Newsletter - Term 1, Week 9

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,

What a busy but productive term we have had so far. It has been wonderful to be able to visit classrooms to witness the great learning that is happening. This week we began the week with Harmony Day, which is a day where all students can come to school in cultural dress and learn about the diverse cultures that make up the population of our school. Did you know, we have 21 different languages spoken by our families across our school? These language groups include families who speak English, Samoan, Tongan, Aboriginal English, Arabic, Dari, Urdu, Dinka, to name a few. It was wonderful to see the cultural dress, and also that students and teachers dressed in orange to celebrate cultural diversity. Kindness and respect to all is non-negotiable at Bidwill Public School and we work to educate our students on the need to respect the diversity that is our student population. 

Congratulations Mr Morris

We have recently undertaken merit selection to fill a vacant classroom teacher position.  Mr Stephen Morris was the successful applicant for the this position.  Congratulations Mr Morris, it is wonderful to now have you as a permanent part of the Bidwill team!

Acknoweldgement of Country

Our amazing Aboriginal Education Officer, Aunty Grace, has worked in classrooms in the last few weeks. Classes have been writing their own Ackowledgement of Country and learning about its importance and significance. Mr Morris, 1M and Aunty Grace were so proud to share their finished product with me when I visitied their classroom earlier this week. All classes will be working with their classroom teachers and Aunty Grace to write their class acknowledgement. 

Over the last week I have had the absolute pleasure of teaching each stage 3 class. Whilst their teachers have been on RFF, I have taken the classes for an art lesson, where we have explored shape, colour and pattern to create a design using the students’ own hands. It has been wonderful to witness the students’ creativity and also have the time to get to know each class and each of the students in each class. I look forward to teaching and working with more classes in the coming weeks. 

As we move closer to the end of the term, it continues to be vital that if your child is experiencing cold and flu like symptoms, that they are tested for COVID. We have Rapid Antigen Tests at school that are available for all families, so please contact the school if you should require any more Rapid Antigen Tests. We also ask parents and carers who have any symptoms to not come on school site. We thank you for working with us this term to ensure all our students, staff and families remain safe and well.

Ms Michelle Drage

Executive Principal

Bidwill PS

What's happening at Bidwill PS

In Lines, On Time, By Nine

Congratulations to our Bidwill Buddies who have demonstrated positive behaviour in the classroom and on the playground. Well done!

Harmony Day

Outdoor Kitchen and Garden

Support Classes

Ms Yard K/6Y


Early Stage 1

KC - Mrs Clancy

KL - Miss Lariosa

KN - Mrs Navaratnam Lena

K1S - Miss Schumacher

Stage 1

Year One Investigations

Stage 2

Stage 3

Placement in selective high schools for Year 7 entry in 2023 Information for applicants

Thinking of applying for a government selective high school for Year 7 in 2023? You must apply online at:



Western Sydney University

We are safe when we wear a hat

What does it mean to be sun safe?

·     Being sun safe means we understand that the sun can be harmful and a hat is a sensible way of protecting ourselves

·     Being sun safe means we develop the safe habit of wearing a hat at all times when outdoors regardless of how hot it is

·     Being sun safe means we make safe decisions about where to play, how to stay cool and how to make safe, healthy and protective choices.

Bring your water bottle to school

With Covid restrictions still in place, students are asked to bring a water bottle to school everyday. Students will be able to refill their bottle during the day.

Community News

Cancer Council - Healthy Lunch Box

Back to School Snack Solutions

On average children eat 2-3 snacks every day so it’s important to make them as healthy as possible. Download our Back to School Snack Solutions Guide for snacks that will power kids brains and fuel their muscles throughout the day.  

Nachos Day Tuesday 5th April