joshua M. 6T- Sebastian F, Tamara M, Jason B, Mason U, Kamryn F, Lilly B. K6O-  Mark J. 

Principal Awards

1/2K- Mikayla H. 3M-  Aniqa J.  4H-  Hannah W. 

Avatar Awards

5/6S- Jack W.

Click the button above to view our school calendar. PLEASE NOTE: All dates are subject to late change. Also please be aware of payment dates on permission notes, as no late payments will be accepted.

Other News

Oliver Jepson

As some of the school community may be aware, Oliver affectionately known as Olli from 1B is unwell and receiving intensive medical treatment for a rare cancer, Rhabdomysarcoma at Westmead Children’s Hospital.

Olli is being supported during this extremely difficult time by his family, Miss Bulmer his teacher and 1B, medical personnel and the school. Our aim is support him to stay connected with Wyong Public School during his treatment.

As part of this process our school we will be organising a fundraiser to support the family. We will notify everyone with more information on the fundraiser and when this will occur over the next couple of weeks. Any money raised will be going directly to the family.

In the meantime, if you would like to donate to the ‘Go Fund Me’ Ollie Bear page set up for Olli, please follow the link below:


Stage 1 Assistant Principal

Anne Stretton


On Monday October 17th, we held our Term 3 Positive Reinforcer Day. This day was postponed to Term 4 as it was originally planned on Thursday in Week 10 before the Public Holiday was announced. 

Each week, students have the opportunity to earn 3 stamps by

Having 100% attendance or 100% explained absences

Receiving no minor and major incidents (and)

For receiving 3 or more Wyong Winner Tokens

The number of stamps students had at the end of term allowed them to choose which activity they wanted to participate in. At this Reinforcer Day, students could choose from colouring/drawing, play equipment, disco, movie and popcorn or Inflatables which were inclusive of biscuit decorating and technology.

Students have given positive feedback about the day and are looking forward to earning stamps this term to achieve their desired activity. 


In addition to our Positive Reinforcer Day, Mr Borrow has invited any student who earned 23 or more stamps to a Pizza Lunch! These students have been given special invitations to this event which will be held next Monday 31st October. A friendly reminder to those students to return their RSVP slips to the front office as soon as possible. 


Students have the opportunity each week to earn Wyong Winners for showing respect, responsibility and excellence in the playground and while transitioning to and from class. Every Friday after recess, all classes bring their Wyong Winner tubs to assembly and 1 ticket is drawn each class and these students are able to pick a prize from the Prize Box. This fortnight’s winners are

KP- Louise. H, Shirley-Grace. P, KL-Thea. D, Thea. D, KW- Kobee. L, Azaryah. C, 1S- Adam. B, Raife. S 1B- Mackenzie. F, Jamie. P 1/2K-Brock. S, Juliette. A 2M- Melody. L, Archie. S 3Mac- Nazar. N, Kelsey. D-L 3N- Amy. H, Ally. L 4H- Lucas. Q, Kingston. P 4P- Ella-Rose. W, Kyah. D-L 5H- Maddison. W, Ayden. R 5B- Dylan. L, Mason. A 5F- Jasmine. C, Lachlan. H 5/6S- Olivia. F , Tyenan. R 6T- Izac. C, Tamara. M 6C- Nina. M, Maika. B Support Units- Emily. M (K/6M)

Aboriginal Dance Workshop

Support Unit- Surf Education Day

Halloween in the iCentre.

Remembrance Day in the iCentre

Preschool Students Visit

Year 5 Student Leadership Day

On Thursday 13th October, all year 5 students participated in our annual Leadership Day. Students spent the day engaging in motivational talks and activities, which display the skills and qualities required to be a great leader. It was wonderful to see so many students display our school values and excitement as they begin their journey to become student leaders of WPS in 2023. Thank you to all teachers who assisted throughout the day to make it as successful as it was.

Public Speaking

Congratulations must go to all the students who reached the Berkeley Vale Zone Final of the Central Coast Public Speaking Competition at the end of Term 3. It was wonderful to have our 8 finalists compete at this level as it has been a while due to Covid restrictions.

Our Wyong finalists were Ellyse, Olivia, Scarlet, Lyla, Audrey, Fraizzier, Marcus and Oakley. All these students should be congratulated for their hard work in the competition. 

Wyong competed exceptionally well on the day and Lyla, Audrey, Marcus and Oakley went on to represent Wyong Public School at the Central Coast Grand Final at Somersby Public School in Week 1 this term. This final had the best 2 finalists from each stage from each zone competition. These students presented fabulous speeches and should be congratulated. Audrey won the Grand Final for S1, Oakley was runner up and Marcus came third in the ES1 Grand Final. Congratulations to our students on a wonderful achievement. Wyong has some talent in public speaking and to have 4 students reach the grand final is an incredible accomplishment. 

A big thank you to Mrs Whitehouse for providing valuable feedback to teachers and students as an adjudicator in the school finals to support our talented students at the next level.

Mrs Jo Freers Public Speaking Coordinator

Uniform Shop Update

Need new uniforms for 2023?  Beat the January rush!

Now is the perfect time to buy, with all stock available in all sizes.

Please note that a new price list will be in effect from 1 January 2023.  This is due to increased costs from our suppliers.

Be assured that as our school uniform store is run by P&C volunteers (so there are no staffing cost overheads) prices will remain very competitive for excellent quality merchandise.

The uniform store is open for face to face sales every Friday morning 8.30-9.15am, or you can pay by direct deposit and leave your order form in the office every day (for filling on Fridays).

January 2023 opening times will be published shortly.


Friends of Wyong Public


Top Advice

Cancer Council Healthy Lunchbox

For a one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about healthy lunch boxes visit our website healthylunchbox.com.au

Central Coast Health

 We have a NEW webpage for Kids and Families which we update each fortnight with news/ information about current health and wellbeing matters.

To access this page , click on the link below.   
