Blaxland Public School

Term 1 Week 8

Thought for the week

Important Dates

Term 1

Week 9

Monday 21 March

  • Harmony Day - wear orange or a tone of orange 

Wednesday 23 March

  • Sydney West Swimming Carnival

Thursday 24 March

  • NAPLAN Practice test

Week 10

Thursday 31 March

  • School Photo Day
  • Selective High School Test

Week 11

Tuesday 5th April

  • Parent Teacher Interviews

Thursday 7 April

  • Fancy Hat Parade
  • Easter Raffle

Friday 8 April

  • Last Day of Term 1

Permission Notes and Payments

The School’s preferred method of payment is online via the Blaxland Public School website.

For all notes sent home please see either the School Website or SkoolBag.

Message from Mrs Ellis

COVID Update

As you are aware, we have had an increase in positive COVID 19 cases this week. At school we continue to follow COVID safe practices, and we now have Air Purifiers in all classrooms and the sick bay. Staff and students are encouraged to continue to use the supplied RAT tests when a student or staff member presents with the mildest of symptoms. If a student or staff member tests positive to COVID 19, the positive result must be uploaded to the NSW Services App. Please read the latest attached information from the NSW Department of Education.

Parent Teacher Interviews

We will be holding parent teacher interviews on Tuesday 5th April 2022 from 3:30-6:30pm. Class teachers may also add additional times for their availability. This year we are moving the booking of parent teacher interviews online.  All parents will be receiving a link to complete a Google form for each of the children’s teachers on Tuesday 22nd March on Skoolbag after 4pm. Parents will be responsible for ensuring that they do not double book themselves for more than one teacher. On the Google form you will be required to complete your name, your child’s name and select a time that is available. Once you have booked your time slot it will not be available for others to book. I encourage all parents to book a time slot as soon as possible.

Dental Screening

This week, the NSW Health provided a comprehensive dental screener to 50% of the student population. Parents will receive information directly from NSW Health if further dental work is recommended.

Blaxland Public School will be recognising Harmony Day on Monday 21st March. Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.

Orange is the colour chosen to represent Harmony Week as it signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.

All students are asked to wear orange or a tone of orange in recognition that everyone belongs. We celebrate how all our differences make Australia a great place to live.

 2022 SRC Representatives

Congratulations to the following students who have been elected as their class SRC representative for 2022.  KE Wyatt, K/1C Charlotte, and Anderson, 2H, Cleo and Jackson, 3/4E, Manix and Chloe, 4/5E Niah and Luke and 5/6PS Dilan and Harley. The school leaders Anastasi, Rhys, Cooper, and Gabby are also members of the SRC. This year Mrs Cooke will be working with the SRC and we look forward to working with the SRC to continue to make Blaxland Public School a great place to learn. These students will receive their badges at the next K-6 Assembly on Monday afternoon.

 Fancy Hat Parade

This year we will be holding the annual Fancy Hat Parade on Thursday 7th April. Students and families can choose to make an Easter hat or create and wear any other fancy hat of their choice. The parade will begin on the basketball court at 10:15am. A note was sent home with each child at the beginning of this week.

 School Communication

Please remember to download the Skoolbag App and turn on your notifications so that you receive all information from the school. Please remember to check if you need to update the app to avoid missing out on information.

 School Photo Day

School Photo Day is Thursday 31st March, don’t forget to place your order online.

Class 5/6PS will need to be at school at 8:30am for their class photo and Year 6 photos due to the clash with the Selective High School Test. It is important that these students are at school by 8:30am, we will not be able to wait for latecomers.

2023 Selective High School Test

Unfortunately, due to the recent floods and COVID 19, the DoE postponed the Selective High School test until Thursday 31st March. The tests will take place at Blaxland Public School and will be administered by Mrs Palmer.

P&C News

We held our AGM in the last meeting and wish to thank all the wonderful members of the P&C for their hard work and commitment to our school and students in 2021. The amazing Narelle King will be stepping down as secretary and we wish to thank her for her years of amazing organisational skills. We are excited to have Clare O’Neill our president, Theresa McIntyre our vice president and James Sanders our treasure continuing in their roles and Ruth Bowron will be stepping into the role of secretary.

Our P&C meets monthly during the school term, at 7pm on the second Tuesday of the month. Our next meeting will be Tuesday the 10th May via zoom. It was so lovely to see some new faces join the last few meetings and we would love to have more members in our community join our P&C, so save he date!!

From our fundraising events last year, the P&C have donated $700 to the school, with some of the funds being used to paint the bathrooms doors gender-neutral with colourful inspirational phrases on them.

Scholastics book club catalogues went home this week and orders must be in by Friday 25 March. Please use “book club LOOP” on Every order earns FREE books and resources for our school.

Our annual easter raffle preparations are in full swing. Hopefully you have received your raffle ticket booklet and note about this fundraising event. If not, please contact the school office. All money raised will be going back into our school. Thank you to those who have already donated eggs to be made into hampers for our raffle. You can start to check out the hampers on display in the school office. Please leave your donated eggs, raffle ticket stubs and money at the office by Friday 1st April (week 10). The raffle will be drawn at school after the “fancy hat parade” on Thursday 7th April.

Planning is also underway for our annual Mother’s Day stall, which will be held in May. If you wish to volunteer with the stall please contact P&C on or via Blaxland Public School families Facebook page.

School Photography Day

Sibling Photos

Sibling photos can be ordered online and must be placed by midnight the night before photo day.

For any families unable to place their orders online or miss the midnight dead line a sibling photograph envelope can be collected from the front office.

Sibling orders will not be accepted after the day of photography.

PBL Fortnightly Focus

Be Safe, be respectful, be a learner

Week 9

We wait quietly for the teacher

We are patient and wait if a teacher is talking

We use the toilets promptly

We flush the toilets

We leave promptly when finished

Week 10

We stay out of Sports Shed unless under direct staff supervision

We use equipment properly

We pack equipment away to store

Student Awards - Term 1 Week 7

Silver Awards

  • Colten
  • June
  • Abby

Assistant Principal Awards

  • Zekiah
  • Ned
  • June
  • Harley
  • Sage

Awards for Attitude, Commitment and Effort Awards (ACE)

  • Will
  • Anderson
  • Angus
  • Wolfie

Merit Awards


  • Reece
  • Maisie


  • Edie
  • Charlotte


  • Maddy
  • Charlie


  • Isla 
  • Chase


  • Ivy
  • Levi


  • Leo 
  • Lewis

Year 6 - Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School

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