St Bernadette's Primary School Dundas Valley

Newsletter 2022 Term 4 Week 6


Dear Families of St Bernadette's

Since our last newsletter we have had our annual school disco, our last Kindergarten orientation day and celebrated Mr Greg Whitby’s farewell mass. 

I would like to personally thank our Year 3 parents for organising such a fun night and our DJ Louie for the wicked tunes! We were even lucky enough to have a visit from Marshmallow.

Our new Kindergarten students settled in beautifully and they had an awesome time with their buddies.

On Wednesday we celebrated Mass at the Cathedral for Mr Greg Whitby, director of CEDP. He has decided to retire after many years dedicating his life to Catholic education. We were represented by a number of our stage 3 students together with Mrs Brooker, Mrs Willard and myself. It was a lovely way for all of the schools in Parramatta Diocese to come together to show their appreciation for his many years of service. 

As this term winds down, we are looking forward to the upcoming events. These include our last whole school Mass, Year 6 graduation and morning tea. We would love to see you at one of these events as we bring our first full year of classes for the past few years to a close. 

Stay well and take care, 

Love and Light

Lisa Gerrard


(on behalf of the St Bernadette’s staff & students)


As the term draws to a close, we find some students are becoming more easily frustrated with each other and this affects their interactions on the playground. I think it is important that as we get closer to the season of joy, that we are always reminding our students of the importance of using kind words.

Students often say things that they think others will find funny, but these words can be hurtful, especially when these things are about how someone looks, how they sound or things they enjoy. 

Kind words between classmates are so important as they build solid friendships. A few kind words can make a person's day and always brings a smile to our face. 

Maybe as an alternative to the usual “How was school today?”, you could try asking “What kind words did you use today?” or “How were you kind to someone today?”

“How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time” - Morgan Freeman

Have a wonderful week,

Jackie Willard

Assistant Principal


Sunday 20 Nov 2022


Lk 23:35-43

The people stayed there before the cross watching Jesus. As for the leaders, they jeered at him. ‘He saved others,’ they said, ‘let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One.’ The soldiers mocked him too, and when they approached to offer him vinegar they said, ‘If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.’ Above him there was an inscription: ‘This is the King of the Jews.’

One of the criminals hanging there abused him. ‘Are you not the Christ?’ he said. ‘Save yourself and us as well.’ But the other spoke up and rebuked him. ‘Have you no fear of God at all?’ he said. ‘You got the same sentence as he did, but in our case we deserved it: we are paying for what we did. But this man has done nothing wrong. Jesus,’ he said, ‘remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ ‘Indeed, I promise you,’ he replied, ‘today you will be with me in paradise.’

REFLECTION by Dianne Bergant CSA

This feast celebrates the power and authority of Christ by creating a collage of images that capture one or more characteristics of Christ’s kingship. Each image reinterprets the concept of king, investing it with new meaning. Gathered together they create a kind of litany that extols the kingship of Christ.

Shepherd and commander call to mind the care and protection that Christ lavishes on those who place themselves under his care. King of Israel is a sign of universal rule. Image of the Invisible God acclaims the divine origin of Christ and of the rule that he exercises over all. First born of all Creation places Christ over the entire created world. Source of all Created Things acknowledges both the sovereignty of Christ and his importance as the model after which all things were fashioned. Head of the Body, the Church underscores the intimacy and interrelationship that exist between Christ and all those who are joined to him through faith and baptism. Firstborn of the Dead not only acclaims Christ’s resurrection, but it also guarantees the resurrection of those who will follow him into death. Crucified King is clearly the image that reinterprets all other images.

The entire liturgical year is brought to completion in the last words of the gospel: ‘Today you will be with me in Paradise.’ These are the words that we all long to hear, words that are empty when coming from one who has no authority, but charged with power when spoken by the one who is king over us all.

Community Of Learners

Year 3 Religion Work

This term, stage 2 have been exploring Journeys. Our starting point was Mary’s journey from the Annunciation to Christmas. Year 3 participated in a peeling the fruit scripture activity to explore different pictures that represent passages from the bible. This is what we saw. . .

Year 4 Religion Work

Year 4 has been investigating the Annunciation. We noticed how this Scripture has parts of the Hail Mary and the Angelus in it. We looked at similarities and differences between Luke's gospel and the prayer. Here are some of our observations.

Mass Calendar



Week 6:

Friday, 18th November: Year 2 Canteen Day

Week 8:

Wednesday, 30th November: First Reconciliation 

Friday, 2nd December: Christmas Concert

Week 10:

Wednesday, 14th December: Year 6 Liturgy & Morning Tea

Thursday, 15th December: Last day of Term 4 for Students

Friday, 16th December: Staff Development day ( no students at school )

Week: 11:

Monday, 19th December: Staff Development Day ( no students at school )

Tuesday, 20th December: Staff Development Day ( no students at school )                                       

Term 1 2023 :

Week 1:

Friday, 27th January: Staff return 

Week 2:

Monday, 30th January:  Year 1 - 6 MAI testing (no classes on this day)

Tuesday, 31st January: Year 1 - 6 First day of classes

Tuesday, 31st January: Kindergarten MAI testing (no classes for Kindergarten)

Wednesday, 1st February: Kindergarten First Day

Creative Critters Holiday Activity

During the holidays students were invited to take part in a creative holiday activity. The source of inspiration for the task was World Smile Day. Well done to the students who took part in the activity and congratulations to Jayvis (Yr 1) and Chloe K (Yr 1) who received a prize for their artwork.

Swimming Carnival

Our swimming carnival took place on Friday, 4th November.  We were blessed with a  beautiful day and were very impressed with the newly refurbished Waves at Baulkham Hills. It was great to be able to come together for a swimming carnival after several interrupted years, as it was to have many parents come along to enjoy the day with us. Many thanks to the parent volunteers who helped with timing.

The day was enjoyed by all and there was a great spirit among the children as they cheered for their house colour, friends and classmates. Congratulations to MacKillop, which was the winning house on the day! Age champions will be announced at this Friday’s assembly.

Kindergarten 2023

Due to some of our Kindergarten students for 2023 moving house or accepting other offers, we still have a couple of spaces for next year. Please let us know if you have previously missed out on a place as we may now have a vacancy for you to enrol for 2023.

Canteen Day 18th November

Our last canteen day for 2022 will be this Friday 18th November. Don't miss out on all of the yummy Christmas food treats. Thanks to our Year 2 class parents for supporting this event.

Leaving School

Please notify our office as soon as possible, if you know that you may be leaving St Bernadette’s at the end of this year. As you know, you are required to give ten weeks notice if you are leaving. Please contact our office for a copy of a leaving form that must be completed.

We thank you for your ongoing support.


Attendance Rate: 67.6%  - To unpack this a little more, this means that 67.6%  of our students have an attendance rate of 90% -100%. 

Happy Birthday

Scarlett T -  08/11

Georgia - 09/11

Caleb - 12/11

Nolan - 19/11

Lachlan B - 20/11

Just a reminder that any treats sent in are kept to a minimum and individually portioned.

Clothing Pool

If you wish to purchase any items from our school clothing pool, please email the school office via . If the items are available, they will be sent home with your child. We are no longer able to have uniforms paid for via QKR! app, as unfortunately refunds aren't able to be processed if your required uniforms aren't available.  Therefore all payments need to be processed via EFTPOS only in the school office. 

Our Digital Sign

We would love to advertise events in our community so if you know of an upcoming event please email the details to

Don't forget to collect your Bread Tags!


Community Health Advice

St Bernadette's Primary School

St Bernadette's Primary, Dundas Valley is a community focused, Catholic parish school catering for boys and girls from Kindergarten to Year 6. The school strives to build a Christ-centred community where faith is integrated with daily life. We provide learning and teaching experiences which enable the children to deepen their faith understandings, investigate, solve problems and explore their learning. We recognise the importance of creating a learning environment that provides opportunities to develop 21st century learning. Technology is integrated into the learning at St Bernadette’s in all Key Learning Areas.