Macedon Primary School Newsletter

26 May 2021

School Values: Respect, Responsibility, Creativity, Integrity, Teamwork

Principal's Report

Dear parents,


We are keenly watching for updates on the latest COVID outbreak in Victoria and will send you any information that impacts the school via email when it comes to hand. 

Please see the letter I have attached to this email for further detail or contact the school directly if you have questions.

Below is a summary of the current restrictions that apply to us.

  • Children under 12 years of age and students at primary school are not required to wear face masks when at school, or when attending an OSHC program.
  • Teachers and education support staff are not required to wear face masks while teaching, but those who wish to do so, can.
  • Individuals aged 12 years and over (inclusive of staff, students, and visitors) must always carry a face mask – unless a lawful exception applies.
  • Face masks are mandatory for people aged 12 years and older on public transport and when in taxis or ride share vehicles or touring vehicles. This includes travelling to and from school on public transport.
  • Our staff who live in metropolitan Melbourne and work at Macedon PS are required to wear masks inside when they are not teaching or working with students.
  • Visitors and parents continue to be welcome at our school but must also observe face mask requirements. 


If you live in metropolitan Melbourne and you children attend school at Macedon PS.

·         Parents who live in metropolitan Melbourne and send their children to Macedon PS are still welcome onsite however they must wear a mask indoors.

Parents and Friends Association

Last night we held the first meeting of the new Parents and Friends (PFA) committee.  It was great to be able to establish a new PFA after the disruption to the year in 2020.  We have two new coordinators, Caitlin Marks and Briohny Lebbink, who are taking over from Melinda Rollinson.  I would like to thank Melinda for her support and leading the PFA over the last two years and I wish Caitlin and Briohny all the best with the role.  There was some genuine enthusiasm from the group and I look forward to working with them all to support our school.

Fiinally, some of our students represented the school at the Division cross country in Werribee. The picture above this report is of the  children who have been successful in going through to the next stage. Well Done!

Matt Forrest


Important Dates

28 May - Interschool soccer, selected students.

14 June - Queen's Birthday public holiday (school closed)

25 June - Last day of Term 2 (2:30 dismissal)


12 July - School Curriculum Day (no students)

13 July - First day of Term 3

7 September - Whole School Photo Day

17 September - Last day of Term 3 (2:30 dismissal)


5 October - First Day of Term 4

13 October - 15 October - Grade 3/4 Camp Weekaway

25 October - 29 October - Grade 5/6 Cape Bridgewater Camp

2 November - Melbourne Cup public holiday (school closed)

17 December - Last day of year (1:30pm dismissal)

Notes sent home

Yr 4 -6 - Attitude to school survey

Somers Camp questions (Selected students)

From the Office

Enrolments for 2021

We are now accepting new enrolments for Foundation students in 2022. If you have a child or know someone with a child that is wanting to enrol at Macedon Primary next year, please return your forms to the office. A link to the form is available here 2022 Enrolment Form

Spare Clothes

With the wet weather now upon us, please make sure your children have spare clothes in their bag. We have a small amount of clothing in the sick bay, however if your child gets wet, we cannot always fully re-clothe them. A spare pair of socks is highly recommended.

Lunch Orders

As you know we offer a lunch order service on a Friday through Red Door Cafe. Over the last few weeks we have seen a rise in the amount of children either missing items from their lunch orders or not receiving their lunches, this creates stress for the children and more work for the office staff.  If you could please read the following tips to make sure the lunch order process is as streamlined as possible:

- Please clearly mark your child's name and class on the lunch order bag.

- Please have correct change.

- If you have a large amount of coins, please make sure they are secure in the bag.

- If you are dropping in the lunch order directly at Red Door, please make sure you have told them the correct class of the child. 

- Please make sure you are ordering from the correct menu

Have a great week!

Julie  and Emma

Student Achievement Awards

These awards will be handed out at our Friday afternoon assembly. Our assembly takes place in the JCB (John Curtin Building) from 3:00pm on Friday afternoons. 

F/1TT - Matilda L - For working hard at all set tasks.

F/1MS - Beatrice B - For her outstanding independent writing.

1KH - Matilda C - For fantastic efforts with her reading.

1KH - Maggie S - For awesome work finding nouns in sentences.

1/2KB -  Maisie W - For enthusiastically participating in all class discussions.

1/2KB - Mila K - For always being a conscientious student.

2RG -  Marley V - For creating a fantastic math game!

4/5BT - Ava K - For letting her kindness shine through everyday!

4/5BT - Bryn G - For following the writing process and making great improvements to his draft.

4/5BT - Jasper C - For an excellent approach to his persuasive writing.

Got Ya Awards

Isabella M – Curtin – for being kind

Harper M – Curtin – for helping pack up

Roisin M – Curtin – for being a great leader

Verity M – Mitchell – for being super focused

Piano for the rotunda

Thank you to Shaun Evans and the team Ranges Music for renovating the piano. It is lovely to hear the children "twinkling the ivories".

Grade 4 Persuasive writing

Why We Should Eat Brainfood

 by Charlotte W 4/5BT

Surely you must agree that we should eat brainfood every day. It is yum and great for you. Why wouldn’t you want to be healthy? Your brain needs 20% of energy intake daily! Therefore, consuming leafy greens, nuts, dark fruit and vegetables, and fish would make you healthy.

We would be very unhealthy if we just ate snacks all day and never any fruit. Brainfood helps prevent blood vessels from viruses, infections and diseases. Brainfood helps thinking, memory and concentration.

We wouldn’t have any energy because we didn’t eat any brainfood. Brainfood enhances brain function, gives you energy and develops better memory. Brainfood makes you healthier. While other foods don’t do that. Bad foods make your mind sluggish and makes you have mood changes. These are some of the foods that do that: French fries, hot dogs, burgers, white rice, soft drink, caffeine and cheese in large quantities.

If we didn’t eat brainfood everyday we would get very hungry, grumpy and tired. If we get too tired we wouldn’t want to go to school and learn. Brainfood makes you happy and healthy, so eat brainfood everyday and you will be fine.

That’s why we should eat and enjoy brainfood every day! And remember why wouldn’t you want to be healthy?

Why you should eat brainfood everyday

By Harvey R 4/5BT

I strongly believe that you should eat brainfood every day so your brain stays healthy and active. Do you think you should eat brainfood every day?

Firstly, if you eat healthy brainfood everyday your brain will stay awake. Your brain will stay healthy if you eat brainfood. Your brain needs 20% of the food to keep it going. 

Secondly, if you don’t eat healthy brainfood your brain cells will fade away. If you do eat brainfood you should always eat fruit, vegetables or dairy. You shouldn’t eat chocolate, cupcakes or sweets.

Finally, if you do eat something healthy like a banana, apple, grapes or other fruits, you will have energy for outside. Bananas give you a lot of energy. Apples give you a bit of energy and the juice is like a drink of water.

That’s why you should eat brainfood everyday. 

Outside School Hours Care

Donations of Wool welcomed.

We have some Winter craft planned for the remainder of term. If you have any new, clean wool at home that you no longer need, we will gratefully accept it at OSHC. You can leave donations at the main office.

We are currently booked out on Monday afternoons, if you are looking for casual care please contact Vicki or the office to confirm there is a space available.

Our rates are: $15.00 for Before School Care (7:00am - 8:45am) and $22.00 for After School Care (3:30pm - 6:30pm). All you need to do is call the school 5426 1518 or email to book.  If the unexpected happens and a casual booking is required within 24 hours, please contact the school via phone, we cannot accept walk-ins after school.  Please note that enrolment forms need to be completed at least one business day before the first session of care.

Please pay through the school via Direct Deposit, using the following details (not BPay):

Account name: Macedon Primary School

BSB: 063-840

Account: 1003 4330

Vicki, Helen, Karen & Marie.

Parent Helpers back in the classroom

It had been lovely to welcome parent helpers back into the junior unit classrooms. If you would like to help out in the classrooms, you need a current valid Working With Children Check. You can apply online at

If you could also please sign in the visitors book and make sure the office have a copy of your card.

Middle Gully Update

The students from 3VW did a truly amazing job preparing the low lying garden beds near the wicking beds by digging out weeds, laying cardboard to prevent weed growth, mulching with barrow loads of chip bark, and planting kale. 

Winter Solstice Lanterns

The Winter Solstice is fast approaching! Our year 1 and 2 students will be making indigenous inspired lanterns during their Middle Gully sessions in readiness for the Winter Solstice lantern parade.

We are seeking donations of specific plastic bottles for use in supporting the student designs. Many bottles are too wide/narrow or too sculptured at the base to work for this project unfortunately.

If you have any 1.5L Community Co water bottles as pictured below (or something very similar in size and shape - about 9cm in diameter), then please drop your donations off at the tub in the school foyer.

The first lantern making session is tomorrow!

Thank You!

Thank you to Mount Macedon Realty and Macedon Ranges Signs for sponsoring our sign at the front of the school promoting new enrolments for next year. If you or someone you know wishes to enrol their child at Macedon Primary for foundation next year please contact the office for an enrolment form.

Community News

Macedon Primary School

Macedon Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri people as the traditional owners of the country upon which we learn and work. We recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community and pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.