Water Tower
Last year Canada Bay Council approved the construction of a child care centre on the site of the current water tower.Preliminary works are taking place by Avcon Projects P/L with construction due to start in around 6 months. The child care centre will incorporate the water tower and include underground parking.
Thank you for agreeing to the use of communication with you via Seesaw which has commenced for child's class this week. Our school's Seesaw (and Google classroom) guidelines can be found at the button below.
Sports House Names
Last year the school executive and staff, student representative council (SRC) , P&C and our Reconciliation Action Plan committee discussed and supported moving to more contemporary sports house names than the current names of Cook, Macarthur, Phillip and Farrer. We plan to select names that will help the school community connect with the local history and traditional owners of the land. Students have nominated house names that will be considered this term in readiness for our next school sports carnival.
Student Voice
This week Kindergarten students let me know what they like about 'big school'. Jarah said “I like learning! I like doing art and I like playing with playdough. It’s fun doing Valentine’s Day card for my parents.”
Maya said, “I like playing with Ashleigh and I like playing in the Forest. I like playing with the dice.”
Quinn said, "I like playing chasing and I like playing on the equipment outside. I like doing ‘craftings’. I like drawing and spell Mum and drawing flowers.” Life is good in Kindergarten!
Thank you to every kindy parent who attended the parent information evening this week. If you were unable to attend, please see the slide presentation attached below.
School / Home Communication
Informed communication between the school and parents and carers is such an important component in the partnership of educating our children. In addition to the Parent Information Sessions, our school has a number of ways to ensure parents/carers receive information about their child’s education and the school happenings.
These include the following:
- School Newsletter is published on Fridays each week via your preferred email address.
- School Alerts are sent to your mobile phone via Skoolbag.
School Website found at
https://drummoyne-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/- Seasaw and google classroom are great ways to communicate with families about what your child is doing in class. This has begun this week.
- Parent Teacher Interviews (end of term 1)
School Community Charter
The NSW Government and Department of Education has provided all public school communities with the School Community Charter. The Charter outlines the expectations and responsibilities of parents, carers, educators and school staff to ensure our school learning environments are collaborative, supportive and cohesive. The Charter highlights respectful communication and that unacceptable behaviour towards school staff or by staff such as rudeness is not tolerated. A copy of the Charter is attached below.
Articles by Parenting Educators
In the newsletter this year, we will include articles by parenting educators like Dr Michelle Garnett, Dr Justin Coulson, Lucy Snowball and Michael Grose. The articles are designed to support families in raising happy and resilient children and be a catalyst for parenting conversations.
Please let us know if you find the articles of value and any topics you would like covered.
Scripture and Ethics Classes
Our Scripture and Ethics Classes will commence next week on Friday 24th February. Our classes include: Ethics, Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Protestant and Non Scripture.
We would like to thank all of our volunteer teachers who will present the lessons this year.
School Swimming Carnival
On Thursday we enjoyed a wonderful annual swimming carnival at Drummoyne Swim Centre. Our swimming carnival has always been a celebration of students, staff and parents and the Drummoyne community coming together to enjoy the efforts and achievements of our young swimmers.
Special thanks to the Stage 3 teachers, particularly Leah Pegler and Amanda Champion, who organised the carnival for us and to our parent volunteers namely: Emma Sutherland, Alex Barisic, Brendhan Barry, Claire Mitchell and Gillian Worden.