Gatton State School

Term 3 2020 / No 9 30th July 2020

Gatton State School Newsletter

Gatton State School can trace its history down through two centuries and look back with pride at its contribution to education in the Lockyer Valley. Established in 1876 Gatton State School has a long and proud history in academic, sporting and cultural pursuits.

From the Principal's Desk

Thank you to everyone for your continued support this term ensuring we can provide a safe environment for everyone associated with our school and broader community.  I acknowledge the extraordinary events in recent weeks, globally & interstate, and I know we’re all working towards a complete return to our regular lifestyle in general. Please note the following sections of this newsletter: ‘continuing of adult distancing’ and ‘student drop off and pick up procedures.’ Again, my thanks for your on-going support.


Continuation of adult social distancing – 1.5 metres please!

Continuing from term two, we are not yet in a position to welcome back classroom volunteers or helpers within the school setting and limited entry to the school grounds will continue to be monitored as per last term. These measures are in place to ensure staff well-being as well as minimising the potential risk of adult transmission of the COVID infection in the wider community. Parents and carers are asked to not deliver students to classrooms of a morning or collect students of an afternoon and please remember all adults MUST maintain a minimum distance of 1.5m from one another.

The school website has detailed information on school procedures


Student Drop off and Pick Up Procedures.

Students are ready for learning, however certain practices remain in place to maintain a safe environment for everyone. We ask that all adults:

  • Maintain 1.5m physical distance from each other,

  • Refrain from congregating in and around areas such as school gates, carparks and outside classrooms – please, STOP, DROP and GO;

    Practise effective hand hygiene and cough/sneeze etiquette;

    Stay away from the school if unwell.

    Families are reminded that the drop off zone outside the school is for drop off only.  Adults who leave their car unattended or park there waiting for their child at 3pm face a traffic fine.  Police regularly patrol our school zone.




Behaviour of the Fortnight

“I will mind my language”

Nowadays it is normal to hear even very young children swear. It’s not only common to hear it on the streets and at home but on occasions it is being heard in the school grounds.  This increase in children using obscene language is due to a variety of factors, such as TV shows, older siblings swearing but moreover because it is simply becoming more normal and less taboo for many people. However, swearing is still widely considered inappropriate in professional situations and this includes in the classroom. Essentially, the purpose of school is to teach children how to be functioning human beings, both in the workplace and in their personal lives. 

As a PBL school, we are focusing on this behaviour closely and redirecting student’s language.

 Remember swearing at school is never okay.

When school-age children swear, it’s usually to express negative feelings. It’s often a response to something painful, upsetting or frustrating.  Children might also swear to fit in socially. They might be trying to be part of the group, or to stand out by being funny or adding shock value to their talk. Children might also be imitating others when they swear. 

What to do about swearing: immediate action

Speak to your child about their choice of words, rather than ignoring their behaviour. Your child might or might not fully understand a swear word’s meaning. However, school-age children do understand that words can hurt or offend others. Your reaction will influence whether your child swears again. Stay calm and explain clearly that the word your child used is not OK. You could also explain that the word might hurt other people’s feelings. This will go a long way towards preventing future swearing.  School-age children can develop a better understanding of the word by providing them with a short explanation.  If you think your child might have some understanding of the word, you can ask them to clarify it.  Then use general terms to explain why it’s inappropriate.

What to do about swearing: longer term

It’s a good idea for the adults in your home to discuss and agree on acceptable language, and discuss this with your child. If your family has rules about swearing, it’ll be easier to point out when your child is using unacceptable language.  Explain to your child that some words that are acceptable at home might not be acceptable at school or other settings.  Different places have different rules.  If you want your children to avoid swearing, you and the other adults in your home need model the desired behaviour.

Praise your child when you notice them dealing more appropriately with anger or frustration. For example, if your child tells you that a playmate was using swear words to tease him, praise your child for walking away from the situation and not using those words himself.  Be aware of what your child watches, listens to and plays with. That means supervising and checking the ratings on TV, movies and other multimedia and music. It’s also a good idea to have the TV, computers and other devices in a part of the house where you can easily see them.


Prep 2021


PREP 2021 – Enrol now

Do you have a child or know of anyone who is born between, July 1 2015 and June 30 2016?

Gatton State School is now accepting enrolments for Prep 2021. Please contact the office if you would like any further information or would like to make a time to meet with the Deputy Principal to talk about prep for your child next year. Enrolment forms and information packs are available now. We look forward to meeting you and your children to start their exciting school journey with us.

Chappy Ness Chats

Chappy Chats 

Have you ever wondered what a Chappy does or what use we are in a school?  The Department of Educations’ Role Statement says that a “state school chaplain is to provide social, emotional and spiritual support to students, staff and parents.  The role of the chaplain will reflect the specific needs of the students attending the school.” If you are wondering what ‘spiritual support’ means, the Role Statement describes it as “providing an additional dimension to the school’s care, guidance and support of students with spiritual/religious needs.”  I am happy to support each and every student at Gatton in whatever area they may need it.


Last year, chaplains on average, spent 47% of their time supporting children socially, emotionally and spiritually.  This is done by having individual conversations with the students or through running specific programs targeted at a topic (resilience, friendship or bullying for example). Programs are only run with parent consent, so keep an eye out for permission slips.  If your child wants to have a regular chat with me, this also needs to have parent/guardian consent – do you remember signing a form to say your children could talk to a chaplain? If you are unsure, please phone our lovely office ladies to confirm this.  The most often discussed topics are:

  • Friendship and peer issues

  • School behaviour

    Bullying (face-to-face and cyberbullying)

    Family breakdown/parental separation

    Mental health issues


Chaplains also contribute to the overall wellbeing strategies and educational goals of the school. Part of this wellbeing is providing breakfast club – this is running 3 days a week at the moment on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  Thank you to the parents who have given permission for your children to help out, I greatly appreciate that as it gives me a chance to get to know your children better too.

Chappies spend a further 17% of their time helping with educational support in the classrooms and 15% role modelling and mentoring.

I am available to talk to you if you need it too, as a Chappy is here for the whole school community – students, parents, staff and the greater community of Gatton.

Chappy Ness


Junior Athletics Carnival

Junior Athletics Carnival 2020    

Despite rain delaying our Senior Carnival, we were still able to hold our Junior Carnival as planned.

Junior school carnival: The carnival events were held on the top oval.  In the morning and middle sessions, the Prep to year 2 children competed in three track events including a sprint, relay and 200m races.  There were many close races during the morning with some possible champions of the future showing what they could do. A special thank you goes to the house captains, vice-captains and school captains who helped with marshalling throughout the entire event.  

Congratulations to the mighty Stars team who picked up the trophy at the end of the day.

Places: First: Stars, Second: Comets, Third: Meteors, Fourth: Planets.



Junior Athletics

Music Awards Term 2

Music Awards Term 2

In term 2, 6F won the senior music award for earning the most class dojo points during music lessons. We earned points for being the most organised and singing well. We got a silver trophy that our class was very proud of. It was announced at our Isee parade and we all started cheering.

The lower school music award winner was 2/3A.  They also got a trophy.

By Mady Crawford    

Music Awards

Student Council News

Genes for Jeans Day


This term the student council will be involved in two fundraisers.

The first event is Genes for Jeans Day. This will held next week on Friday the 7th of August. Bring a gold coin to wear your favourite Jeans, denim shorts or denim skirt with your school shirt on Friday. All money raised goes to the Children's Medical Research Institute and helps find cures for children's genetic diseases.


" Throw a sponge at a Teacher"

Our second event is “Throw a Sponge at a Teacher.” Students will be able to throw wet sponges at teachers who agree to participate. More information on this event will be provided in the coming weeks. All funds raised will go towards our cold water fountain project.

MW News

Here it is week three already. The past fortnight has been relatively uneventful. We have attended music and PE lessons, borrowed books from the library, practised writing, moved onto a money unit in maths and properties of materials in science. We’ve had a visit from Chappy Ness and we’ve visited Chappy Ness in her room. A new addition to our timetable is buddy reading with Mr Harris’ class. Thank you Mr Harris and 5H students. We are very excited, as reading is our second favourite classroom activity, cooking is our favourite.                    

Run for Fun Club

All students from Gatton State School are invited to come and join our ‘Run for Fun’ Club.   We can’t run the 100 Kilometre Club at the moment because of the Covid 19 virus so we are simply going to ‘Run for Fun.’  There is a serious side though, when we exercise we set our body and our brain up for learning.   We can sit and concentrate more calmly after exercise, so if we run before school we are ready to learn for the rest of the morning.   Let’s all get our bodies moving and warmed up and our brains working.  We will be running/walking on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 8.20 am.    See you there.    Mrs. Sykes (Year 3 Teacher)                       

Library News

A reminder that all overdue Library books need to be returned to Mrs Clark at the Library as soon as possible. If Library books are lost or damaged please speak to Mrs Clark.

P&C News


Last year the P&C applied for a grant to upgrade our school’s tuckshop facilities.  On behalf of the 2020 P&C committee, staff, parents, carers and students of Gatton State School we would like to congratulate them and say Thank you as the school has been given the funds to carry out this project.  The work is at this stage to be completed by mid-October 2020.  As our school tuckshop building belongs to the Education department all work and final decisions are made by the Education Department and school Principal.  Any questions or concerns can be emailed to

The next P&C meeting will be on Tuesday 18th August 2020 at 2pm in the School Hall Meeting Room. All are Welcome to attend. Please be aware that you will need to sign in and practice COVID-19 safety procedures.

All Agenda items need to be submitted by Friday 14th August. Only items on Agenda will be discussed. Agenda items can be sent to or handed to the staff in the office. 

Uniform Lay-by Forms are due back Friday 30th October 2020 for an optional end of year collection.

Please note that the boys shorts and Girls skorts are purchased from Best and Less and are offered as a service for our parents so will now be sold at purchase price.

Unfortunately, the tuckshop is unable to source an affordable winter Jacket or Pants, please feel free to source these items from other suppliers. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Pie Drive


Pie Drive Order Forms have been sent home with students.  We have estimated that if 200 families receive orders for at least 5 items the P&C will raise $1000 for the school. This is our target!

Remember order forms and money is due back no later than Wednesday 5th August.






Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8:45am – 1:30pm


Most menu items can now be purchased over the counter. To ensure your child gets their tuckshop order please write order on brown paper bag and place with payment in class tuckshop box.

Volunteers to help at Tuckshop are welcome.

Hot food




Chicken Nuggets or Chicken Chips




Snack Pie


Jelly Cup


Pizza (Cheese, Meatlovers, Ham & Pineapple)


Rice Crackers (GF)


Hot Dog (cheese extra $0.50)




Spaghetti Bolognaise


Assorted Chips (Doritos, Grain Waves, Twisties, Plain, Chicken, Salt &Vinegar, Cheese & Onion)


Sauce (Tom or BBQ)




Ice Blocks


Flavoured Milk (Choc, Vanilla)


Zooper Dooper


Glee (Trop Treat, Rock Raspberry, Bubble gum/Grape, Blackcurrant Burst)


Scooby Doo (Caramel, chocolate)


Waterford (Berry Oxidant, Mango Magic)




Poppers (Apple, Orange, Tropical)


Ice Cream Bucket (GF)










Volleyball Queensland